Macbook with a CORE i9!

Macbook with a CORE i9!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Macbook with a CORE i9!”.
It’S your lucky day, Friday, the 13th and it’s gon na be full of your favorite thing. Tech nudes, oh yeah, baby, yes, Apple, remembered yesterday, that their computers are occasionally used by real professionals and refreshed their MacBook Pro line up with 8th gen processors, including up to a 6 core core i9 or Core i7 CPU. You can also now add a 4 terabyte SSD up to 32 gigs of DDR 4 ram. A whole eternity is possible if you put a little bit bigger battery in it and a Radeon 560 X.

If you want a Mac so too you’re billed at six thousand. Seven hundred US dollars that is ooh fancy. The new models have a third-generation butterfly keyboard that is quieter, but it still doesn’t fix its affinity for getting dust and crap stuck under the keys.

If you crap on your keyboard, although in fairness to Apple, any keyboard would probably break if you crapped on it Apple also works with black magic to design an even fancier external GPU enclosure, with an included Radeon 580 for $ 700. Apple’S Refresh could have been inspired by the fact that PC shipments actually increased this year. According to market analyst, firms, Gartner and IDC, with business and gaming machines leading the charge, it’s great to see Apple still wanting to claim the top spot, even if they only get there through sheer expensive nurse. Speaking of new Intel processors, the xeon e5 cpus were announced today targeted at entry-level workstations and replacing the e3 v6 processors. The 10 new coffee lake bass chips from the four core for thread: e 21, 24 to the 6 core 12 thread e 20, 180g. Apparently, sport a one point: three, six time: performance improvement over their predecessors.

The reception right now seems to be one of mild, confusion and annoyance, as the new chips aren’t, that much of an upgrade, they muddy the waters with a new naming scheme and they’re coming literally months after the desktop versions that are basically the same thing not to Mention that AMD has some pretty compelling alternatives, but hey new processors, lots of cool numbers and tables. To look at that’s exciting me and magically. It has announced they’re troubled, augmented reality, developer headset will begin shipping by September.

Macbook with a CORE i9!

They also showed off the hardware itself, along with some videos of the headset, supposedly in action, a demo showing a 3d character. Throwing objects at the user was pretty disappointing, given the levels of hype that the magic leap 1 has garnered with thought, both consumers and the investors, who have put a lot of money into this company also the headset, does not look like anything. You could wear as part of normal life. I mean not that I’m not judging what your light is. Maybe your life includes bad steampunk cosplay, which is fine. I wish that was cool. It’S time for super short info packs quickly brought to you today by private Internet access. Piaa is an easy-to-use VPN solution that gives you real privacy, not fake privacy. Like those frosted glass shower doors, I mean seriously, people can just open them up and see you naked.

Macbook with a CORE i9!

As I told you, it was gon na be tech. Nudes. Today, P IA has servers in 28 countries to help you get around Geel, blocking multiple options for strong encryption to keep your data out of the hands of snoops dns leak protection. To make sure your browsing, history remains in your hands only and even really a bear deterrent so for a secure browsing experience that works across a multitude of platforms.

Macbook with a CORE i9!

Go check out bia at the link below fujitsu, wants to join intel and making non-volatile Ram. So they’re working with Dell, Cisco and Kingston, that is quite the who’s who list on what they call an RAM using the world’s nerdiest material. That’S right, baby, it’s carbon! Nanotubes black fly is the newest flying car prototype to grace the Internet, it’s being developed by a Californian company, opener and being tested in Canada. That’S around here you’ll apparently be able to fly it without a pilot’s license, which of course, we think is a fabulous idea. New variants of the spectre processor vulnerability have been found dubbed Spectre, 1.1 and 1.2. I love engineers. Developers are working on mitigating possible damage, a new chrome build will protect against attacks but will use, and this is painful, ten percent more RAM. In the press. I mean we’re they just gon na roll out this patch anyway. Are they just black? Are they just blaming the bug for this who’s in chrome? It’S like a it’s like a memory vampire thirsts it thirsts for your megabytes, wear socks and said it doesn’t hot. It’S the curb: it’s not cool enough to wear socks and sandals want to play Pokemon go but think it’s a little too kitty. There’S a new AR game on the block The Walking Dead our world has just launched, so you can bump into people on the street while you’re both doing something that is way cooler. Speaking of cool India, it’s hot there, India has approved rules that completely ban any form of data blocking throttling and zero rating for most Internet services. After a net neutrality, movement started in part by opposition to Facebook’s free basics program which only offered access to approved site. Nice job, India, thank you, teach us your ways that is, with respect to net neutrality, not necessarily whatsapp mob murders and the hashtag wholesome gaming, PC giveaway, has launched on the PC, master-race subreddit. All you have to do is enter to comment know. All you have to do is comment to enter by posting, with a story of when you were a wholesome gamer, which will probably lead to people lying about nice things they did, which is decidedly not wholesome.

What the hell were they thinking life is pain. Okay. On that sunny note, this episode is now over, so listen to your feelings, search them. If you would, if you will like or dislike subscribe to tech for tech news three times a week and the same amount of times a week that I saw, I actually I do not shower three times a week, I’m more of a bath with candle, a kind Of guy yeah, I’m not ashamed of that. That’S right! .