Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “NO CHIPS FOR YOU!”.
Colton have faith. What he keeps on telling me he’s bad at heckling. Come on. You can’t swim.

You can’t do this, do it stop you’re heckling me say something mean the news cycle has been dominated by russia’s invasion of the ukraine and the tech world has been a big part of that. We already reported on russia blocking facebook, but meta has fired back by restricting and demonetizing russian state actors, while microsoft has followed suit by targeting outlets, rt and sputnik, by removing them from microsoft start and banning their ads. Twitter is slapping labels on any tweet from russian state media and youtube is demonetizing a number of russian state channels connected to putin and the regime and intel and amd have both stopped selling chips to russia after the country was hit by the import sanctions.

Of course, it remains to be seen how much of this will curb the russian aggression, but the chip restrictions will definitely be something to keep an eye on, as the kremlin will definitely be missing. The chip imports, if more hardware is needed for applications such as military use and supercomputing the steam deck was released last week to great fanfare, but just as everyone was getting their reservations in it appears. That valve has already been thinking about a follow-up steam deck that has improved specs slow down there, guys in an interview with ign gabe newell laid fears of some gamers by stating that the current steam deck models will not increase in price, but that higher end models Would definitely be on the table.

You all pointed out that in the pc space it doesn’t take long for computers to either become faster or cheaper, and so the more expensive steam deck with faster storage and higher capacity, actually outsold the cheaper base model. Even in this economy, with those factors in mind, you’ll said it would make a lot of sense to keep pushing the platform’s performance, but no word on when we might see a steam deck pro or steam deck 2 deck harder. It’S my favorite one, like a nice, hard deck golden yeah. I do okay, remember those old-school computers where the system and the keyboard share the same chunky. Chassis like a laptop well, it looks like apple might be bringing that idea back into the modern age, but instead of it looking like an old apple 2, which was large and could place a crt monitor in it. A new recently filed patent shows that a small light wedge-shaped keyboard that contains a full desktop pc with just one cable for data power and display out that’s pretty cool.

Actually, the idea appears to have something you can throw in your bag. Take with you and just plug into a display anywhere just add a mouse and track pad apple is already promising quite a bit of computing punch with its high-tech door. Stop. So we expect it’ll have apple silicon like an m1 or m2 at its heart. We’Re not sure when this might hit the market, but hopefully for apple it’ll, find a real use case. As you could always. You know, just use a laptop, that’s what i was saying. Why would you have a keyboard without a display and a trackpad when you can just yeah anyway, now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by dreamhost the company that helps you own, your digital presence with premium wordpress website hosting at affordable prices because they have Their own data centers, whether you have a business, you want to showcase your latest build or you just want a central spot for all your content. Dreamhost is the dream: they’ve got templates and website builders to help you get online fast or a pro services team to build a site for you plus migrating.

An existing wordpress site to dreamhost is easy and free check out dreamhost and save 67 when you purchase through the link below anyway. Let’S move on to the quick bits: if you’re still trying to buy a graphics card, pricing is out of hand and very hard to stomach, but tom’s hardware just reported that prices on ebay are down an average of 11 this month compared to january, but even with The drop cards are still going for well above msrp. The 3070 originally released at 500, is currently selling for an average of 988 ouch. But don’t worry you can make it all back by using the card to mine crypto.


Oh, that’s a boo, boo yeah! Thank you. Colton tiktok is known for having rather short videos, but bite dance is actually extending the max length of the videos from 3 to 10 minutes. This follows last year’s update, which allowed 3-minute videos from the previous 60-second limit tick. Tock says it wants to give creators more flexibility and allow them to post things like tutorials, which require more than 3 minutes. Personally, i’m hoping to see someone take advantage of these new rules and create the next 10 minutes of mayo scene from rocco’s modern life. I don’t understand that reference. Do you colton nope? I just want 10 minutes of shrek’s a phone yeah.


Do you have an ipad and you’re wondering why there’s no dedicated instagram app there isn’t meta, has finally come out and gave us a reason. Not enough people want one what that’s a terrible reason. The information was revealed after the head of instagram replied to marquez on twitter. This weekend, instagram’s team is apparently focusing more on adapting to how users are interacting on the platform, specifically how users are sharing more content on pms than publicly. Apparently they do hope to get to it at some point, but uh lord knows when that’ll be, and maybe it’s right around the time we’ll see half-life 3.


speaking of valves, they haven’t accepted cryptocurrency for payments on steam since 2017., we’re just finding out. Why now turns out? It’S not because gabe noel is just hates twitter, crypto evangelists! It’S because half of the bitcoin transactions on steam were fraudulent and valve. Didn’T want to have those people as customers – yeah, no crap, that’s very fair newell didn’t give more details on the nature of the fraud, but it’s clear you’ll need to go somewhere else to spend your hard mined crypto with your 988 3070 dick and the next pair Of games in the main pokemon series were just announced: pokemon, scarlet and violet. Oh, come on, the colors aren’t even across each other, on the color wheel and anyway, as a tradition, you’ll find the new starters water, fire and grass and a new region which this time appears to be based on southern european locales, such as italy or spain.

The games are due out late this year, so you might as well start compiling christmas lists right now, dude. How many of these things do they make it’s like four or three a year. I don’t know two more or something too. I can’t keep track of it.

I haven’t even finished the last one and that’s our show so come back on wednesday for more of colton heckling, maybe hey yeah, you suck i’m just kidding. I love you. Okay. Thank you appreciate you.
