We have thoughts about Google Stadia. – TalkLinked #2

We have thoughts about Google Stadia. - TalkLinked #2

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We have thoughts about Google Stadia. – TalkLinked #2”.
Google stadia pretty good right what yep this is the intro. This is the intro. So today we found out pricing and availability for the service we found out what games are on it, some of them anyways. We found out the network speed and the quality that we’re gon na be expecting, and we also found out how we feel about it. That’S happening now right now, right now on takling to roll the intro. We don’t have one okay. So what have we really quickly? What do we know about Google stadia before this dream? We knew that it was going to be a game streaming service mm-.

We have thoughts about Google Stadia. - TalkLinked #2

We knew that it had a controller that connected directly to the service. Instead of through your client. You don’t need the controller you can use any other hid compliant controller.

We have thoughts about Google Stadia. - TalkLinked #2

That’S right for the best experience you should use. The stadia controller right has Wi-Fi built into it, lots other cool buttons. We also knew that you could play it on.

We have thoughts about Google Stadia. - TalkLinked #2

Basically any device or TV or laptop your desktop, PC or mobile device, their goal is to have stadia work with any device that can run Chrome right, but for now it is known that the only mobile device you’ll be able to use it on initially. Is the Google pixel three and three a yes, I wonder how long it’s gon na be that it’s only on those devices. I would assume that it’ll eventually expand, and I would assume also that when the pixel 4 comes out that they’re gon na want that to be a selling point right used to guess by the pixel 4 and you can use stadia and then they’ll probably want to Have that be a thing for like six months or something true or spreading it out further yeah the launch window is November, so that should be around when they’re launching the pixel 4. So the very well might be true, but for now I think let’s get into some of the details they announced on the stream. So what do we learn today? We learned pricing availability so $ 9.99 a month for a stadia Pro subscription that gives you access to highest quality streams at 4k, HDR 60fps 5.1 surround sound and regular content added to your library. So, as I understand it’s, it’s like Netflix.

In that way, you have access to the whole library and that library is going is having things added to it. No, what are you talking, you’re wrong James, and I’m right tell me everything in most things. Actually, no, this is actually I was I was. I was actually a bit surprised, so you ten bucks a month us for $ 11.99. Canadian yeah gives you access to certain games like they’ll. It sounds like there will be kind of free games like indie games as part of that library. As part of that, you get as part of your subscription, but you’ll also have to buy the kind of Triple A games. When you go on the website, it says games available for purchase through stadia and then, when you look at the points for each of the the memberships, it says you can purchase games with this subscription. So this is let’s: let’s get into this a bit so there’s the stadia pro ten bucks a month and then there’s the stadia base.

That is no monthly subscription and you can just buy games yes on a per game basis and you only give them at 1080p. 60Fps stereo sound correct, so it sounds like for. I guess this kind of makes sense.

It sounds like for ten bucks a month you get access to 4k stadia and some free games like you, would get on Xbox game pass. This is really interesting. It’S not like a Netflix model, it’s more like if you took the hardware cost of buying a console. You spread that out in $ 10, a month increments, yeah and kind of that’s what you’re paying an Xbox has a option for that. I forget what it’s called, but Xbox allows you to basically rent a console or finance it.

Yeah yeah, I’m not sure whether it’s financing or like you’re just paying a monthly subscription for it, but like yeah. So it seems like you’re, paying $ 10 a month, basically to access the Google stadia console on which you can buy games and on which you can also get free games. That’S really disappointing to me. I really thought it was like 10 bucks a month yeah.

I thought it was gon na be like Google Play Music now they will have that like so destiny. To is one of the high profile games that they said are like you’ll get for free, it’s funny, because destiny also just announced that their basic game and all of the DLC from year one and the activities and the raids and stuff are all going free-to-play. So you can get it for you to play on any platform you want, or you can get it with stadia, although stadia will also give you, the upcoming expansion, like shadow, keep for free as well, and the shadow keep annual pass yes right, but what you’re talking About you, don’t get destiny just with your stadia Pro subscription.

You get it with a Founders Edition package. Oh yeah need to talk about here. That’S very true yeah! It’S unclear at this point whether that destiny to experience will come with stadia Pro or whether you need to get the founders Edition specifically to get it.

So we haven’t talked about founders Edition, yet you got stadia Pro, which is the base. You know the $ 10. A month subscription you’ve got stadia base, which is you don’t pay a monthly fee, but you can buy games on stadia and play them out of worse at a worse quality.

