AMD to Intel: Your Giveaways SUCK

AMD to Intel: Your Giveaways SUCK

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AMD to Intel: Your Giveaways SUCK”.
Have you ever gotten a Christmas or a birthday gift that you wish you could get rid of well AMD is attempting to get a handful of folks to look at the shiny, new Intel CPU that they just won in the same way that they’d look at an Ugly reindeer sweater Intel recently gave away over eight thousand core i7 8086 processors to celebrate their fiftieth anniversary, but AMD is crashing the party by announcing that the first forty contest winners, who get in touch with them, will be able to trade in their core i7s. For a risin thread, ripper nineteen fifty x with 16 cores – that is ten more than the 8086, though it should be noted that the i7 single threaded performance still puts it ahead in many benchmarks. Nonetheless, it is a tantalizing proposition for content creators or just anyone who wants more course than their neighbors. So if you’re interested the offer opens on june 25th – and unsurprisingly is for us residents only but something that isn’t just for Americans is the two new services that YouTube opened up today. The video hosting giant is rolling out YouTube, music and YouTube premium, not just in the United States, but also Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and 11 European countries.

AMD to Intel: Your Giveaways SUCK

Youtube music is a full-fledged audio streaming service designed to compete with Spotify and Apple music, and they are touting its search feature that is supposedly more intelligent than what their competitors are. Providing as a selling point, even claiming that queries like that, hipster song, with the whistling will work thanks to machine learning or something music comes in a free ad-supported version and a paid version for $ 9.99 a month while premium. The other new offering includes YouTube music. As well as add, free video viewing and a number of YouTube’s original shows for $ 11.99 a month, so they haven’t talked that much about the original shows in the in the advertising materials, probably because most of them are very good.

A report from kid guru this morning mentioned that many users of a soos and a sirs new fancy – 4k 144 Hertz displays look rather blurry once they turn him up north of a hundred and twenty Hertz as it turns out. This is due to a technique called chroma subsampling, a form of image compression that is necessary because the DisplayPort 1.4 spec simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to support a 4k 144 Hertz signal without compression. Although a non-tech did report last month that chroma subsampling was being utilized by both monitors, many gamers are crying foul, because neither asus nor acer were particularly transparent about the issue instead pushing the 4k 144 angle in their marketing copy. I guess next time maybe they should screen it a little better and now it’s time for bit, quits brought to you by memory express whether you’re, a gamer business owner or literally anyone else memory Express, is your go-to destination in Canada for electronic products and services.

If it uses electricity, there’s a good chance that memory Express carries it Plus, with their uber price, beat guaranteed. They’Ll beat any authorized Canadian retailers price by 10 % of the difference, both in store and online, so check out the link below for all the details. Just don’t try to use uber price beat to get a ride to the airport or whatever.

AMD to Intel: Your Giveaways SUCK

That’S that’s, not what they do. Google Translate can be frustrating, but one inaccurate translation has one man counting his blessings after police in Kansas, pulled over a man who only spoke Spanish. The officer used, Google Translate to ask permission to search his car, but it came out in Spanish, as can I search for the car after the man said.

AMD to Intel: Your Giveaways SUCK

Yes, a large amount of cocaine and meth was found in the vehicle, but a judge threw out the drug evidence earlier this month. Ruling that the botched translation caused the drivers consent to be invalid ha makes me wonder like what, if he’d been caught a few years from now after Google VI, improves its AI Espanola speaking of being caught, Pokemon go has finally given players. The ability to trade Pokemon with other trainers. It comes with a few caveats, though you can’t trade unless you’re at level 10, and you can only trade with people you as friends and only when they’re within a hundred meters of you. Someone should tell the casuals over at the antec that this isn’t how it worked in the TV show. The iPhone 3GS is for some reason back on store shelves in South Korea.

The mobile phone carrier SK telling SK to link T link somehow found a huge cache of brand-new 3G s’s that it somehow didn’t get around to selling back in the day. They will cost you about forty four thousand one, each, which is not nearly as much as it sounds like that’s only about 40 American dollars for this unused piece of electronics history. Moving back stateside Foxconn has announced that it will base its North American headquarters in Milwaukee.

Not far from a factory that the company acquired, where it plans to employ 13,000 people to make displays just remember this, so you won’t have a heart attack next time you see made in the USA on the back of like a monitor or something and speaking of Foxes, the Fox networks are trying to jazz up commercial breaks in an age where everyone is getting used to streaming content without two minutes of ads by letting brands sponsor inspirational commercials focused on people who have overcome some illness or physical limitation and what they call brand Storytelling not quite sure how well this will go over, but it might be an improvement over watching a sales pitch for an embarrassing prescription hearing the story. If someone whose life was changed by an embarrassing question, what is the difference here? Alright, since I’ve got to go, take care of some embarrassing medications of my own wow, I can’t believe they wrote that in there. Ah, we are all out of time for today, so get subscribed. We’Ll see you right back here on Wednesday for a different day, if you’re over the International Dateline, I don’t know timezones, it’s a bear thing. .