2018 Macbook ALREADY Overheating?!

2018 Macbook ALREADY Overheating?!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “2018 Macbook ALREADY Overheating?!”.
Amazon Prime day may be over, but you can call me optimist because it’s a prime day for news about technology, no sooner did Apple launch a MacBook with an unlocked core i-96 core processor than tech. Nerds found a problem with it intrepid youtuber Dave. Lee has found that the core I nine macbook, performs worse than the core i7 version in many instances because of its extensive thermal throttling. In fact, while rendering a video, the CPU wasn’t even able to maintain its a base clock speed of 2.9 gigahertz only once mr. Lee put the laptop in the freezer did it render faster than the core i7.

Another prime example of Apple’s form over function, design, refusing to add more powerful cooling to it’s beautifully slimming device, so go watch Dave’s full video down below and hopefully they will fix this in the next model. Huh I’m just kidding. The European Commission has fine Google 4.3 for billion euros or 5 billion u.s. dollars, and that is no laughing matter hahaha for anti-competitive behavior.

Regarding the Android platform, I mean that is a lot of money, but then Google did make nine point: four billion dollars in the first quarter of 2018 alone, so they’re probably gon na get through this. The behavior in question involves Google requiring manufacturers to pre install apps like Google, search and Chrome in order to access the Google Play Store. You can make an Android variant without those apps, but you would lose access to the Play Store, which is what Amazon did with fire OS, which they run on their tablets. The Commission’s ruling means that Google may be forced to include the Google Play Store in Android weather device manufacturers and carriers – pre-installed, google, apps or not, but that might mean that google would need to charge for Android and that’s not a threat.

Europe. That’S a promise may be specula speculatively and USB type-c is: can it’s crusade against all other connectors, with the announcement of a new standard for VR, a big old gang of companies that always cooperate, including Nvidia valve and AMD? Also, Microsoft have announced their collaboration on a physical connector standard, known as virtual link. Right now, virtual link is just like a regular link, but it’s only in your mind.

No just kidding right now, VR headsets often have separate cables for power, video and audio, not to mention other data, so virtual link using USB C would combine all of those streams into one whether they want to or not. The standard is expected to show up on. Next-Gen, VR and augmented reality headsets, but not those from Sony or Intel.

They have not joined the virtual link club quite possibly because they think the name is terrible, but I mean like: have you got a better one? The de goggle cable headset Connect vr, troopers, really sweet yeah yeah it’s time to be honest and call them what they are bits that are fast brought to you by huni. Huni is a free browser extension that automatically finds the best coupons on the coupons or coupons. You buy your coupon guy great, I’m happy to hear that honey tests, millions of coupon codes for you, so you can save money without even trying they’ve partnered, with lots of online retailers like eBay and Newegg, to find you the best deals and they don’t sell your Personal information, which is more than we could say about a lot of companies, there’s literally no reason not to add honey to your browser. Today, it’s free takes just two clicks to install and can save you money with coupons, so go and join honey at honey. Calm, slash Linus or click the link below to add honey to your browser today on to the bits that aren’t fast, the Xbox too is coming ha just kidding. Microsoft doesn’t know how to count, but seriously they are bringing some kind of new Xbox hardware to Gamescom.

In Germany in August, maybe a psvr competitor, maybe another Kinect ha ha just kidding about that to a waterpark in earning Germany has opened VR slide, which is exactly what it sounds like a waterslide with built in via. Is this really a good idea? The headset is water-resistant but like maybe I’m being old-fashioned here, but what was wrong with regular? What isn’t that the point of a waterslide and if, if I wanted a VR waterslide experience, why wouldn’t I just sit in my chair wearing a VR headset and having somebody like splash water, and you know we should try that later. That sounds fun. Rolls-Royce is developing little swarms of robots to crawl inside engines and fix problems. Are they German because that seems like a German solution to a problem? You know what, instead of making it so that you can get the wrench on the nut? Why don’t we just make a new wrench they’re, aiming to make the BOTS as small as fifteen millimeters across and I’m sure you’ve already thought of the scenario where these things go: rogue and think that our bodies, our engines and go inside and try to fix stuff? But but bit, but they don’t fix it, they just make it worse way. Worse, GE has unveiled the smart, countertop microwave, which is a microwave but smart and goes on your counter bullet. Okay, regular microwaves can go on your countertop, but it, but the point is they can cook food after you scan the foods packaging with your phone, which I’m sure is so much easier than just kind of looking at about what mass of food you have, and I Think of all the free time we’re gon na have now for virtual waterslides and finally, Swiss researchers are working on a system that allows drone pilots to use their body to command the tiny aircrafts rather than a joystick. I can think of some parts of my body that could substitute for this finger.

2018 Macbook ALREADY Overheating?!

That’S right! What do you think participants were better able to complete flying challenges using the new system compared to traditional to traditional controls? So soon we can look stupid, doing things in real life, exactly the way that we do in VR and that’s it for tackling boys and girls. So if you didn’t know, this is a show about tech news, they know that they just sat through it. You probably shouldn’t yeah, I see the problem, you even knew they should. Why would you even put it in there like the video if you liked it, we post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, except when we’re gon na, be on vacation soon so subscribe to get your fix? Now I need to go.

2018 Macbook ALREADY Overheating?!

Get my fix. Aka Milan, Ireland. .