Facebook’s Worst. Day. Ever.

Facebook's Worst. Day. Ever.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Facebook’s Worst. Day. Ever.”.
John and you thought you could get rid of me so when videos launched the r-tx 2080 super following the launch of the 2060 and 2070 super earlier this month, wait that’s the best they could do. The super. It’S like a burrito I’ll have a super with wok and sour. I don’t know okay, alright, but unlike those cards, this one doesn’t have the same hype attached and with name like super. I’M not really surprised. I mean it’s kind of cool. It has more chords, a higher base clock and a higher boost clock and faster memory than the vanilla artsy X 2080. But as tech reviewers were saying, there’s nothing particularly interesting about the card, since it doesn’t actually have new real competition into space. The 2080 super keeps the $ 699 price point of the vanilla 2080, with performance about 8 % faster and more chocolaty, but the other supercars saw performance gains of about 15 %. So, there’s sort of the sense that Nvidia didn’t do as much as they could have done with this card and then there’s the fact that the 2080 Super’s performance isn’t that far from an overclocked 1080p i, which is quite disappointing. If you want the full story, wise tek-tips didn’t do a review of the card, but check out our lovely friends at the new sources below imagine, steve’s hair whipping across your face. Well, you know steve is based like 30 minutes away from where I live. So I could, I could drive down there and actually experience it in person.

Facebook's Worst. Day. Ever.

Yeah I’ll report back I’ll. Tell you I’ll tell you how it is yeah yeah. So when are we doing this Steve yeah? Just let me know down in the comments.

Facebook's Worst. Day. Ever.

Facebook is having a terrible horrible, no good, very bad day, wow, that’s the data reference, but it’s not because Mark Zuckerberg got chewing gum stuck in his hair. That happened to him or something in the book. It’S because Facebook has to pay a five billion dollar fine to the FTC over the massive amounts of user data that were compromised as part of the Cambridge analytics scandal.

Facebook's Worst. Day. Ever.

Oh on top of that another 100 million to the SEC for not disclosing the breaches. Cambridge analytic isn’t getting off scot-free either the company is being sued by the FTC for an undisclosed amount. After already settling with the company CEO Alexander Knicks, Facebook won’t only have to pay as part of his punishment. The company will also be required to change this management structure report to an independent privacy committee and make new rules about how it monitors and reports potential privacy issues and to add insult to injury, The Washington Post reports that narrow do wells are selling fake, Libra cryptocurrency To unwitting customers via fraudulent Facebook pages, which the company is now taking down today, will no doubt go down in history as Facebook’s worst day ever, although I probably shouldn’t even say that, because I don’t want to underestimate their capacity to screw up even more, they could Yeah and Nintendo has finally responded to the cacophony. That’S such a great word. Thank you.

Cacophony cacophony of complaints from switch owners complaining of joy Khan drift. That’S the issue where input is registered by the controller, even if they’re not actually touching it. According to internal memos obtained by Vice, the company is instructed that support staff to offer free repairs to users complaining of joique on issues without any need to present warranty information Wow, how trusting of them those have already paid the $ 40 or so to repair their Joy columns in the past, who will apparently be offered a full refund.

The offers will reportedly be presented after support staff, go through some troubleshooting steps with customers, but if that doesn’t fix the problem staffer to offer the free repair. Now, while Nintendo has publicly acknowledged recent reports with joy, calm problems, they haven’t said what might cause them or what they could do to prevent similar issues from coming up again, but that’s classic Nintendo. They just want us to believe that consoles are stuffed with magic, family-friendly goodness not nuts-and-bolts yeah.

It’S like if Disney made a console, there’s Pixy dust in there too Mickey Mouse cows hands on it yeah. I don’t know yeah and now it’s time for quick. This brought to you by brilliance daily challenges. They provide a quick and fascinating view into math logic, engineering, science or computer science. Isn’T that a branch of science? Ok, whatever whether your stuff gon na commute or just want to learn something new every day, brilliance daily challenges are a fun bite-sized way, the master concepts by applying them, and they come with all the context. You need to figure it out yourself, so give your brain a little massage by heading over to brilliant or exercise tech linked. The first 200 of you to do so will get 20 % off the annual previous description, though unfortunately it doesn’t come with a hot towel. Click the link below you, smart person, you have you made my friends, they’re called quick bits and they’re magically delicious in a bit of a shocking twist to PC enthusiasts everywhere harder maker. Corsair has required system integrator, origin PC. The move is ostensibly designed to the Corsair. A greater reach into the pre-built PC market, which the company has started to move towards with, is Corsair one line of pre-built origin PC will remain a separate brand, but will incorporate more corsair properties like as IQ RGB, software and hydro, x-series, cooling and maybe some Elgato Stuff too, because Corsair owns them as well. Now that’s what the cat does and legato you know.

El gato is Spanish for the gato slinky slinky Rudin is sleeping off in shame after the flop of their hydrogen. One smartphone read has decided they’re going to give it another shot with the hydrogen 2 or, as I like to call it deuterium. You see the first one sucked because of the unnamed Chinese manufacturer that made it now.

Red is working with a different Chinese ODM that apparently doesn’t suck. So trust me it’ll be much better. I am so as they’ve done since the beginning of time, because the world did not exist before 2007 Apple will be releasing a new iPhone.

This fall, but despite the USB C port on blasters iPad pro, the iPhone 11 will reportedly still have a Lightning port. Ah, but some analysts expect the next year’s iPhone to have a USBC port instead. Finally, that would be nice, but we’re wishing for things.

Why don’t? We just say it will have a headphone jack, no notch and a week long battery life, Oh like like, like like yeah yeah yeah, I know kung fu, yeah, okay, the planetary societies, light sail, spacecraft has successfully deployed its sails and with a name like light sail. I hope that it would so alright, it’s not the first light, Silla quick craft to travel in space, but if its mission successful, it will be the first one alters Earth orbit using solar wind power alone. I’M sure a Carl Sagan the smiling in his grave, but I’m sorry, that’s another very pretty mental image.

How long has he been dead for long enough to be for it to be like I’m, not pretty mental image? Okay, we’re sorry, Carl Sagan and Google is apparently walking around paying people five dollars each to scan their face. Now this initiative is apparently part of the company’s efforts to build a face ID competitor for his pixel phones and Walt’s, a little bit creepy at least you’re. Getting five bucks out of the deal because they all have our faces anyway: yep! That’S it for tackling today. If you want techni use all the time subscribe to the website and watch on monday, wednesday and friday, but especially monday, those ones are just better because I’m usually the ones that race them, but not yeah, usually usually I’m gon na go talk to HR. No reason. .