Google pressures Apple to fix Android texting

Google pressures Apple to fix Android texting

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google pressures Apple to fix Android texting”.
Google is trying to evolve texting, that’s right, the sources verge and mac. Rumors. This week google launched a campaign, okay, explicitly asking apple to adopt rcs on their page. They outlined the substandard green bubble. Experience of iphone users like low resolution, multimedia messages, broken and limited group. Chats that’s true, no typing indicators or red receipts and no ability to send over wi-fi or with end-to-end encryption. This is how you get more watch time.

Kids. Despite a very chaotic, instant messaging strategy, google has been trying to get rcs more widely adopted for a while. Now, but thanks to reticence from carriers and ignorance from apple google’s been the sole torchbearer, maybe if they hadn’t crushed all their other competition we’d still have windows phone, not that microsoft is exactly.

You know the shining star of making sure that there’s no monopoly or duopoly implementing the service from their servers and implementing features like end-to-end encryption on their own. Our discussion question is how many iphone they’re editing it in real time? Are you really going to avoid talking about the warranty? No i’m going to talk about the warranty thing. I said right at the beginning of the show i’m going to talk about the thing jeez.

Google pressures Apple to fix Android texting

No, these are bring back. My discussion questions. Okay, these are from jonathan horst our host for mac address.

Google pressures Apple to fix Android texting

How many iphone users have you met that are snobby towards green bubbles? I don’t know, but i heard it actually like dramatically – harms your dating prospects, real green bubble. Yeah. There was an article that i was reading. They like actually like studied this with a not insignificant sample size and it was like the conclusion. People are shallow.

Google pressures Apple to fix Android texting

I mean it’s good, it’s good. We know this. I don’t text. Often most most of my text.

Messages are for like service alerts like like, like flow plane, servers and stuff. Well, that’s because you’re, a giga chad who uses like signal or something so that’s true yeah. So, like i message what yeah, i don’t know every time that we talk about this, i’m just like i don’t know. Maybe it’s an androidification thing that i don’t use the text messaging thing that comes with my phone.

I use signal instead, maybe that’s like. Maybe if it was better, i wouldn’t i don’t know, people in flow plane chat are like um. Actually, you know banned from group chats because of green messages. Um, i prefer blue chats, but not a deal breaker. I get my balls busted for being a green bubble. All the time i’ve never experienced it, i just i i have never experienced it either i mean part of it is that i wasn’t in high school or middle school yeah when iphones were a thing right, yeah and i mean nobody had a blackberry that was for, Like your dad yeah, the the guys with the hip, holsters and stuff right, it was like it was: none of the kids had blackberries or none of the people that i knew at least my school was also like cut out in the boonies. So you know yeah fair enough. This is wild, though the number of people that are like yeah.

It’S you hear this all the time. It’S it’s like a super persistent thing, and there are some things that aren’t really legit that you dear all the time, because the people uh that it’s pointed at like to complain that it’s happening even though it’s not but like this seems to be one of those Things, that’s actually real, but i have my brain experience with it, so i don’t know every single time yeah who cares yeah the banning, because of it i feel like there might be some more going on well, i feel like that was an excuse. No, it can also it can break some interactions, so it’ll do things like uh, for example, when i’m texting someone on an iphone, my sister has an iphone, and if she reacts to a message i will get a full-on sms notification.

Uh bella reacted thumbs up to your message and, like i think it copies the contents of my message. I don’t want a text message for this mind you. I also don’t want a notification for people just going on my messages.

So that’s maybe the same problem that should just be a setting thing, but i do like that personally because for me it’s like this is a full confirm that i have read and um good with whatever this is. You know, maybe okay, maybe i mostly like that because of slack yeah, because i like the work confirmation of someone like being like god. This is just you from like a business perspective and whereas people in just having personal conversations and again a lot of people treat their social lives very business-like, you know everything’s like scheduled and they’re coordinating yeah.

I definitely don’t do that. I do yeah yeah, i’m just like i’m making burgers. I wonder if luke is hungry, what, if i could also get him to move yeah yeah? Maybe he could also help me move a dresser yeah this. This could work and a bed. I don’t remember everything else that was kind of a fun day, though i almost needed to call you again.

We had other dressers but yvonne’s shoulder’s feeling a little better, so she helped me move them all right, but i was very close. I was very close to calling luke see you on trying to replace me. I get it um! Well, don’t think about it too, hard, okay, yeah and that’s probably for the best .