And then you have stadia founders edition, which is it’s not analogous to those other two? No it’s it’s kind of a package kind of like a starting kit yeah. So it’s $ 129 a month. No, no! It’S $ 109 $ 129. You get early access to stadia when it launches in November. If you want to play stadia in 2019, you need this founders edition package. You get three months of stadia pro, so that’s $ 10 a month. Normally you get a three months of another subscription that you can give to somebody else about a class, and then you also get a limited edition. Knight blue stadia controller. It’S a nice color! You can secure your stadia name or your stadia, like gamertag and which is actually pretty sweet. That’S actually kind of a selling point yeah you get to be not only one of the first people to make sure you get the name. You want right, but you you get a different name than other people, because most people’s names are gon na, have a number just Auto appended to the end of their name. Right so, and I want to get the first, you know code blaster, that’s a baby yeah! Yes, there’s no guarantee that you’ll end up getting short, blaster, 69, exactly 71 or yeah.

I don’t want, show blaster 71 yeah who wants that? What is this bush-league? 71? Okay, so it’ll be available in 14 countries, including the US and Canada, and a few other important ones, they’re important. Yes, okay! So games. Let’S talk games okay, so we got they called these exclusives in the stream, but some of them are obviously games that are not exclusive they’re already available on another platform. So I don’t know, some of them are new, but they’re gon na be so multiple platforms.

Baldur’S Gate 3 is a new game. It sounds like that will be exclusive to Stadium or not sure Ghost Recon breakpoint, I’m pretty sure, that’s not an exclusive, but they said it was an exclusive. The division to ask Assassin’s Creed Odyssey doom eternal will hold on Youngblood hold on because some of these they said, here’s what’s gon na be available at launch, and then they played like six trailers in a row Rand. I don’t know if that means that those are the day 1 titles and then the rest of the titles that they eventually talked about in their stream are those just within the launch window.

So do we have any information on what is gon na be available on day 1 and what’s just in this launch window, and do we know how big this we know is? First of all, James calm, the F down you are upset. Well, I’m upset so they’ve listed like 30 games. That I mean I think we can assume should be available at launch. If they’re, not that’s pretty bad, I think if they’re not day 1, like 30 games, isn’t a lot if they’re not all there on day 1, they got to be there within three weeks or else yeah.

It’S like you get early access to stadia to play. One game that would be bad, not good. That would be bad, I’m interested in the games that they did list.

There’S a lot of variety. Those racing there’s like soccer sports, yep, there’s a did. You see this game called a get packed, yeah yeah. It looks like Frogger meets overcooked yeah, it’s kind of like a overcooked style, physics-based kind of craziness multiplayer game. Yeah that looks cool. I want to play guilt guilt yeah. They got some interesting like narrative based games, but yeah it will.

It will depend on how much more, how many more games that can get into the library and how many of them are going to be free. I’M upset I’m really disillusioned. I was.

I was really like, oh cool. If I spend $ 130 and then ten dollars a month that I don’t need to console yeah, I don’t do anything else again. Have that my living room, that’s gon na be sweet.

Now, I’m not so sure if I actually have to pay that on top of a per game cost, I don’t know if I’m into it, okay and then on top of buying that stuff, I might am. I gon na have to upgrade my internet. James sounds like you won’t have to I mean if you have really horrible internet, maybe, but the minimum recommended requirement that they say is 10 megabits per second just for 720 stereo that’ll get you 720 yet 60fps, but you know only stereo sound 720p. Once you get up into 20 25 megabits per second range, you can get to 1080p. Hd are 60 FPS with 5.1 surround sound and then 30 to 35. Megabits per second will get you 4k HDR 60fps 35 is the recommended yeah. So I mean like it’s pretty: it’s not bad for like requirements, especially considering that, like I feel like a lot of people have 30 megabits per second, especially in urban centers. The average in Canada is like 110, okay, Wow yeah, so very impressive. Overall, I’m kind of disappointed that stadia isn’t really just like Netflix, that’s what I was expecting from as’. The website is kind of a little on biggest, but I agree with you that it seems to look according to your interpretation. It looks that way. I think yeah, and I interpret things correctly as we all know, yeah, I’m done so.

Bearing all that in mind, we want to know from you guys. Let us know in the comments. Are you gon na buy the founders additions to complain, 2019 and pre-order and all that stuff, or do you think it’s a safer bet to wait till maybe next summer, and you know what games are available and how exactly it all works and what the experience is Like latency wisely, you could buy the founders Edition now and then cancel it when, when you’re gon na cancel, whenever you want to, you, won’t bring the world, you won’t have any more information than you have know. You have that freedom, though, and that’s I think that makes us all feel good see you later .