You Wouldn’t Sideload a CAR

You Wouldn't Sideload a CAR

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You Wouldn’t Sideload a CAR”.
Oh, my God., Where have you been? We got tech news to do. Places. Facebook has never been Apple’s biggest fan. And the company now known as Meta, which we’re still calling Facebook because screw them is now rolling out a way to help creators skip paying Apple. Their 30 % cut of App Store, revenue.. Okay, I’m listening.

You Wouldn't Sideload a CAR

Individual creators will be able to direct fans to a web form for subscriptions outside of the iOS Facebook app.. It’S the latest attack on Apple’s walled garden approach to iOS, which senior VP Craig Federagibbi. [ Cameraman.

] Federighi. Federighi [ Cameraman, ] Federighi. Defended this week at Web Summit 2021., While Android Windows and MacOS support side loading apps from outside their official app stores. Craig said that side loading on iOS would mean the flood gates are open for a malware and called it. A cyber criminals best friend. – I mean you, don’t understand the destruction that would ensue entire countries wiped off the map. [ Cameraman ].

Oh, I can’t wait until they allow side loading., I’m gon na get in there.. Facebook is making some other PR friendly moves this week. Too., The social network is shutting down its facial recognition system after 10 years of automatically tagging users in photos.

You Wouldn't Sideload a CAR

As part of the shutdown more than a billion of facial recognition templates will also be deleted. Allegedly.. It’S likely that Facebook is making the move in response to increased negative public sentiment concerning facial recognition, which is also causing problems for a facial recognition. Database.

Clearview AI. They’re appealing a recent court order by Australia to stop collecting images of Australians, which is easier said than done’cause they’re good-looking in Australia. [ Cameraman ]. They are cute Mh they age faster than us. Canadians, all the sun.. Don’T celebrate Facebook’s decision just yet, though, because a Meta spokesperson, which is better than a regular spokesperson, told Rico that facial recognition will probably play a big role in their Metaverse products..

You Wouldn't Sideload a CAR

I don’t know.. Maybe Meta is more trustworthy than Facebook.. The name sounds cooler. [ Cameraman ]. What was that? Maybe they can keep Facebook and Instagram from going down so often ooh, hoo got’em. And the U.S. Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency or CSISA CSISA.

The hip hop artist has issued a directive requiring civilian federal agencies to fix old cybersecurity flaws that they apparently haven’t really done anything about, because government agencies are bloated., There’s no incentive. [ Cameraman, ] Yeah.. You got to fire people. [ Cameraman ], You know let the market forces. There should be a market for federal agencies is what I’m saying. Small government, Peter Thiel., ( Cameraman, laughs ). The order concerns around 200 cybersecurity flaws identified between 2017 and 2020 and 90. More from 2021., That’s a lot of flaws.. They include the Microsoft Exchange Server flaw from March and the Solar Winds flaw from late 2020. Wait. There are federal agencies that haven’t installed the patches for those [ Cameraman, ] They’re running XP.. What are they doing? Taking paid lunch breaks, [ Cameraman, ], Aargh, Banking flex time Now, it’s time for the quick bits brought to you by Ridge, Wallet maker of light, sleek wallets designed to fit easily into your front pocket for added security and confidence.. They even have RFID blocking plates to keep attackers from stealing your information and your sperm from dying..

I added that last part myself, no guarantees., There’s over 30 colors and styles to choose from including Damascus and 18 karat gold, which your current wallet almost certainly does not. Have., Okay, Save 10 % and get free worldwide shipping at Ridge Wallet by using offer code LINKED at, Create biz, Hmm, Don’t mind if I do. The man who was arrested last year for selling switch mods that let users play pirated ROMs is pleading guilty to Two federal felony charges and will owe Nintendo four and a half million dollars. The man’s real name, Gary Bowzer., I bet Nintendo, thinks they’re Mario in this situation, but they’re wrong. Mario is Chris Pratt. And as long as Nintendo keeps being asked to it’s enthusiast community they’re more like Goombas, (, beep, ), Goombas., [ Cameraman, ], Yeah, Goopa, troopa bank people. Tesla’s initiating its second recall in a matter of weeks. This time to correct a faulty update to some cars’ full self-driving beta software that led to the emergency braking feature activating out of nowhere..

You just your head. To be fair. I’D rather have this problem than the suspension issue that caused the first recall., But if I’m being honest, I’d rather have no recalls at all.. No I’d rather have no problems at all.

The recalls, fine. [ Cameraman, ] Sure., Maybe I’ll get a Falcon Heavy.. Those seem to be doing fine. [ Cameraman, ] Yeah., They haven’t, recalled those., Fairly, reliable Apple, Oracle’s, Min-Chi, Kuo and Mark Gurman have both published reports. Claiming Apple may launch a VR AR headset as soon as early 2022, with a smaller sleeker pair of AR glasses.

Arriving later, waaay, who knows, I guess Apple – is jumping in on the Metaverse train. Too. It’ll be a much smaller Metaverse, because you’ll only be able to connect to the 3D worlds.

Apple says: it’s safe more like a Meta solar system or … [ Cameraman, ] Meta, town., Meta street Meta, rooms. [ Cameraman ]. Can you tell me how to get …

How to get to apple meta street [, Cameraman, ], Meta street no Meta to me. An update to the Netflix app will soon allow subscribers to access the same game library that some Polish users recently had the privilege of Testing. Now this isn’t game streaming, we’re talking about., So you won’t need to worry about latency while playing the like five Android games.

You have access to., That’s right.! This was a dumb story.. What did we even …? What are we talking about? [ Cameraman ]? Oh, my Gosh, It’s like a free ( indistinct, ) Polish people have played this Wow, I’m in. And the makers of a cryptocurrency based on “ Squid Game” that hit Netflix, show have made off with around $ 2.1 million after they rug pulled money from investors and Then sold off of their holdings, which seems to be one of the main reasons. Anyone starts a new cryptocurrency these days, especially one where you can’t withdraw your money from the liquidity pool at all.. You didn’t see this coming..

This is crazy. And I’ve lost all context or what the heck is going on.. So come back on Friday for more tech news, and please please be on time. [ Cameraman ].

We have stuff to do.. We have a schedule. .