A Facebook cryptocurrency? HA!

A Facebook cryptocurrency? HA!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “A Facebook cryptocurrency? HA!”.
Look you wanted the tech news densha here it is, I’m always mad. Facebook, probably isn’t the first company you’d trust with managing your finances, but they’ve gone ahead and launched their very own cryptocurrency called Libre, which I I guess, they’re hoping this project will help them balance. The scales so to speak. Okay, that metaphor, actually kind of makes sense because, unlike Bitcoin or aetherium Libre will be tied to a number of traditional, stable currencies that could protect it from wild swings in value.

But do we really want Facebook controlling our money? Well, thankfully, the company knows you don’t really trust them, so they won’t actually control Libra. Facebook is just one of the 28 members in the Libra Association, which also includes more trustworthy. People like MasterCard, PayPal, Visa and eBay. Customers can use lira through Facebook’s calibra crypto wallet platform, which will be available worldwide, except for regions that aren’t very friendly to crypto like India, which is Facebook’s biggest market whoops. Another hurdle that Facebook will have to face is scrutiny from the US government.

Lawmakers have called for the company to halt development of Libra until they can take a closer look at it, and the Senate Banking Committee has already announced a hearing on July 16th to question Facebook about its plans. Senate hearings are no, I think, I’ll stay away myself. Libras and lelee o –‘s do not mix well, I’m a Libra. Actually, nobody likes Scorpios iMessage on Apple devices as a feature-rich encrypted modern text messaging extravaganza. But while Google has been trying and trying to get cell carriers to implement rich communication services or RCS as a replacement for regular old SMS text, messages on, say, Android devices carriers have been dragging their feet because there’s no real monetary incentive to upgrade their infrastructure and Google has had it up to here. With that nonsense, the tech giant will be launching its own RCS messaging service later this month. Yes, with an initial rollout in France in the UK crap many questions still remain about whether Google RCS will feature end-to-end, encryption or multi-platform support. But hopefully, Google taking things into their own mighty hands will light a fire under the carriers to roll out our CS on their own, and you know, make life a little better for their customers.

Imagine that because that’s what cell carriers are known for, isn’t it and my mouth is closed. Oh I’m saying it and sound the alarm vapenation San Francisco may become the first US city to outlaw East cigarettes. Goodbye city Supervisors voted unanimously because they’re old people yesterday on a bill that would ban the manufacturing, distribution and sale of e-cigarettes on city property. The legislation is part of an effort to reduce East cigarette usage among high schoolers, which the CDC says could be as high as 20 %.

It’S also particularly interesting because Jul, the most popular company in the industry is headquartered in San Francisco. I wouldn’t have to move their operations if this ban goes into effect. That’S amazing. It will reportedly take at least 7 months for any legislation to be enacted, but in the meantime, stay strong vapenation. I would tell you consider quitting but you’re an adult and unless you’re one of those high schoolers I was talking about before then yeah make smart choices for future.

You say no to pop we’re in LA now. It’S time for Quaker baek’s brought to you by private Internet access. Piaa supports a variety of VPN protocols and types of encryption, allowing you to dial in the exact level of privacy, protection that you need.

A Facebook cryptocurrency? HA!

They’Ve got apps for Windows, Mac, OS Android, iOS, Linux and Google Chrome. With support for several other platforms coming imminently. You can connect up to five devices at the same time and other features include DNS and ipv6 leak. Protection and an internet kill switch to block all traffic if the VPN becomes disconnected unexpectedly, which won’t happen because it’s pay ia goddamn.

It check it out today at the link below harm to the Quaker bakes delicious. I’M a Quaker EA is not guilty of pushing loop boxes on miners because they’re not loop boxes. You see their surprised, mechanics! That’S what EA’s VP of Legal Affairs Harry Hopkins, told a UK committee, likening loot boxes to children’s toys with unexpected prizes inside like Kinder, Surprise eggs or are hatching moles? No, I’m assuming put that in there for the Americans, who don’t have Kinder Surprise anymore. Hopkins said that enjoying loot boxes in a healthy way is actually quite ethical and quite fun. Well Kerry. Tell that to the eight-year-old Malcolm who was caught during his 18th blackjack game at the local casino he was on a roll. Damn you carry a developer named.

A Facebook cryptocurrency? HA!

Bylaws has managed to get Android running on indent Hendo switch and quite smoothly. I might add the Mater booted up Nvidia shield software and was then able to stream the PC version of overwatch to their switch via GeForce. Now, although they might have been breaking a few bylaws in the process, ah see, I made a pun, ok speaking of switches, we all might be getting a teeny version soon, if leaks from a Chinese retailer are any indication, device, protectors and cases are being listed and Promoted online so keep your eyes peeled first switch many in the next few months or years or Never.

A Facebook cryptocurrency? HA!

This is a rumor after all, use your brain people, user, 1, collective brain fable, the augmented reality. Company magic leap is suing fellow –, a our company and the real claiming that one of n reals founders, chishu, stole magic, leaves technology. When he was an engineer there.

She left the company in 2016 and then showed up at CES in January with the Unreal a hourglasses. Well, it’s not the most lucrative theft to make it doesn’t seem like a our companies, are making much money right out anyways, but stealing is wrong to kids. Children.

Kids, and so so, his name of your company in real and really, if we’re being serious and Intel, has released a processor, overclocking app called Intel performance, Maximizer or IPM. The app will overclock your cpu with just one single click, although PC perspective. No to that, it won’t do it as well as a human generated overclock, so you might have to just roll up the sleeves of your Lana’s tech, tip stealth, hoodie and twist those greasy old knobs yourself. Don’T forget the engine oil rally.

How do you, how do you think overclocking works? Dude, there’s no oil in there I’ll tell you what doesn’t work continuing in this episode, so we’re shutting it down come on back on Friday for more tech news, yeah it’s gon na be good! Is that what you meant by ohohohohoho yeah? Oh, it’s gon na be good! .