LOL Facebook, get rekt

LOL Facebook, get rekt

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “LOL Facebook, get rekt”.
Whoa jeez.. Ah there’s a lot of tech news flying around here: today. [, Riley, ] Linus! Are you okay? What you can’t see them [ Riley ]? Are they in the room right now, Yeah here, look., Here’s one boom. [ Riley, ] Ah.

Got him. Meta suffered a monumental blow this week when it reported a drop in daily, active Facebook users for the first time since the platform launched 18 years ago.. I don’t have my prompter remote’cause.

LOL Facebook, get rekt

I threw it at Riley.. As a result, the tech giant stock dropped by over 20 %, wiping out over $ 250 billion in value the single biggest valuation wipeout for an American company in history., [ Riley ]. What about General Electric Now, usually, it would seem rude to revel in others’ misfortunes., But after Facebook’s tumultuous history of hiding data about its problematic psychological impacts while leaking vast amounts of user data that it sells to advertisers. Well, let’s just say the internet didn’t have very many F’s to give.. On top of all that, Facebook is facing a lawsuit from Australian billionaire Andrew Twiggy Forrest over what he describes as its failure to stop criminals using his image to advertise for crypto scams.. Making things more confusing is the fact that Forrest is in the business of mining, but not crypto.

Mining like the real one., [ Riley, ] Oh.. Will Facebook survive of this? Yes, yes, they will., But it’s okay.. Let’S just a moment and chat and Freud together. ( Riley laughing ) [ Riley ] Eat it. Facebook. In the Netherlands, Apple has offered to reduce its commission on iOS in-app purchases from 30 % to a generous 27 % when users use a payment processor other than Apple Pay., [ Riley ].

LOL Facebook, get rekt

How nice. And honestly, I feel like we should be thanking them. 3 % can do a lot if you invest it. [ Riley, ] They’re still doing well.. The announcement comes after Dutch regulators ordered Apple to allow the use of third-party payment processors in iOS dating apps and fined the company 5 million euros for missing the first deadline to comply. Many experts analyzing the Epic-V-Apple lawsuit expected Apple to continue to charge a commission.

LOL Facebook, get rekt

If third party payments were allowed., But since a 3 % -drop might not actually even cover the transaction fees of whatever Apple Pay, alternative is used. Many developers are wondering if switching is worth it. And then there’s also the fact that you’re trying to use iOS Apple’s intellectual property without paying them a third of your income..

Have you any morals, [ Riley ]? Can you imagine getting a desktop? That’S for free, That’s their property in the metaverse. And Intel has pulled another Intel with a new report. Comparing the number of hardware vulnerabilities found in Intel’s chips versus those from its arch enemy, AMD. Intel’s 2021 security report notes that 31 flaws were discovered in AMD CPUs, while only 16 were found in Intels.. Intel did have almost twice AMD’s flaws in their GPUs, but actually, apparently that’s due to a component found in Intel graphics, chips made by (, coughs, ), AMD., [, Riley, ], They’re, beautiful flaws..

This would all kind of make sense if every flaw was equally dangerous, but not all vulnerabilities are as bad as the one in Helm’s Deep. That single explosive I mean we didn’t see that coming. Besides Intel and AMD should probably focus on unity right now. Since 23, serious flaws were just found in UEFI firmware, that’s actually used by both of the companies and many others..

So it’s time to stop fighting. [, Riley, ] Yeah.. I mean keep fighting but fight bad guys, not each other., [, Riley, ] Oh. And no groin shots.

Time for a Riley break.. Now it’s time for “, Quick Bits” brought to you by Brilliant the easy way to learn new things as part of your New Year’s resolution. Yeah. I know you forgot about it a month, later., That’s why you need Brilliant..

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Get smart., You guys totally thought I was gon na, give you a break from Riley, but it was a break of Riley. [ Riley ]. Was it a what Google has gotten into the right-to-repair spirit, with their new Chromebook repair program, which will help schools set up repair facilities partially run by and for students.? The program is obviously meant to help. Google compete against recent pro-repair moves made by Microsoft., But that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate the fact that the program encourages fixing devices instead of chucking them..

There’S a different school program for that. [ Riley ], That’s a star player. Twitter is initiating a wider rollout of its Reddit-esque downvoting feature which will now be offered to a selection of users worldwide.. For now the downvotes will only be visible to the user. That does the downvoting, so you won’t have the satisfaction of knowing you just taught that person a lesson. And they’re, probably still just gon na post the same meme for the 200th time..

But to be fair guys, it is a funny meme., [, Riley, ], Great GIF. Amazon is increasing the price of its all-encompassing Prime subscription service for the first time in four years.. Now, access to free same-day shipping ha ha not really free, some books and music. Some Twitch stuff and some TV shows that It says mediocre in here, but I don’t know- [ Riley ], They’re okay. I haven’t watched. Any of them will cost 139 US dollars a year instead of 119..

Thankfully, there is a way to secure one more year at the old price that’ll be in the news sources down below or you could just not. [ Riley ] eBay is a thing., I mean Daddy, Bezos got ta, have them rebuild that bridge for his yacht right? [ Riley ] He should have the rocket. Rockstar has confirmed that Grand Theft, Auto V will go through one more zombie mutation and lurch ( groans ) onto Playstation 5 and Xbox series S and X on March 15th., [ Riley ], Not bad..

The studio also announced that they’re working on the next Grand Theft, Auto, which will come out at some point, probably involve stealing cars- [ Riley ]. What Maybe Grand Theft Auto Vs., [ Riley ] In space. In space., ( laughing ).

We could be wrong. And Meta. Might be struggling, but they are adding a personal boundary system to their Horizon Virtual Reality. World VR chat poppy thing..

It will prevent other avatars from getting too close to yours, which may help prevent virtual harassment initiated by creeps online.. Somehow those creeps got online. [ Riley ]. What How do they do that [ Riley ] Stop., Although pushing up against the boundary, would probably be just as creepy they’re just yeah, let’s make it- [ Riley ] Right.

It’S just like if they’re just here. Is that as- Yeah, it’s still weird. And what’s also weird, is this video’s over. [ Riley ]? What There was all that tech news flying around.

I swear. I saw it., Not it’s in your mind. – That wasn’t that much.

[ Riley ] Get it. Get this man some help.. We need more of us..

Come back on. Monday. Come back on Monday. .