It’s Happeninggg

It's Happeninggg

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “It’s Happeninggg”.
Listen to my tech news, listen to my tech news, listen Tech, news, listen to my tech house! Listen to my tech news, Elon, Musk, AKA, space, daddy, one finally bought Twitter and immediately fired the CEO and other top Executives then made himself CEO. What that’s so out of character said Martin aberhard, The Original CEO of Tesla. He didn’t. Actually he didn’t actually say that don’t worry other Twitter employees, there’s good news for your jobs.

Musk has stated that, contrary to rumors, he doesn’t plan on firing 75 of Twitter’s staff, but he is having Tesla Engineers scrutinize their code. That’S right! Tesla, the company that nailed self-driving cars on the first try. Of course, the question on everyone’s mind is when musk will repopulate Twitter with all of its lost, stable Geniuses. Well, you’ll have to wait for new Twitter to form a Content. Moderation, council, with widely diverse viewpoints according to Elon Musk, wants to convince advertisers that he won’t make Twitter a free-for-all hellscape, while also saying that permanent bands should only be reserved for Bots or spam or scam accounts, and that quote wrong. Tweets should simply be deleted.

Instead of banishing the Tweeter to the shadow realm, it’d be like taking away all of sauron’s Orcs, then he’s just a he’s, just like an eye Flame being in a tower by himself. He just he’s lonely he’s not gon na get at you Apple has confirmed. They will give iPhone a USBC charger.

It's Happeninggg

Finally, because they don’t have a choice because of the European Union’s mandate to make USBC the common smartphone charging port by the end of 2024, not that the company is happy about it. Greg joswiak, the senior VP of marketing said the eu’s decision was prescriptive, which of course means a normative claim, a uh. You must do this.

The thing you ought to do. That’S what prescriptive is. Okay, josmiak also believes the decision will result in more E-Waste as customers.

Ditch their old lightning chords, and that is a real concern. I mean think about all the lightning chords that have been made since 2017, when almost every other phone already switched to using USBC. Those chords might not end up in the landfill, though many products still require lightning for Wired charging such as the Magic Mouse and the magic keyboard also did Apple forget that they still sell older iPhone models on their own site. Anyway, it looks like apple will, make the switch with the iPhone 15 next year.

Oh, but we wanted to go portless and everyone else wants to stop using USB 2.0 Apple, Adobe and Pantone want creators to pay 15 a month for the privilege of continuing to use the colors they already used in their Creations. It’S their colors see Adobe announced last year. It would be dropping the Pantone color system from its software because, according to Pantone, it’s Pantone, color libraries, that’s capital, P Capital C get it right have not been updated in Adobe since 2010.. That means the colors present. May no longer be correct and newer colors haven’t been added and creators, don’t even know about all the really great really great cool licensed colors they’re missing now Adobe could have just updated the colors instead of pulling support, but why waste time do lot work when no Work do trick so unless you buy the new plugin for 15 extra dollars a month, any old or new Adobe project that used a Pantone color will show up as black instead jokes on you, Adobe Goths will love it for everyone else. This is it’s really really dumb now, it’s time for quick bits brought to you by jackery this year, jackery is celebrating its 10th anniversary and for this special occasion they want to give back to the community.

It's Happeninggg

How are they giving back? You may ask: well it’s through a 100 win rate giveaway, that’s pretty good! You could win prizes like coupons a jackery solar, generator, 1000 Pro and their jackery 10th anniversary gift package. The giveaway takes place from October 18th to November 15th. So there is plenty of time to enter, take a look at the link below and help celebrate, jackery’s 10th anniversary by winning some great prizes. Today, when Tech news accelerates close to the speed of light, it turns into a quick bits and then it goes into a black hole and reach and teaches its daughter about the nature of space-time love. Love is the thing that connects everything. Quick bits are love.

It's Happeninggg

It turns out Nvidia might be kind of responsible for the whole 4090s melting thing no kidding makes sense. Specifically, it’s been determined by Igor’s lab that the issue isn’t with the design of the 12 volt high power connector itself, but nvidia’s specific implementation of that adapter included with the GPU other 12 volt high power cables on newer quality power supplies. Don’T have the issue now. It’S still not clear whether this is nvidia’s fault or one of their component suppliers, but the fact remains that Nvidia sold a new flagship GPU for just over the price of a kidney switch to using a new power connector and then included an adapter for that connector.

That could destroy said kidney priced luxury item. One must admit it is ironic, is it not? Youtube has finally decided to stop showing shorts in the video section. Thank you. The company announced an upcoming update to give videos shorts and live content separate tabs to allow users to engage with the different formats separately.

Imagine that separate, but equal a prospect that many users are happy with this marks a sharp departure from YouTube’s previous approach to platform Updates. This time they tried doing something everyone would like, instead of the opposite of that. Thank you.

Meta’S stock price dropped by 24 on Thursday, meaning its market value has now sunk by 700 billion dollars since last year, when it was valued at over one trillion dollars unrelated. It was exactly one year ago when Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook was changing its name to meta and focusing on the metaverse. Was that a bad idea to answer this question? We’Re going to talk to someone who’s still using Horizon words? We couldn’t find we couldn’t.

We couldn’t find a single person huh well we’ll we’ll come we’ll get back to you on that Apple has paused gambling ads from the App Store just days after increasing the amount of ads shown inside it because of backlash not backlash from the amount of ads, but The placement of ads, for example, on the page of a gambling addiction recovery app the app store, helpfully points out that you might also like a gambling app. How can you continue to manage your gambling addiction? If you don’t relapse? It’S part of the cycle just pass. Now this isn’t the only misplaced ad. Normally, I don’t want to use adult video chat after reading, but it could depend on the book and Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 2 launched today and Xbox the second one and Xbox and PC users can’t disable cross play whoops and oh and that input based matchmaking. That separated Gamepad players from mouse and keyboard players yeah. That was a feature of the first modern warfare.

Oh yeah yeah, that’s not there anymore. Oh on the plus side, Burger King has an exclusive cosmetic available in over 40 countries, but not the US and Canada. What so this of course means that many North American fans have simply no choice but to pay forty dollars to secure Burger Town skins for their operators. We have to you’re, just like you can’t not pay forty dollars for a skin Ramirez.

Take your team and sit your Burger Town sure and you have no choice but to come back on Monday for more Tech news, because we implanted a subliminal message in this article. I’M sorry, but we we just. We just really miss you. .