Update Windows. NOW.

Update Windows. NOW.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Update Windows. NOW.”.
I just thought that was the general vibe. Microsoft has released an emergency patch for Windows 10, but strangely only some users will have to urgently update see. A few days ago, a flaw was discovered in Windows, server, message, block protocol or SMB v3. An attack using this vulnerability could potentially worm its way from an infected computer to all other pcs on the network, leading to a serious situation like the wan na cry and not petia attacks in 2017. Thus the emergency patch, but the flaw is only present in Windows. 10 versions, 1903 and 1909. So if you haven’t updated your PC since 2018, in a strange twist of fate, you’re actually not at risk from this specific plot, so you should probably update all the way up to the most current version, just to be safe. Talking about an abacus, a huge round of info about iOS 14 has leaked 9 to 5 Mac and Mac. Rumors apparently got their hands on code from the upcoming OS, which points to new iOS features like a ListView for apps.

Update Windows. NOW.

Instead of the homescreen grid, more fleshed-out Mouse support and hand gestures by the camera, there were also some hints about future hardware. We may be looking out for an iPad pro with the same three camera system as the iPhone 11 pro and keyboard covers with built-in trackpads fat baby fat babies there’s even more details, but we might as well wait for Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference, which will take place. Probably sometime in June online, that’s right, kids, due to something that I’m not allowed to say happening in the world right now, which we have to be very careful in discussing. You can basically expect any event in the next few months to be an online-only event, including Apple’s WWDC, Microsoft’s, BUILD conference and all the other events that we’ve mentioned in the past couple of weeks.

Update Windows. NOW.

But things aren’t all dark and gloomy Apple is actually reopening all the stores it closed in China and some ISPs, including 18t, are moving broadband data caps for customers, which just makes us wonder if ISPs can remove them whenever they want. Why do they yeah exist? Why do they exist and also the line is tech tips? Folding team is holding a special event to help medical research. So if you’ve got some spare computing power – and I know I do check the links below and join us in the fight – I’m serious I’m doing this and now a message from our Riley. Now it’s time for quake bits brought to you by story blocks video.

Update Windows. NOW.

If you’re a video creator, you know that occasionally you’ll have the urge to obliterate your camera or workstation, because you just can’t get the shot. You need well good news. You can get all the footage motion backgrounds and After Effects templates, your heart could dream of with a low-cost subscription to story blocks video. They help you bring your creative vision to life faster, while also helping you keep your cash, nice and safe in the bank.

We use it here on Tech link constantly. In fact, you’ve already probably seen a few story blocks video clips in this episode. We right shoot and edit all in one day, so speed and quality is crucial to Dennis’s mental health. When it’s 3:00 in the afternoon and I still haven’t finished, the script Danice has come to love story blocks and you might too to learn more about story blocks.

Video click, the link below Wow nice that Riley out of the quickvids. Traditionally you can pay a fee to have your phone number be unlisted from public directories, and traditionally your phone provider actually does that. Well, comcast isn’t traditional folks. They reportedly accidentally posted the contact information of more than 200,000 unlisted customers, and it’s not even the first time.

It’S happened to 2014. Comcast has had to pay thirty three million dollars for doing the same dang thing shave me twice my data’s out there that didn’t even make sense. You know. What’S not dumb, though Washington state they’ve approved a bill that will put strict limits on the use of facial recognition, ensuring the technology is heavily scrutinized and requiring law enforcement to obtain a warrant for its use? You see that’s not so hard. Is it Russia? What, with the whole, don’t go out in public thing, streaming, viewership is skyrocketing and hopefully so will our views. So discord is upping.

The limit for its go live streaming feature 250 viewers which might actually be a much better option for classes being taught remotely. Instead of letting hundreds of randoms in to disrupt your class, which is what happened to one teacher teaching a class about twitch on twitch inside of twitch, I don’t have my totem users on the Windows. 10 insider ring, okay, well, they’re, gon na be able to copy and paste between Windows 10 and their Samsung phones using Microsoft’s. Your phone app indicating the feature will probably come to the consumer release soon and I’m excited why shouldn’t I be I’ve had so many things. Just waiting on my clipboard for years, I don’t have to email myself and ring the company known for collecting too much personal information and just passing it out to third parties, we’ll be doing less of that. It’S temporarily pausing, it’s use of third-party analytic services, presumably, and tell people forget about it, and they can start it up again. It’S a fairly common strategy, Jim we’ll see how it plays out for them wait. I’M Jim and this episode was also played out so come on back on Monday and I come back, I mean stay exactly where you are because this is an online show. The outside world is scary, you don’t see me stockpiling, toilet paper. I are dry. .