So Huawei IS spying!

So Huawei IS spying!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “So Huawei IS spying!”.
You might think this is a show about tech, news well think again, buddy, because clearly, you’ve got a talent for thinking correctly nice job Huawei, sometimes I feel bad for the Chinese tech giant like all they want to do – is roll out 5g technology to everybody. Why is the US and Australia and Europe treating them like they’re spying for the Chinese government and then Huawei goes and spies on Apple, allegedly, a report from the information calm details, first-person accounts of Huawei, attempting to steal and reverse-engineer the design for the heart rate sensor Used in the Apple watch, a number of manufacturers reportedly refused to manufacture the part for a while way because they recognized the component. Another story involves a former Apple employee being repeatedly asked about upcoming Apple products and features while interviewing for a job at Huawei. Now some might hear news like this and think: hey, that’s just business! Okay, that’s just how it goes. Others might ask wha why Wow why the world is about to see a lot of folding and bendable devices, and TCL is looking to get ahead of the curve by patenting a bending phone that can roll up around your wrist.

Like those slap bracelets did you ever did you ever have one of those Genisys slap, no someone’s really yeah there. I knew it slap bracelets, no TCL a company known for making displays smart phones and TVs actually patented four other folding designs as well. That looked more, like the other concepts that we’ve seen from Samsung Xiaomi and others, the phone bracelet design stands out a little. Maybe that’s because it looks very similar to lenovo’s concept phone from 2016.

So Huawei IS spying!

I don’t know, I think I prefer to just wear a SmartWatch or to just like embed the phone in my actual skin or something you know something simple and this isn’t exactly tech news. But I’ve been following the hype around Bioware’s anthem throughout its development and now that the game is out for some people who bought it anyway, I can truly let myself feel the disappointment. Reviews are saying: the game has some really cool elements like the first few hours of combat and flying or fun, but the game feels like it was designed by executives who tried to tick off all the boxes for game features. They think the kids like nowadays, if you don’t want to be thrust into the game’s final mission, long before you’re, ready stay away from quick play and the story.

So Huawei IS spying!

The main reason I was even excited for this game is apparently a thin shadow of the quality found in Mass Effect and Dragon Age, and, if you don’t want to miss important cutscenes or dialogue, thanks to the game’s ubiquitous loading screens, Forbes even recommends playing its solo. What did you do to Bioware yay? What did you do, but people also said stuff like this about destiny too, and it came out. So I don’t know we’ll see what happens it’s time for quick bits brought to you by brilliance daily problems.

So Huawei IS spying!

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What’S that? No, I can’t I’m busy doing quick bits and videos upcoming geforce, gtx 1660 TI has been spotted in results from the final fantasy 15 benchmark, which always seems to come up before a major GPU launches. The new cards performance is apparently better than the gtx 1070, and only just slightly behind the gtx titan x, although that is the max well time max from four years ago. Still, if the 1660 TI launches at its rumoured price of $ 279 u.s., it would be a heck of a value. I sincerely doubt that will be the price, though team green loves its green. A little too much you get that Green Team Team Green. They love the Benjamins, call it a sign of the times.

Samsung has said it will stop production of 1080p and 4k blu-ray players in the u.s. following similar news from Oppo previous reports that said, Samsung was making a new high-end 4k blu-ray player for 2019, but that has since been scrapped and so begins the long, slow death Of discs, I might be wrong, but at the same time you can’t very well play frisbee with a Netflix subscription discs. N FCC filing shows that Motorola’s upcoming 5g modem, odd attachment for the Moto z3 has sensors other phones of sensors. The moto z3 has sensors there to detect whether your fingers are covering the device’s millimeter wave antenna. If it detects your digits, it will disable the module, that’s being blocked to prevent radiation exposure, except all 5g devices are supposed to operate within acceptable radiation limits. So why do we need this? I’Ve been following the development of the Smok Z, handheld Windows, gaming system for a time, and a new set of videos now show that the device is coming along. The demos show the Smok Z playing Starcraft 2 left 4 dead and other games pretty well, it’s taken them years, but at least they’re spending more time on the product itself than they apparently spent on the name. Smok.

Really and Microsoft knows it’s screwed up the Windows. 10 October update now it wants to get ahead of any problems that might come up for future updates, and I mean the future. Microsoft is currently testing. A Windows 10 build slated for a 2020 release, so if there’s still bugs by the time that comes out, I might be tempted to switch to Mac OS and now I’m tempted to end this episode.

And I must give in to temptation, unfortunately, because it’s over thanks for watching guys and come back on Wednesday for more tech news. I promise it’ll be juicy. You Dennis just made a juicy sound whatever that is. I don’t want.

Oh happy yeah. Well, it’s family day up here. I don’t think it’s presidents day down there alright see you later .