I wish YouTube cared about creators

I wish YouTube cared about creators

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I wish YouTube cared about creators”.
I may have a reputation for getting quite fired up riled up by things when i engage with youtube employees, and i feel bad about that. I legitimately do i actually i i went off on here’s another one. Here’S a freaking another one, i’m not even trying to look for them here. It is same video. How about we make them a comment, moderator yeah for sure that would be good, so it’s so frustrating.

So i i went off on someone that, as far as my knowledge goes, is fairly influential in the mobile creator, studio app because oh there, you have no issues with that at all, because there have been a number of changes made that i, whether this individual had Any influence over them, or not, honestly, it’s hard to say because a lot of the a lot of the problems at youtube seem to be coming from uh from somewhere higher is, is all i’ll say i, but i i basically like lost it. I was sitting here going. Okay, i spent a bunch of time talking to you about this, laying out things that would be useful, um like period over period. Comparisons is something that used to be in the mobile creator, studio app.

So i could easily see this month over last month, for example. Instead, they replaced it with this compared to your typical performance line, so it shows kind of what your typical range is for performance and then, where you were relative to that, the problem for me is that i’ve experienced the shortcomings of the typical performance metric typical performance. Might look at some kind of rolling average of your last three or your last six months or something along those lines and if you were at the low end of your typical performance six months in a row, guess what just happened? Your channel got way smaller and you’ve got this little green check check mark in your in your dashboard. That says everything is okay.

No, it’s not! Okay. Looking at month over month is the way that any functional business operates. So you will look at you’ll.

Look at period over period, you’ll, look at this period year over year. That’S how you monitor trends. You don’t monitor trends by going, oh compared to typical what is typical, i mean if, okay, if you want to have a section of the dashboard where i can define typical, where i can say typical, is whatever my last 28 days was.

I wish YouTube cared about creators

That’S, i still don’t think. That’S like well, no, it’s, obviously it’s a stupid workaround to a problem that should have never existed anyway. The point is, i absolutely went off on this person. I felt i felt terrible because i i know i know deep down that many of these changes – probably nothing to do with this individual and they were they were either directives or just sort of general general directions. That youtube is going like, for example, there’s far reduced visibility for dislikes yeah in the creator, studio app, and it’s it’s really frustrating because okay, my work around for this. This is a really good one.

I wish YouTube cared about creators

Okay, so let’s go look at this: it used to be that i could see like dislike ratio right here uh, so it was just like right when you click on a video metric of a video. It would be like right there, because, right after i publish that’s one of the first things, i look at okay, do people even like this thing and because i’m comparing apples to apples, my own channel that uploads every day to my own channel uploading again today. It’S just it’s a really quick and easy litmus test. Oh well, they moved it.

I wish YouTube cared about creators

Well, thanks for that now i get to click go to video analytics where it is conveniently not on the first page i get to go, click engagement and then, finally, i can see a ratio but not absolute values. I can only see a percentage now. What do you? What do you notice about this ratio? This is a video that was published yesterday seems pretty high. Well, that’s channel average, okay where’s the actual ratio, it says, n a doesn’t it! Oh that’s! Actually! Oh okay! I was reading it completely wrong.

Okay, it takes there’s a delay for it to populate now my workaround for this used to be that i could just that. I could click the i could. Click the go to youtube icon in the creator, studio app in order to see analytics right and then i could go view it on the actual youtube app.

But guess what? I can only view that if i’m logged in as that channel – because i can’t see dislikes anymore and and you might think it’s not an inconvenience to be logged in as the actual channel, because clearly i was in the creator studio, but because we have multiple channels. We actually have a multi-channel management tool where i am logged in, as my work account. I have no way on my phone to see the like dislike ratio of this video we uploaded yesterday. This is absolutely basic information that i need to doing job. I love how in you’re, like i went too far, [ Laughter ] rant number three baby, let’s go.

The point is that i shouldn’t have targeted an individual. I shouldn’t have gone off on an individual now in fairness. I didn’t. I didn’t call names like it wasn’t like that, but i i i went after these problems in a way that made it seem as though i thought that they could immediately fix them, and i i clearly i understand that they can’t it’s just it’s very frustrating. You know they’re sitting there not solving real problems, breaking solutions that i already had to my problems like i i just i i don’t know how to i don’t know how to i don’t know how to talk about it anymore, because i’ve asked nicely i’ve been happy To hear about the that they plan to do better for hdr sure, but i have often thought that they have been going in very weird directions: developmental-wise um, i’m just just like working on really odd things, taking features away instead of adding features like not not doing Things that you would hope for a company to do if you wanted to see that company grow.

You know what i mean. It seems like they’re trying to control their current user base more than they are trying to grow their user base. That might be because they think their user base is the entire world.

