This is probably the angriest I’ve ever been at an employee…

This is probably the angriest I’ve ever been at an employee…

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This is probably the angriest I’ve ever been at an employee…”.
All right this next one, I’m gon na apologize to you Linus this one comes from Andrew, hey everyone. I was so excited for the channel super fun on flowplane. It was so hilarious Linus in two words, how much damage did Dennis cause to your house. I think you could use one word.

I’M gon na check the wording here because um, it’s funny that you would say Dennis caused the damage to my house and not Dennis and Colton whoa whoa whoa to my house. Don’T involve me. Um definitely does say just Dennis, but sorry I get two words to describe the damage you guys did to the house, yeah um, thousands and dollars.

It was pretty bad. How about that? So they they explorer. Was they Wang? The banister, which is a pretty small, fix? Yeah, a little bit of wood filler, some primer sand, Prime paint, maybe sand again paint again like you could. Probably you could smooth that out, but the damage they did to the floor in the main bedroom would necessitate taking like a not insubstantial amount like it’s.

This is probably the angriest I’ve ever been at an employee…

It’S basically not fixable by the time they sanded the entire floor down enough to take out the gash that they put in the middle of my brand new. By the way, this is literally brand new flooring that was installed fresh as part of this renovation, the gash they put in the floor. They would have to take off so much of the top surface of it that you would actually have to pull off the baseboards move them down and repaint. The walls like you would basically have to re-model the entire room to undo the damage that they did.

It was really bad, it was a pretty deep gouge and we tried moving the bed at least three times on the first time I was like this is not what this should sound like Dennis: let’s go, get a Vaughn and he’s like no, no. No. We got this like just horrifying. No, we were the adults in the room. We have you bear part of the responsibility. We have video evidence, pretty cool yeah, I’m not gon na lie like I don’t.

I think the I don’t know how many times have I like. Yelled at our staff, like like CEO yelling it. What do you mean yeah, like straight up, yell yell yeah like mad yells, just like you get quiet passionately yeah, he gets quiet when he’s really mad. I haven’t heard not that often.

I can definitely remember a few, but not that often okay, we have a favorite one hit me with one. I I have one that I remember that was like really good. I was I was Furious. My favorite one was at my parents house.

This is probably the angriest I’ve ever been at an employee…

Oh, what was that one? Oh were you there. I heard I heard about this. Okay was that me was I off camera, though, or was I Hamming it up for camera camera? Okay? Oh! What did I uh? What was it then? I don’t even remember um well technically, okay, technically it was filmed, there is footage of it, but like it wasn’t we weren’t, like supposed like a camera, would just happen to be rolling uh, but someone was trying to because so there was like judging happening in the Family room and the judges wrote in the garage and you were able to monitor the filming and stuff that was happening in the family room. But you needed people to start shooting in the garage and if you remember, like the whole reason why we were. There was because the day was crazy because the power was out at the office, like all these things were going weird, so it’s a very stressful day and then filming was like not happening correctly and you I yeah. I don’t want to recreate it, but were we filming channels super fun too? At the same time? Yes, at the field, yes with the bumper balls or whatever it was yeah. That was an interesting day.

This is probably the angriest I’ve ever been at an employee…

It was a stressful day. I think I’ve only seen you yell twice, maybe – and I don’t remember the exact situations – the time that I remember because I was I was more Furious than almost any other time. I can remember running this company was when we lost a shoot due to utter carelessness. Just like completely we’re like lost the SD card that had the entire footage for our shoot on it. This was a long time ago that was a long time ago, yeah very, very vague memories of this yeah that was uh. That was back at the at the Langley house yeah. So there’s there’s not many times that I have like yelled at people, unironically um and I wasn’t even yelling at a person in that case because it wasn’t an individual that was responsible for it.

It was one of those as a team. We were just being utterly careless with our data, and I you know I find I find it’s not the size of the transgression. It’S the necessity of the transgression and losing that data was utterly unnecessary.

It basically was a combination of it’s a boiling again utter utter apathy and incompetence like there was just no other way that it didn’t happen. You can’t lose footage like that: yeah, um and – and I and the specific circumstances around it, though sometimes bad stuff happens, and I’m understanding of that. Like we’ve, we had people uh. I don’t think I even yelled when someone who’s no longer here left an entire camera bag, full of camera media uh everything just like sitting in front of a Lobby in Vegas, just got in the cab without it just left it there, like. I like stuff happens, but when it’s, when you had every opportunity in the world to to back up the data – and you just didn’t uh, then I get then I start to get really frustrated um. So I was not as mad as I was when we lost the data, but because of how unnecessary the damage was to the floor, I didn’t mince words.

I think I made it clear that I was extremely unhappy with the result. Okay, I found it yeah yeah. You were there when I found it yeah, oh yeah, okay, he sent a message and I was I read the message and I immediately understood the severity of said message.

I didn’t yell though nope I don’t. I don’t think yelling is healthy. I don’t think it’s constructive. There was that company that I used to work with um, like back when I was a product manager, and I was told that their their boardroom meetings would often devolve into people yelling and literally screaming at each other, and I was I I was.

I heard this fight for volume dude and I just went what what on what possible reason could you have to be yelling at each other in a business meeting? Aren’T you all on the same team? I interviewed somebody a few weeks ago for one of the business job postings we have open and when we’re talking about you know why what’s wrong with your current position, they were saying like hey the work conditions here, aren’t good and kind of dug into that. A little bit, and basically it was like yeah. The way that we deal with any issue, large or small, is just screaming at each other, and I was like oh that doesn’t seem very constructive thanks. So yeah .