Use Office 365, go to JAIL!

Use Office 365, go to JAIL!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Use Office 365, go to JAIL!”.
I now have a child, so you are all legally obligated to call me a Papa, Jean, ah Papa, Jean so Amazon Prime day is currently in full swing right now, but that doesn’t mean Amazon is the only place online where you can score a special deal. Other retailers are trying to cut into the Amazon hype, including Walmart Target, and notably eBay, which is already offering a number of highly discounted electronic gadgets. So you might want to give these other also-rans or less cool retailers. Look because last year, Amazon actually totally got taken down by a glitch on prime day, because so many of us need stuff or we think we do when it’s a little bit cheaper. If Amazon goes down again this year, eBay will offer a crash sale with deals that it promises are even more outrageous so get down yet keep your eyes peeled.

If you really want to save some money by spending money you otherwise wouldn’t have to spend get down. You got stuff, I’m trying to sell Microsoft. Office 365 is now in the same legal territory as crack and machine guns, at least in the eyes of the government of hesse, a federal state. In Germany. Last week the state’s government declared office 365 illegal due to the productivity software’s penchant for sending user data back to Microsoft. Hq in that creepy privacy invading us na esta casa si. Ah not German enough. Si has roughly 6 million people, many of whom are now criminals.

Ok, it’s not that bad. The state’s leadership appears to be using this declaration as the means to pressure Microsoft into changing their software in both office and Windows 10 to comply with German law, as well as Europe’s notorious gdpr or general data protection regulation. Has these government does specify conditions under which schools or offices could continue to use the software, including storing data on German servers instead of American ones, but it makes you think about what we do if office was suddenly made illegal Google Docs, it’s no secret, that online Shopping has been the demise of many a brick-and-mortar retail chain, but Game Stop is hoping to fight back, even in an era where online distribution platforms like Steam, I’ve taken over the industry, the chain is partnering, with a design firm to revamp its stores, promising new layouts New ways to track games before committing to buying them and even eSports leagues, you can see I’m skeptical.

Additionally, some stores will be dedicated to selling old-school retro hardware in games and just that that seems like even worse of an idea. Overall, it’s a game. Saab wants to turn their stores into more of an experience, rather than just a place to buy games which would be pretty cool, except, I probably would just experience them there and then go buy them online. Now it’s time for a quick bits brought to you by brilliant, hey, give your brain a little treat and check out brilliance daily challenges. They provide a quick and fascinating view into math logic, engineering, science or computer science, which is a different kind of science altogether, whether you’re stuck in a commute or just want to learn something new.

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Use Office 365, go to JAIL!

Wow, none of its 26 satellites are currently working for the public due to an issue on the ground, no word on when it’ll be back up, but I’m sure Galileo himself is turning over in his grave telescopes wryly it’s game over for the suite of internet games That came with Windows, XP and Windows, 7 ha, if you’re still using an older version of the OS Internet. Backgammon checkers heart’s, not hearts, spades and reversi are all going away soon. At the end of the month of using XP in January 2020 for Windows, 7 users, I actually really missed those, but not quite as much as a space cadet pinball.

Use Office 365, go to JAIL!

Well, I just wore my arrow keys were just Dunn’s up it wasn’t long ago that Donald Trump announced that the u.s. wanted to develop a space for us, but now it looks like they’re allies. The French won’t be too far behind as Emmanuel macron wants to create a Space Command.

Use Office 365, go to JAIL!

Is that what they’re? Calling it? That’S, not as good? As for us, a Space Command to help defend Frances satellites, hopefully, they’ll have an easier time with that than Buzz. Lightyear did against Zerg that that joke sucks, that’s a brutal joke. That’S not! Okay! That’S not! Even a French movie French! I don’t even get a joke sucks and speaking of movie stuff, a movie based on the iconic retro game. Space invaders is one step closer to reality. Ah, it’s gon na be bad. New line.

Cinema has hired the same writer responsible for the moral Kombat reboot to work on the film. Of course, the game didn’t really have much of a plot to begin with other than shoot. This group of pixels that kind of looks like an alien, but it can’t be more disappointing than the Independence Day. Sequel right, weird comparison, that’s not a video game and the US Army has announced it will start testing robotic, combat vehicles next year.

These vehicles will be unmanned and controlled by remote operators, who could be men or women, and while the first of these vehicles will only feature 7.62 millimeter machine guns, the idea is that heavier remote vehicles, with expanded capabilities assisted by AI, will be available in the coming Years, ultimately, the Americans hope that the vehicles will be more effective than the droid army that Jar Jar being somehow took down. That’S all for today so come back for the sequel attack of the clones on Wednesday, which would be just as good to stay but more clones fewer clones, the appropriate about fewer than zero clothes, Wow .