They Got The Source Code…

They Got The Source Code...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “They Got The Source Code…”.
Oh there’s a tech link today, but it but it’s a holiday huh good thing. I wrote a script and showed up to host it just in case I’m. A close one Intel has confirmed that the leaked Alder Lake bios source code, uploaded to 4chan and GitHub over the weekend, is legitimate and congratulated the hackers on really a job. Well done, they got us.

They Got The Source Code...

The league has sparked concerns that nefarious actors could find vulnerabilities. After all, security researchers, like Mark irmolov, are already doing just that. Irma lab discovered the leak contained a private key used to encrypt Intel’s boot guard platform, which may no longer be trustworthy on some vendor platforms and trust me this Mark doesn’t joke around. Unlike the one filming today’s episode, he loves jokes. However, Intel says they don’t believe. The leak is too dangerous, as it appears to have been obtained from an external vendor, not Intel itself and would therefore have the most sensitive data already scrubbed from the code.

For example, selfies and DMS sent from Intel CEO, Pat gelsinger, to his wife, those are not in there and they probably never were they would have been super wholesome anyway. I, like Pat, he seems friendly. Google just launched new pixel phones, which means it’s about time.

For some news stories about Hardware problems with pixel phones – thankfully this one is not about the new pixel, 7 and 7 Pro, but unthankfully. It involves not being able to call Emergency Services during emergencies. Reports from Pixel 6 and 6A owners have been popping up describing their attempts to call 9-1-1 or it’s equivalent in other regions, only to have the phone freeze up and not complete the call, which sounds way worse than pixel hardware. Issues of days passed like the camera.

App bugging out, but pixels did have crash detection before Apple, so in am it’s okay, it’s not speaking of which that feature on the new iPhone 14s has also been bugging out in the opposite way. The Wall Street Journal reported that emergency services in Ohio got six automatic calls from iPhones whose users were not in a car crash. Isn’T that ridiculous yeah they were actually perfectly safe in tiny, open Metal containers being flung around in the air on a roller coaster. Okay, okay, yeah, so that I mean and it’s time to dunk on meta a little bit, because some leaked memos have revealed that many of the company’s workers dislike meta’s, Flagship, metaverse, VR, app Horizon worlds.

Apparently it’s kind of janky and even the team – that’s building it doesn’t use it very often. I also like to imagine that a good many Tech workers are aware of the fact that in the sci-fi novels that popularize the concept of a metaverse, it’s often characterized as a dystopian Place, run by evil Mega corporations and maybe they’re hesitating about being complicit in bringing That World about, I don’t know other memos, indicated that some employees refer to metaverse projects with the acronym mmh for make Mark happy. That’S what I’m trying to do and describe events this year when Zuckerberg wanted meta to have meetings in VR, forcing many employees to scramble to buy VR headsets because they didn’t have them. Meta’S people aren’t into the metaverse, but everyone else in the world is going to fall in love with strapping those things to their face for eight hours at work. It’S just it’s intuitive now, it’s time for quick bits brought to you by g-skill.

They Got The Source Code...

If you’re, looking for a memory kit for your brand new system, g-skill has got you covered they’re, Trident Z5 and Z5 RGB ddr5 memory kits are designed for Intel platforms and feature Intel, XMP 3.0, allowing for easy overclock performance and if you’re on team, red g-skills Trident Z5 Neo and flare X5 series are specifically designed for AMD platforms and feature AMD Expo profiles for easy memory, overclocking via the BIOS, which has not been leaked. Look for your next memory kit, with G skill at the links below what to say about quick bits. Well, for one thing, they certainly aren’t slow if you Xbox, Chief and Sly dog, Phil Spencer tweeted, an innocent photo of his office shelf this morning, only to have the internet pounce on the fact that, what’s that at the top there, a prototype of the project, Keystone Game streaming device that was confirmed by the official Xbox Twitter account. Oh Phil, you fool! You walked right into that one completely accidentally. Microsoft restarted development of the device earlier this year and its launch date is unknown, but maybe we can count on Phil to keep us updated unintentionally.

They Got The Source Code...

Okay, I got you Phil Twitter is about staying in your cultural bubble and making sassy tweets about people in other ones, but the company thinks that’s too safe. Some users have reported that, while screenshotting a tweet they’ve gotten a prompt to officially share it instead, supposedly since that way, Twitter could Vlog more engagement. Twitter knows that subtweeting is fun and makes you feel good, but they would rather have you confront the idiot that tweeted that stupid thing to their face? Wouldn’T that feel good until the other person retaliates, it would feel good, probably valve made a little oopsie in a recent promotional video for the steam deck by showing an icon for Yuzu, a popular Nintendo switch emulator. Of course, tons of people use the deck for emulation, but it’s probably better not to point that out to the company whose lawyers are constantly sniffing out, any whiff of unlicensed use of their software, straining at their leashes like semi-rabid hunting dogs. It’S Nintendo, I’m referring to here just anyways valve fixed the video, so they should be safe from the Mushroom Kingdom security researchers from the University of Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow security. Researchers from the University of Glasgow have developed a system called thermosecure, which demonstrates the potential for thermal attacks, in which thermal cameras can be used to find out your password, based on the heat left on your keyboard by your fingers, and it’s even worse.

If you got some hot thingies, of course, this would require filming the victim’s keyboard right as or soon after they type their password. So it’s unlikely to be a very widespread threat, but keep your eye out for weirdos hanging around your desk. It’S particularly an issue here.

A guy named Linus wanders around constantly. What is he doing and praise the Doom guy? His game has been shown running on yet another unlikely and impractical platform. Microsoft, Notepad YouTuber Sam person used ASCII Graphics to run the game with no modifications to the notepad exe file and he even plans to release it to the public. Soon, why see? That’S the attitude that ensures you’ll never get Doom running on anything, but I believe that you will come back for more Tech news on Wednesday. Maybe I’m a Fool: maybe I’m a Phil Spencer, I’m not okay! .