This Chinese CPU could be GOOD?!

This Chinese CPU could be GOOD?!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Chinese CPU could be GOOD?!”.
Wow, you really are part of a special little group here. You know some people don’t get tech news at all hit. Even Roku and Fox Sports are having a bit of a catfight right now, which would be fine if the ability of millions of football fans to catch the biggest sporting event of the year didn’t hang in the balance. So apparently, the distribution agreement between Fox and Roku ends today, which means Roku, would be forced to remove Fox’s apps from their platform, meaning Roku users couldn’t watch the Super Bowl. This Sunday Roku says they offered Fox an extension on the deal but Fox decline.

Now, here’s where it gets confusing Fox says they want to keep their apps on roku and that it’s on roku to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, we don’t have all the info, so we just don’t know, what’s actually happening here whose extraordin, but the fight has gotten so serious. That host on fox news are attacking Roku on Twitter, which is about exactly what I would expect from Fox News really love this. This is all much ado about nothing because you can still stream the Super Bowl through the NFL app on roku. It just won’t have 4k HD our support for that you’ll need the Fox Sports app on a 4k capable fire TV device or 4k Apple TV Wow. After all, this bickering, I’m more excited than ever to watch some helmeted fruits crash into each other and give themselves lifelong concussion diseases.

That’S what we do here. A Chinese company called, and I’m doing my best here, Xiao Qin, has released an x86 processor that might become a worthy competitor to chips made by Intel, probably not AMD, though joshan is actually a joint venture between via and the Shanghai government and while they’ve been making Business focused systems for years, the new tiger, Hugh Riley. This is too many Chinese names. The new Kai, Chen KX, 67 ATA is focused at DIY builders.

It’S got eight cores running at 2.7 gigahertz and is built on. Tsm sees a 16 nanometer process. If you’re wondering whether it gives rise and run for its money, no of course not nothing can but come on. This is an independently developed, desktop ship and motherboard, with PCI 3.0 slots that can accept graphics cards and probably a built in telephone line to the Chinese government Reilly I’ll.

This Chinese CPU could be GOOD?!

Just let you imagine all the possibilities here in the UK and what sounds like that set up to a b-tier action movie starring Gerald Butler, the United Nations has been hacked in the summer of 2019. Hackers gained access to UN servers in Geneva and Vienna by exploiting Microsoft, SharePoint software, a new Microsoft, was involved in this. They downloaded around 400 gigabytes of data investigators believe the data was mostly sensitive, employee information. I don’t work there for the 4000 or so workers at those offices, a former government hacker told The Associated Press that the hack looks like espionage.

This Chinese CPU could be GOOD?!

You know I’ve seen a lot of aspirin my day, but I could tell from the pixels now, in addition to any scary, global security issues, this incident may bring up. The UN did not disclose the hack and tell just now because they could not determine the scope of the attack and also because they’re, the UN they’re not obliged to disclose security breaches. The way some government agencies are but life.

This Chinese CPU could be GOOD?!

I think we need organization to make the UN behave itself. A super UN, an onion, the onion, the onion, the League of onions. Now it’s time for the quick bits brought to you by free apps books, cloud accounting, software iconic songs with the fresh books, mobile app.

You can work anywhere dan, yet even on the toilet Riley. While you hide from the horrifying prospect of having to interact with other people, great professional-looking invoices, snap pictures of your receipt, so you don’t lose them and stay on top of important conversations and updates. You can even see when a client has viewed their invoice or when an invoice has become overdue. So start your 30-day free trial right now at FreshBooks com forward, slash technique, so you can walk out of the toilet, feeling proud of your accomplishments. Look what I did! Mommy I have fresh bugs chuckling blue. If I had a quick bits, namah namah, namah, namah, namah, namah, huh Apple, you, stupid, Butthead you’re – have to use a USB type-c in your iPhone’s now nananananana, because the EU just voted 582 to a 40 in favor of making a universal charging standard for smartphones. One for the good guys now it’s not as simple as that. The vote was only to spur action on developing a resolution to require a universal charging standard, but still you’re gon na get what’s coming to you Apple in Bend.

Moscow is joining London and many cities in China in rolling out live facial recognition. The technology will be used through mounted cameras as well as smartphone apps and smart glasses yikes. The move comes after the EU recommended a temporary ban on facial recognition technoboy here Russia is even more heartwarming news, charity organization, AbleGamers and tech enthusiast group, 80 makers have created an add-on for the Xbox adaptive controller, which recovered an LTT that will allow gamers with disabilities To control a game using the joystick on their mechanized wheelchair, that’s badass, 80 makers will sell the circuit board for around $ 7 wow.

That’S super cheap, so gamers can build their own for about 35 bucks, which is still we cheaper than other competitive things in that space. That’S wicked, there’s, love and light in the world rally. Don’T be so sad wipe that moustache off your face. You know who should be sad all these jellyfish research is that Caltech and Stanford are implanting them with electrodes that make them swim faster with potential applications for exploring more of the ocean more quickly. I thought jellyfish were already electric, but maybe that’s just because of Pokemon. The implants apparently do not harm the jellyfish, but they do make them more terrifying and kind of sexy, but being terrified is just kind of a norm in 2020, so whatever and so is being sexed. Are you terrified that? Because this episode over you’ll never get any tech news again. Well, don’t be we’ll be back on Monday with more so you can unclench your buck out. Riley! That’S the third time! What’S wrong! With this episode, it’s so burnt! .