How you’ll be able to read Labs’ testing results

How you'll be able to read Labs' testing results

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How you’ll be able to read Labs’ testing results”.
If there’s any plans for the labs to release a spreadsheet list or ranking chart for the products you test, whether it’s paid or free yeah, I don’t know we still. I still have to sit down with a lot of people from Labs that that have experience at um, related websites, uh and and figure out exactly what we’re going to do, because we’ve been waiting to get development on staff, but there was paperwork signed. Yes, really: okay, um done deal love to hear it so very soon, it’ll technically be before that person actually starts, but I want to get these meetings started anyways and he’s volunteered. So we’re going to have a call just to go over some of the road mapping stuff before he actually starts, so that we can start doing design so that we can start hitting it hard right when he’s actually full full time. Can I tell you something? Wild sorry hold that thought. I want to hear the rest of that that what you’re about to say thing, you manage a larger team now than I did when we moved into this building nice and there’s a lot more coming. That’S by the way, if you just heard that yeah buy backpacks yeah, Fair uh, if you just heard that that uh that contract thing you’re like what I didn’t get it, I’m still still working on it. I need a few of you guys, not just one so yeah in summary. Yes, Our intention in the longer I mean screw it should I just should I just bring up the dock? No, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No, no! No! No! No I’m serious do not.

There are things on there, we’re not showing no. What is it serious, I’m getting a maybe I’ll switch. I will switch the camera off his screen, I’m getting a, maybe Vibe, I’m getting a, maybe Vibe. No, what do you? What do you think okay, can I at least, can I at least talk about MVP? Yes, okay, I’ll, tell you what why don’t? No, you talk about him.

Okay, okay. I thought you were gon na say why don’t I just show that part of this yeah [ Laughter ] the MVP, the chat screaming. Do it? Oh, my goodness is someone calling me to prevent this line. Is speaking.

How you'll be able to read Labs' testing results

I don’t know what this is, but it’s definitely spam. Definitely spam. That’S a hilarious spam call fairy, it started with yo we’re all out of vaccines, and then I hung up because it was obviously very stupid. Um I was gon na say MVP is, is: is minimum minimally viable product, uh sure yeah um, it’s it’s not technically 100 Locked Down.

The General features are which is what’s on that sheet, but exactly what the site will actually look like: it’s not 100 Locked Down. Okay, uh, we still have to nail that in, but so you want me to read it or do I need to share this with you or like share it with me? Okay, I’m not going to share with you it’s it’s mostly! I I actually might have to see it yeah you can there you go yeah. It’S essentially like uh. The the MVP to be completely honest, is essentially like a really fancy blog um, because that’s I mean that’s what it is right, you’re you’re reading, so there will be.

How you'll be able to read Labs' testing results

There will be reviews we’re going to try to make sure that the the search is very strong. The fuzziness of the search is very good, so you can find things that you’re looking for that’s there’s all going to be categorized to some degree. We want to be able to uh, generate and display graphs and tables, obviously which already sort of works. It just needs to work on the website as well. We can’t be painstakingly, you know, graphing things and making tables by hand like we do on the video production side of things and yeah. They might not be as pretty, but they need to be fast.

How you'll be able to read Labs' testing results

I’M going to be taking in goals and desires from a lot of different people on the on the technical side of labs, so we can figure out what they want on the website. I can tell you one of the really wild things they want um. I I had a chat with Gary recently or someone did somehow this. This floated back to me and apparently the target maximum throughput for headphone testing is 50 a month. Oh yeah, so hopefully you guys are ready to store a lot of data.

Well, that’s yeah! That’S can graphic yeah yeah. I just mean, like that’s a freaking lot of headphones. Yeah, that’s fine, but are there even that many headphones, like I think, you’re gon na run out of headphones yeah.

I think we’re gon na run out of headphones before we run out of testing throughput yeah um. What was I gon na say yeah, but so one of my two okay, two Core Concepts that I’m gon na try to Champion. One of them is that it needs to not be like overwhelming and intimidating when you land on the website, yeah um and when you’re looking through the website. To be honest, there should be deep hardcore information, but it should feel accessible um. It should you shouldn’t hit land on the website, be like. Oh, my goodness.

This looks like a UI from the 90s we’re gon na trick you into thinking everywhere this data pretty much yeah but like. Actually, though, we want to make it a comfortable experience to dive. Really deeply into something to encourage people to actually take that extra step. So that’s one of my things, the other one is.

I want the CMS to be really strong um. The CMS is actually extremely important because I don’t want someone to have to spend their whole freaking day, building these articles because they – because I don’t know if we’re writing individual articles for each one of those 50 headphones that we’re testing a month um. What’S all this? No you’re good you’re good um, so the CMS has to be pretty strong. If we’re, if we’re building a little thing like a graph or whatever, it should be very easy to add that not labor intensive as few clicks as possible that type of stuff. So there’s going to be a lot of work in that regard. We want to have product browsing by category by Tags by search we want to have pictures and videos embedded. We obviously want to have affiliate links working because they got ta pay for this um. This is so expensive, yeah. There’S a comment in flow plane chat about hoping that we don’t um like squeeze Steve out. That’S squeezed out not going to happen. Well, you need multiple, independent sources, so if, if anything uh uh, it should bolster because then people are going to be looking for that type of content, exactly we’re bringing it back, yeah bringing it back, and we have literally always said um that you should look at Multiple reviews for products that you’re buying so like. No that’s, that’s not happening, not a thing I mean another thing too, is that yeah this is pointed out by a daphoid over on uh in the float plane chat.

Is we don’t intend to just focus on PC components that too I mean one of our first hires has a ton of experience in mobile phone testing uh. So that’s I mean that’s, not something Steve touches as far as I can tell at all. In fact, doesn’t he still use like a dumb phone or something like I? I know last time I talked to him, he was like Ancient Ancient phone.

I just don’t think he cares about it at all. So so we are. We are absolutely going to be looking at different verticals and we also think that even for the things we both cover, there is and yeah in a lot of situations validity to more than one testing methodology too.

So you know, maybe maybe one of us uh. You know tests coolers with an artificial load. Maybe one of us is all about. You know embedding a thermal diode in the IHS, maybe yeah. You know whatever right like and to be clear. That’S a bad example, because, obviously we would both care about it from both perspectives, but I just mean that there’s not always the one and only single way to test something I mean okay games games are a really good example.

Maybe you know we really feel like yeah. Our audience has moved past 1080p, so we’re really focused on how good cards are for 1440 p and up. You know that that could be something that could realistically happen in the next two to five years or if we start automating the. If we start automating custom benches instead of uh or custom runs instead of just running the the canned benchmarks or something like that.

I don’t know more, more sources is good. You should. You should read, slash watch both. Yes, .