Repair ALL The Things!

Repair ALL The Things!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Repair ALL The Things!”.
Welcome back to tech, lead everybody, and today it’s you James, I’m not saying that! That’S gross! You do what were the Kiwi, what the heck? No, no god! This is a tech news. Show the right to repair movement is won a major victory, as the US federal government has essentially made it legal for citizens to bypass digital rights, management or DRM systems in order to repair their devices. The new rules come from the Library of Congress and the US Copyright Office in the form of several new exemptions to the Digital Millennium, Copyright Act or DMCA which criminalizes copyright infringement. They don’t serve to make DRM illegal, but they do include broad protections for users who bypass DRM and other technological protection measures for the maintenance of a device or system in order to make it work in accordance with its original specifications. So jailbreaking and unlocking phones is fair game as part of this yeah there’s even protections for modifying games or other software that doesn’t work properly anymore when online functionality is shut off like when game servers are shut down yeah. This is glorious news, especially for Bob. The Builder fans can we fix it to say yes, we can an Android phone manufacturers can fix their devices also, as Google has now made it mandatory for OEMs to release more regular security and software updates. New licensing agreement has Google requiring Android device makers to provide at least four security updates for a device within one year of its launch and to provide regular software updates for two years after launch. If specific security flaws are identified by Google, the OEM has 90 days to push a patch out.

If device manufacturers fail to abide by the terms of the agreement, Google could withhold approval of future devices. This is excellent because, out of all the phones in the Android universe, really only pixels have gotten software updates within any with any timeliness or regularity, but now non pixel peasants can join our brothers in the Sun Wow. I thought we’re gon na add that in post, but now we don’t have to Wow feels good and twitch has announced a number of interesting updates at twitchcon, where else squad’s dreaming will enable up to four streamers to squad stream. Their stream makes sense.

Oh yes, so independent streamers can link their streams, so you can watch multiple people in split-screen. That’S how that works. Meanwhile, twitch sings is a karaoke game that well karaoke should be pretty straightforward.

Snap ink maker of snapchat James that’s a app that the young people use has also partnered with twitch to bring their AR filters to twitch as part of the newly launched snap camera desktop app. Oh, I know, and in related news intel has partnered, with stream labs on a number of nook mini pcs intended for use as dedicated streaming, pcs, including some that you’ll be able to rent for 30 bucks a month altogether. Streaming is more accessible and exciting than ever, but if everyone is streaming then who’s watching this stream, Oh concerned about who’s watching you well, then you might want to check out private Internet access.

Today’S quick bit sponsor P ia is a VPN that lets you dial in the exact level of privacy protection. You need with support for a variety of protocols and types of encryption. There are P ia apps for Windows, Mac OS Android Linux and Google, Chrome with DNS and ipv6 leak. Protection and an Internet kill switch as well it’ll block all traffic if the VPN becomes disconnected protect yourself and those you love check out bia at the link below it’s time.

Quick. You said it: oh no! Well, almost almost set creepeth, almost an unidentified new Vega GPU has been spotted by video cards. Calm in the benchmark results for Final Fantasy 15 there’s no definitive information on whether this might be an existing Radeon Instinct workstation card with display connectors attached or a new rx Vega gaming card, but it’s at just under the gtx 1080 in score. So hopefully it’s not AMD’s next flagship yeah, that’s true! The FCC won’t, let California be, as the Golden State has agreed to delay its net neutrality bill after the FCC claimed. The proposed legislation would be illegal, not if it passed, though then it would be legal if the bill net will not outweigh the bill’s gon na wait until legislation concludes concerning the FCC’s roll back of its previous net neutrality, rules, which is waiting on Gus getting back To the office with that, dang paperwork he’s been out getting coffee for at least an hour. Now that’s good come on Gus you’re screwing, the pooch again guys not literally, Facebook is working on augmented reality glasses according to the company’s head of AR ficus Kirkpatrick Wow.

Repair ALL The Things!

That’S a name huh yeah. He sounds like the hero of a young adult novel or something like ficus curved, The Adventures of ficus Kirkpatrick in the ring of Sauron, but uh anyways Microsoft, CEO Satya Nadella, said in the company’s earnings. Call that the Xbox game past subscription service will be coming to PC, but do we need it? It’S already like a ton of these kind of subscription services on PC alrighty, Forza none of them at Forza, though you know about that. It’S a racing game yeah! You can call them Chuck wagons and time to throw it you’re worthless. Fourteen terabyte hard drives they’re, not even the biggest ones you can get anymore.

Repair ALL The Things!

Western Digital just launched the 15 terabyte ultra star, dchd 620. Why? What? Why are you even trying with 14 terabytes? What can even fit on there, like a single word document like a haiku yeah like this dumb haiku, you’ve wrote for your high school crush, get out just kidding it’s time for me to get out of this video because it’s over like dislike, be neutral subscribe. These are all things you can do, but regardless we’ll be back on Monday with more tech news, because we love you .