Google Finally Made a Watch

Google Finally Made a Watch

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google Finally Made a Watch”.
I don’t know how much time I have I barge past security, they’re, probably gon na grab me any second now. How am I supposed to know that I live in a cave. Google surprisingly actually had some new things to say at their pixel Hardware event. Yesterday, after months, slowly leaking info about their 599 dollar pixel, 7, 899 pixel 7 Pro and 349 pixel watch. Unfortunately, these new things included an attempt to throw shade at Apple for features that pixel phones had before the iPhone like an always-on display and crash detection. Google then went on to announce Face Unlock for what feels like the fifth time, cinematic blur mode just like apples and fancy computational zoomed in photos just like apples.

There truly is nothing new Under the Silicon. I came up nice job. That’S a new one. It’S good, but pixel 7s do actually have some nude stuff face on blur has been upgraded to photo on blur to unblur. Well, the whole photo and a really cool feature called guided frame, provides audible directions to help cite impaired.

People take selfies because we shouldn’t gatekeep narcissism. We all need to have it mostly me. Next up, we finally got to know the pixel watch powered by the Samsung exynos 9110 system on a chip instead of some new watch specific variant of the tensor G2 in the pixel 7s, it runs wear OS 3.5. If that means anything to you at all and has an ECG app blood oxygen sensor is waterproof up to 50 meters, water resistant up to 50 meters, and it’s get it right and its battery will last up to 24 hours. If you can stand to look at its huge bezel for that long, it’s disgusting right now stop we’re kind of kidding as fandroids points it out. It doesn’t look that bad next to other modern, smart watches, stop complaining no complaining allowed.

Lastly, Google gave another peek at its pixel tablet, which will launch next year as basically what looks like a big nest Hub with a detachable display. It will have a tensor G2 processor, though, and without knowing anything about how that chip performs. I can definitely say it’s gon na, be there sure it’s gon na be in that device. Ship yeah, at least at least one. In other Google News, the tech giant announced a video focused version for their Imogen AI powered text to image generator sensibly named image and video yeah. It’S not bad.

The model can generate five second long: videos based on text describing anything from Panda, taking a selfie to a bear, washing dishes to a panda driving a car. It only does pandas, it doesn’t do anything other than that’s still fairly helpful image and video arrives only a week after meta’s own video generator, which they called make a video, also a fairly sensible name. It’S not too bad in an even more sensible move, and just six months after openai’s doll E2 was announced, AI generated content is moving fast.

In fact, another text to video generator finaki was just announced. Along with the dream Fusion text to 3D model generator. The field is moving so fast that the number of papers about AI have doubled every 24 months on our slip, yeah. In fact, this entire video has been AI generated. So if you have any complaints, there is no one person to blame.

I am not real. Neither am I I’m not a person, and after the chip Supply shortage ravaged the world for almost two years. Chip makers ramped up production to meet high demand too bad for them, as it led to a lot of Supply, which was only helped by the cratering of interest in mining. Cryptocurrency and wouldn’t you know it – demand has dropped with it, and now Chip makers like AMD Samsung, Micron and kyoxia, have all reported drops in earnings as they miss their financial projections. The industry is also facing renewed restrictions from the U.S government on exporting to China, which will hurt Revenue even more, and while it’s hard to feel empathy for the wealthy people running these very, very wealthy companies.

Google Finally Made a Watch

It’S also likely that how they react to these conditions could mean that, when for another Supply shortage and higher prices along with it, not to mention inflation, what is this economy linked? Are you starting a new channel not in this economy? Now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by Magic spoon maker of cereal that has the audacity to be healthy for you while tasting like it’s not, this has to be a trick. Well, it’s not it magic spoon. These cereals have zero grams of sugar 13 to 14 grams of protein, and only four to five net grams of carbs per serving and come in. Best-Selling flavors like cocoa, fruity, frosted and peanut butter, build your own variety box and add in their new cereal bars with one gram of sugar, four net grams of carbs and only 130 calories each plus they now ship to Canada and the UK.

And if you don’t end up liking, it they’ll refund your money. No questions asked frankly. The disrespect towards garbage food is stunning: eat, good food click, the link below to get some magic spoon cereal today and use code TechLink to get five bucks off your custom variety box. Quick bits is an abstract idea and not a concrete object. So it’s immune to supply shortages binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, has suspended transactions after a major Cyber attack.

While CEO Chang Peng Zhao initially said 100 to 110 million dollars in funds were taken, it turned out that the hackers actually have gotten away with as much as 570 million dollars of crypto. The incident is only the latest of many crypto exchange hacks leading some to question whether holding all this decentralized currency in a centralized system makes that much sense. But on the plus side, the people behind binance did say on their blog that they will apologize and that they own this. Thank you.

Personally, my faith is restored. Noctua has delivered an answer to everyone asking about whether thermal paste will get squeezed into the little gaps on the ryzen 7000 processors. No, it won’t.

If you buy noctua’s na tpg-1 thermal paste guard for amd’s am5 socket, they have always had a way with words. I have not maybe AMD – wouldn’t use 2 much thermal paste, so it would never get into any of those little nooks and crannies, but if there are any others out there like me, sometimes you just got ta squeeze out a little extra because seeing it come out Of the tube is oddly soothing and maybe it’s a little exciting robot making companies, Boston Dynamics, agility, antibiotics and others have signed an open letter pledging to never add weapons to their robotics, because doing so raises new risks of harm and serious ethical issues. That sounds so soft.

It’S like they haven’t even seen one Terminator while it’s nice. Let’S not forget that other more bad robotics companies, like ghost robotics, have already put guns on their robots. We lost, but maybe when the pacifist and non-pacifist robots go to war, the gun, toting ones, will feel intense guilt as they shred spots by the Dozen a moral victory. Overwatch 2’s bad launch week continues, as even after blizzard rolled out a patch for some of the game’s bugs the game’s. Subreddit is still packed with posts from players complaining about ridiculously long wait times for not just getting into a match, but even logging into the game. At all, others are asking rightly whether OverWatch 2 is actually a new game at all or simply the same one, but without loot boxes this time yeah it was gambling, but so is hitting the matchmaking button without any idea of whether or not it’s gon na work And Daddy’s feeling lucky: I want to play some video games and wouldn’t you know it? Google took our last story too, but it’s Google, Japan, so it’s fine.

Google Finally Made a Watch

They made a keyboard called the gboard stick version: that’s 160 centimeters long, because it consists of every keyboard key placed into a single row. Why did they do this uh? Is it uh Japanese April Fool’s Day or are the people at Google, Japan really cool and should just be my friends, maybe a question for another time: great job, Japan and great job to you for watching come back on Monday for more Tech news I’ll be watching Right, along with you from my cave that I have to go back to .