Will LTT ever outgrow fan interactions?

Will LTT ever outgrow fan interactions?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Will LTT ever outgrow fan interactions?”.
Question on your role as ceo and the future of yvonne and partners: do you envision becoming too big for you to candidly, engage with your community or everything in the works uh? I i mean there’s lots of stuff, that’s going on that. We don’t necessarily talk about yeah, i mean i, i want to talk about more things. We shot a lab update today that i think is going to be a really cool video. We basically went through every member of the lab both knew like on probation and established and looked at what they’re working on the the propagation.

The probationary people had to wear a fallout guy masks and a guy fox mask so because they’re still anonymous but anyway um is that the yeah okay yeah yeah um, it’s the development team, yeah yeah, i i is it just the development team is anyone else. No everyone else is, is cleared for camera uh. Do you envision becoming too big to candidly engage with your community man? I don’t want to.

I don’t want to be so big that the lawyers have to do a sanity check on on what i say – and i don’t want to get to the point where i’m so detached that i don’t have our own internal checks and balances, to make sure that i Don’T say anything too stupid i mean as it is we’re not at any risk of that, because i can. I need both my hands to count the number of people that will just tell me i’m a idiot when i say something, stupid and uh. You know that are able to get me to back down on a bad idea. I i mean we.

Actually we actually had something like that happen. This week i i had. I was in a conversation with colton and we were like hey. We should embrace the whole name of the whale land and just make every ticket like a whale ticket, so every ticket includes admission a when hoodie a desk pad a tour of the office uh, a food truck voucher.

Will LTT ever outgrow fan interactions?

You know thing for three meals a day and all this, and we should just have like like put all these like bundles together and it should be like 500 tickets and we were like yeah, let’s yeah, let’s do it now and and on the surface. It’S actually not a terrible idea from a business standpoint, because the reality of it is, we only have a couple hundred seats and there was a lot of value being baked into those tickets. We are going to sell through that couple hundred seats like that. If it was a thousand dollars, it would sell through in like 15 minutes.

Will LTT ever outgrow fan interactions?

So really, whatever price we ultimately settle on is how much revenue do we want to make from the land? We have no way of expanding the capacity because it’s going to be in lab two we’re actually going to be in the warehouse of lab two running the land. It’S gon na be freaking, awesome, um, and that was a way for us to maximize that revenue. For the company, which we need, while also providing a really solid value to anyone who buys the ticket because it was going to be like a bundle deal. However, you know luke made a really good point that was like hey, like my dad, and my friends won’t be able to like afford that and go it’s it’s especially okay, fair enough, we haven’t announced a date, but the date will not be super far out from When we do announce it um and if the ticket’s, like 250 500 um, that’s a lot of spending money to come up with on a like a super short notice. If it was planned like six months ahead, maybe even then it’s still a lot of spending money to throw at one event, um and like yeah, you are getting other stuff you’re, getting the mouse pad potentially you’re. Getting this hoodie like there’s a lot of value in there and and my pitch to luke how sick would it be if all the pictures and video from the lan were people in this, like uniform gaming like everyone’s wearing the same hoodie, that would have been so Cool pretty cool, but there’s also issues with that.

If people are coming to land they’re very likely super fans, they might already have one of the hoodies yeah, so we don’t want them to end up with a second hoodie, so yeah to be pretty rough, clear. We’Re not doing that yep, so we’ll we’ll figure out something that kind of makes sense and i think we’ll try to we’ll try to have like bundles and add-ons as things that people absolutely can buy. As part of the experience like i, i think we’ll probably do studio tours, we’ve done them during ltx before in the past, and it’s been a pretty fun way to engage with the community.

Will LTT ever outgrow fan interactions?

Coming back to that question, do you envision becoming too big to candidly engage with the community? I think, if i do, we will completely lose. I think i think we’ll fail. Ultimately, so i i don’t think that i or i mean i’d i’d, love to think that we have a leadership team that could carry on without me.

I i’d like to think that we will not stop engaging with the community, whether it’s reading comments or talking to people like this or whatever, that ends up looking like, and i mean luke and i both intend to sit uh in with the general population at the Land not because we have to because, but because that’s something we want to do um, i don’t. I don’t see that changing anytime too soon. .