Push The Overclock Button! (It’s that Simple!)

Push The Overclock Button! (It's that Simple!)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Push The Overclock Button! (It’s that Simple!)”.
[ Laughter ], is it really tech news if it’s only news to technology from the news think about that Nvidia Tsar, TX 20 series graphics cards will hit shelves next week, but ray-tracing and dl SS aren’t the only tricks they’ll have up their sleeve. Nvidia has created a tool called Nvidia scanner, which will enable powerful automatic overclocking scanner isn’t an app but an API which developers can integrate into their own apps you’ll, apparently be able to simply push the test button. And after about 20 minutes of testing out various voltage and frequency settings, scanner will generate an overclocking profile that will get you the most stable performance from your graphics card. Invidious digital marketing director Tom Peterson, says most of the major overclocking programs will be implementing scanner, including EVGA, is precision x1 software among the programs. Refusing to include the tool is Apple’s iTunes they’ll do it later and they’ll.

Do it better for more money, Wow, liquid retina scanner Nintendo had another direct presentation where they announced another 18,000 things. But here are the highlights. Luigi’S Mansion 3 is a thing and is coming to switch a bunch of games, including Super Mario Bros Wii. You are getting remastered and ported to the switch with more coming to the 3ds. A Nintendo gave a short overview of how their online service is going to work and it’s a portal into an alternate universe where we haven’t already had better online plans from Xbox and PlayStation for 10 years.

Push The Overclock Button! (It's that Simple!)

Oh, you can buy Wireless nests style controllers for your switch to play. Nes games or NASA died. It’S shorter! That’S what I say. A ton of Final Fantasy games are coming to the switch Pokemon developer Game Freak is making another monster. Themed, RPG, called town Super Smash. Bros ultimate is getting a new player in Isabel, the adorable mayor’s assistant from Animal Crossing yeah. You are a fan. I wasn’t sure this is baffling to me. It doesn’t look like this character should be anywhere near any type of combat, but it’s exciting to Animal Crossing fans who have another reason to be excited because a new Animal Crossing is coming in 2019.

Push The Overclock Button! (It's that Simple!)

Very cool stuff. Nintendo keep up the good work, love you! So much I hey, maybe that’ll be a move. I think she’s supposed to be an Ecco fighter of yeah.

Push The Overclock Button! (It's that Simple!)

Hey it’s me and if you have Tripta phobia, that’s the possibly non-existent fear of many tiny holes, grouped together, good news, because there’s a number of new phones coming out that may confirm or deny the existence of said phobia. A leak of an upcoming nokia phone showed five cameras on the back, while LG just announced that on October third they’ll unveil their v40 thin queue, which apparently sports three cameras on the back and two on the front for a total of five and then their samsung. Who also just teased a galaxy event on October 11th as being four times the fun which many fans are taking to mean a phone with four cameras, so we might be getting some super powerful mobile shooters, which may also give their subjects a panic attack right before You press the shutter Instagram will now be full of pictures of disgusted and fearful people staring back at me like I don’t get enough of that in real life. James really, this is what he’s just smiling at me.

Speaking of real life, protect yourself, IRL and online, with private Internet access. The sponsor for today’s quick bits, if you’re looking for an easy to use VPN solution, gives you real privacy, like I’m not going to school today, get out of my room, mom privacy. Then look! No farther than PIAA they’ve got servers in 28 countries to help you get around geo, blocking multiple options for strong encryption to keep your data out of the hands of snoops dns leak; protection to protect your browsing history and even PIAA mace, a built-in tracker and malware Blocker, so for a secure multi-platform, browsing experience go check out p ia at the link below now it’s time for a quick bit. Oh god he got. You got the shirt in there somehow huh he just he loves that thing.

Spacex has apparently signed up the world’s first private passenger to fly around the moon aboard the company’s bfr launch vehicle. They won’t give any more details until Monday, when they’ll presumably announce who the passenger is when the flight is taking place and what possible purpose. This will serve to a cop bfr big friggin, races yay there. He is one heckler one heckler speaking of SpaceX Elon Musk’s other project, the boring company – hey, that’s actually true, right now, sort of the boring company has received approval to construct elevators inside a garage that would connect to the company’s high-speed traffic tunnels. They’Re just testing this. At the SpaceX owned plot of land in California right now, but if it works, we may be commuting with the mole people sooner than we thought.

Where did that? Come from what a silly joke, you want a drone that really flies make one that kind of flies like a fly. Researchers at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands have made a drone that takes inspiration from fruit flies to hover and move around efficiently. There’S nothing snarky.

I have to say about this. I just thought it was cool and I wanted it. I wanted to show you guys, I hope, that’s.

Okay, an apple has been caught deleting at least one users – iTunes movie purchases, because the company’s rights to those movies expired. They then refused to give the customer refund just a couple movie rental vouchers. What are we to take from this? That making sure you have physical, copies or backups of things you want to keep is a good idea or that Apple is evil.

Second, one sounds right. That also sounds like the right amount of tech news for this episode, so we have to end it there, but the fun doesn’t have to stop subscribe to tech league for tech news every Monday, Wednesday Friday and trust me you’ll have more fun than you can stuff Into your fun bag every time .