Well they’re trying to go well, i’m somewhat correct about that and they are trying to grow their user base, but it’s through tools like shorts, for example. It’S not through necessarily, i don’t know. I don’t even know what to call this. I mean how is it even possible that, in the analytics drop down, there’s no custom date range how’s that even possible in the year 2022, such a like crazy list to go through seven days? 28 days, 90 days, 365 days, lifetime june may april, march february january december, 2021, november, 2021, october 2021, september, 22, august 2021 and july 2021.

– no custom. Why would i ever want to see a custom date range now, as i recall, and i’m a little rusty on this, because it’s been a while, since they completely picked up the mobile creator studio a little rusty on this one. But i believe there used to be a way for me to just drag it. There definitely was on desktop, which was amazing, because on the desktop one there was even a little bar below where you could see like a much larger time. Oh yeah yeah and then you could take your highlighted period and you could move it and do like a quick like okay.

What, if i want to see one year over one year and you could get and all the analytics would just like immediately there’s a bump here? What was that yeah? You could just go look at it very easy and, and it would it would update everything below it like what the top viewed videos in that time was like. Oh, it was amazing, then clamping down on social blade too well yeah. I i have i have sent yet another polite request for them to give socialblade proper api access again, so they can store the data for longer than two years.

It’S just it just sucks, because these are. These are tools that we use to to do our jobs right and you know i get it. Maybe maybe you don’t care about me doing a better job of making videos but gosh darn it. You probably should these are all conversations that i’ve had before and instead of just no offense shouting into a vacuum, because there’s nothing you guys can do to fix it. I’Ve had these conversations with actual people who work on these actual tools and it’s still been ineffective and one of the really frustrating things has been that you know how we did a video recently talking about the deplorable state of hdr on youtube.

So i i already talked to you about how fires have been been lit, that’s cool and and now i’m hearing it from third parties that fires have been lit over there, cool sort of because it shouldn’t take that it shouldn’t. I shouldn’t have to make a video. I shouldn’t have to, i should say: hey, i’m a content creator on your platform, i’d like to think a pretty successful one here, i’m telling you i’m telling you what i need.

These are my tools. You actually don’t use them, no offense! You don’t use them like talking to a youtube employee. It’S like it’s like when i was at ncix and the the president would have changes made to the product management team’s tools and he and the developers would get together and have a meeting about how they should work and then we’d get them and we’re going. Hey.

There’S extra clicks and you increase the loading time so that you can add this extra measure that i don’t even use. Literally none of us use it, and then you won’t revert it because now you’ve spent a bunch you’ve got this sunk cost fallacy nonsense going on. You spend a bunch of money developing this feature. No, we don’t want it, it actually made it worse. You have to talk to people who actually use the tools. I mean one of the things i’ve been saying about the mobile creator.

Studio app for the longest time is, it should be a one-stop shop for creation. I should not have to use the player app to upload a video, for example. I should not have to use the player app to look at the comments on a community post.

For example, and yet i do why do i have to do that? Why are they not developing that i would even see it more acceptable if it like didn’t work. The other way around like if you were in the studio, app and you wanted to watch a video and it like launched it in the player app i’d, be totally fine with that it does, but you should be able to do. Oh okay, i didn’t even know, but you should be able to do all of the creation and like analytic, viewing and everything yeah.

Where are my better, like comment, moderation tools, yeah that should be in there in here, yeah like it’s just it’s infuriating like. Why can’t i? Why can’t i manage who my moderators are in here, because apparently we need some apparently there’s been some unruly stuff in in youtube chat today, but i have no way to control that personally. So, oh my god, here’s another one telegram me at linus tech tips, 20. yeah! It’S not working guys! It’S not good enough, and you should have known that immediately.

Oh yeah, because you’ve already been trialing. These features on channels like mine, where it’s clearly not working. Why do i have to be the one to spell this out? Maybe you should hire me as an executive, so i can come in and have an ounce of common sense if this isn’t working in our limited trial. Maybe it’s not good enough, maybe to determine if it’s working or not. All i have to do is go look at a video that is the weirdest part like when the fact that they asked you for an example is actually astonishing, because you can, you can go anywhere on youtube and they’re just all over the place. So i don’t know it’s very odd. Let’S move on, i was gon na say: you’re done.

Okay. I think we should mention that there’s new stuff in the store, thanks for watching for you, can go to hell, but, like i can’t do this all day, thanks for watching and thanks to seeker lab for sponsoring this week’s clips secret lab chairs are engineered to keep You comfy and with up to 5 years of warranty and a 49-day return policy you’re covered if anything goes wrong head to the link in the description to get your secret lab chair today. .