PCs Making a Comeback!?

PCs Making a Comeback!?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “PCs Making a Comeback!?”.
If you’re, like me, you’ve, probably heard a lot of the doom and gloom from tech industry analysts about how the PC market is dying, but it looks like PC sales have actually ticked back upwards for the time being. Both IDC and Gartner are reporting that overall, sales of windows-based computers are up for the second quarter of 2018 compared to the same time. Last year, now we shouldn’t get too excited as the analyst firms note that the increase is largely due to businesses upgrading to Windows. 10 machines, in order to avoid snarky comments about still running Vista, really consumer pcs are still down except gaming. Pc’S. So give yourselves a pat on the back gamers here you’re helping huge corporations make even more money. A group of scientists in Norway are hoping to give batteries a huge upgrade they’ve recently developed a new material. They call silicon axe, the scientists replaced graphite, which is common in modern batteries, with silicon, as well as a mixture of other materials that prevent the silicon from expanding and exploding, which I think we can all agree would be bad. The new batteries can reportedly last up to five times longer than current tech and might even find applications outside of phones and tablets, as manufacturers of all electric vehicles are looking to increase the range of their cars without using really long extension cables, which I think we Again can agree is a really it’s a dumb idea. Silicon axe uber is rolling out some updates to make getting ferried from a to be a little easier. Specifically, the company hopes to eliminate riders having to stand around wondering where their chariot is so they’re.

PCs Making a Comeback!?

Taking a cue from Domino’s Pizza, if your driver doesn’t show up when you specify you’ll get a discount the next time, you need to take a ride, plus if you’ve ever had a frustrating call with your driver that keeps breaking up just as you’re trying to tell Them what you’re wearing, even though, in my opinion, if they didn’t ask that’s kind of TMI, adding a feature called spotlight which will turn your phone’s display a certain color. While you wait, the driver will be notified of the color as well. So all you have to do is hold up to your device for the driver to know it’s you. If you didn’t know that you’re, you that’s a whole separate issue. You should maybe see somebody and now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by private Internet access VPN. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use VPN solution that gives you real privacy, then look no farther than P ia. They’Ve got servers in 28 countries to help you get around geo, blocking multiple options for strong encryption that keep your data out of the hands of snoops, whether they be dogs or lions. Dns leak protection to make sure your browsing history remains in your hands only and even P ia mace, a built-in tracker and malware blocker so for a secure browsing experience that works across a multitude of platforms.

PCs Making a Comeback!?

Go check out bia at the link below a pair of US. Senators have asked the FTC to investigate exactly what smart TV manufacturers do with your data as many of them track viewing habits in ways that aren’t clear to the user. They’Ve even used TV channel watching history to determine viewers political views. I wonder what kinds of ads I’d get served if I just split my time equally between Fox News and MSNBC, because they’re kind of on opposite ends of the spectrum. This the UK is building the first space port in Scotland to be used not only for satellite launches but also private space travel. The UK space agency wants the facility up and running by the early 2020s, not long after it breaks it happens.

PCs Making a Comeback!?

So maybe the Brits are just looking for a way to really put some distance between themselves in the rest of Europe. They’D be in space, despite high-profile political wrangling, about keeping certain games out of the hands of children. A recent survey from childcare UK indicated that a whopping 86 % of parents don’t even look at the ratings when deciding what to allow their charges to play. I don’t know whether this says something about the usefulness of the ratings or the state of parenting.

Today, maybe a bit of both the last blockbuster stands. Stalwart in Bend Oregon as both of the remaining locations in Alaska have shut down. Fierce competition from streaming has all but killed its brick and mortar video rental business. But I will say that, unlike Netflix, I’m pretty sure that lone remaining blockbuster still sells popcorn, so there’s still hope yet and in case you didn’t set your calendar today is Amazon Prime day.

Unsurprisingly, Amazon is pushing its own echo fire and Kindle devices pretty hard, as well as offering slash prices on TVs, drones and smart home devices. Of course, there’s been some controversy as to whether Prime Day deals are actually all that good, but might be worth picking something up. If you need to feel the adrenaline rush, that comes with entering your credit card number, that’s it for today guys check back in with us on Wednesday for more tech news without the bitter aftertaste, this tech news usually have better oak as it’s like made of metal. You get more adrenaline the right deal, man, that’s a that’s a that’s a bleep, that’s a leap for a pun and you’ll get your adrenalin patient.

Now, let’s see that doesn’t work. .