Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “STOP CALLING ME!”.
Luke yeah, would you like to tell me about that phone call sure yeah? Okay, so I uh I’ve been a Telus customer for a long time now, um I have talked on the WAN, show a bunch about how, if you’re in BC, you should like almost certainly be with Telus. If you can for your for your internet, if they have fiber optic in your area, yes, if they have ADSL in your area, then you can tell them to pound sand yeah or rather dig up sand and bury some Fiber Optic lines in it. Yep yeah because Shaw’s whole fiber thing is like fake. Basically, um and Telus actually runs fiber into your house, which is fantastic and it’s been very, very stable over the years, and things have been good um. Something that I really liked was that every two years, like clockwork every two years, they’d, give me a call, because my loyalty discount would end yeah and I would no longer be locked in with them sure.

And they would give me a call, and they would give me a account this guy’s, a Flight Risk call him. Now they give me a preemptive counteroffer right right, they’d, be like hey. Your thing is over you’re going to go up to standard rates. What if we lock you back in for another two years, we’ll upgrade your plan to a better plan, slash and or it’ll be cheaper or something like that um one time they called me and my plan went from 300 to 750. and it got cheaper and I Was like okay, 300 megabits, 750 megabits yeah see. I thought you were talking about dollars and I was like hey.


Why are you paying so much you’re, not gon na, say, there’s no way. I would pay that much yeah. I don’t think you’ve ever paid that much for anything, no, no uh. So I was like this is sweet and every two years like I would completely forget about it and then randomly I get a call from Dallas when I never get a call from Telus and I’d be like hey how you doing this is gon na be great And I’d pick it up in some customer support person who’s like all right, we’re gon na like double your speed and drop your price down, and I’m like this is one of the best calls I get every two years. I love this process and then I realized the other day. I should check my bills and I noticed that my Internet bill was like oh really high way higher than it should be, and I’m like what the heck and I was like.

Oh, it’s been more than two years. They never called me okay. So I look into this last time that the person called me they gave me free TV. I told them.


I didn’t want it. I don’t watch TV yeah, they were like it’s like part of this thing. Just take it it’s free and I was like okay. The thing expired, so I’ve been paying for TV that is unplugged sitting in the corner. Oh no because I don’t watch TV right and my I went off the discount rate, which I looked at the plans on their website, and there are plans that are significantly faster than what I have and are also noticeably cheaper than what I’m paying when they’re. Not discounted, so I’m paying a not discounted rate, and not only is the discounted rate that everyone pays all the time way way way way cheaper, but the not discounted rate is also cheaper than what I’m paying and is like considerably faster. So I’m just getting completely hosed right now, so I call them is that Telus is a Canadian ISP and yet every single one of you can relate. All you have to do is take the word.


Telus yeah horrible local ISP is, and you can follow along with Luke’s story and share his misery, yes and carry on so I call them up and it’s none of the people on the phone’s faults. Of course, not so whatever right, I’m chilling, but I I am expressing like like. Why did what happened? Why didn’t I get called it’s a really unfortunate thing, but you almost have to get mad to get escalated. I found I did a lot of companies.

I didn’t get mad, I was just confused and I had to go through a couple people, because I had multiple things on my phone at the TV I’ve seen it before, though yeah I, I usually usually it’s fine, but um. Most of them didn’t know why? Because they were like oh yeah, I’ve heard of those calls in the past. I don’t know why they stopped or he didn’t get called or whatever.

So I was like okay like there’s, no, whatever. Eventually I get to the like Customer Loyalty person and we like borderline. Getting a fight because she’s, like I just keep saying like, please cancel my TV and she wants to go on this huge tirade about like how what they used to do was bad and people would complain about it and no one complains anymore and I’m like okay.

I don’t care I’ve expressed that I wish I had the call and if they could happen in the future, I would like to get them that would be cool. Just cancel my TV please and then she’d be like nope, because I guess she like needed me to agree with her that it’s cool that they didn’t call me and I’m like okay by the end of it. I’M, like I’m like very, very, very unhappy with this experience, but I got my stuff canceled and everything’s fine and I’m moving on now. They call me yeah now they call you all the time really, but it’s it’s like twice in the last half like third-party studio studio that, like they’re, called Monet Studio or something okay that call on behalf of Telus to try to sell me more crap. Oh interesting, there’s an autocomplete for like Monet, Studio, Telus or something like that yeah. So this is like this is a thing yeah.

So I think that person that I was angry with on the phone because they wouldn’t stop trying to push their point instead of just canceling, my TV and letting me get off the phone just signed me up for, like every Telus marketing thing they could, which was Not my point what a day I didn’t want that what a day I just want to call every two years when my things expires, so you just like. Are you staying with telechino yeah, I’m stealing with Telus cool we’re gon na like update you to one of our new plans? Everything’S good, that’s all I want. I don’t want the freaking marketing calls stop it so annoying! Oh no, and it isn’t usually that common. I think the reason why they called me that second time was because I told them to take me off their list and they were like nope we’re gon na get through to you um and like every time that I’ve answered so far and tried to like talk To them they’re trying to sell me stuff for TV, which is why I really think it was that person.

I don’t watch TV, I don’t I really don’t. I don’t want it, I’m not interested so yeah. I don’t know. I was extremely happy like very, very, very happy with Telus customer service for a long time yeah, because those calls were just a beautiful amazing thing because who doesn’t like yeah, I come to think of it every time. I complain about the experiences I’ve had with Telos over the years. You’Re you kind of either just like I’ve had great experience or you’re. Just like I don’t know, yeah, I’m not going to tell you. Your experience is wrong, but, like I’ve had fantastic experiences to be clear, I’ve had good ones too, and this the the the product is great yeah. The product is outstanding, your home is great and it’s super stable yeah. It’S like, I don’t think I’ve had internet down time since I signed up for it, and it’s been like two or three years, like it’s very, very stable. It’S super stable. It always stuns me when I’m like gaming with someone from like another country or something that is like very developed and sorry.

My internet yeah, it’s like that happens, yeah well, the dorm area and it’ll never happen back in the mid 2000s. It’S not like. We didn’t have the same problem: Oh yeah, I remember my my high school girlfriend’s house um their uh, their ADSL line, so that was one of my terrible experiences with Telus because they came out and tried to fix that thing.

Literally, like half a dozen times over. The span of a year and every time they’re like yeah, it’s fixed, like you, didn’t, do anything. No it’s not all you did is like power cycle.

The freaking ADSL modem. You didn’t do anything, I’m telling you it’s not going to not I’ll just fix you later like it was. It was an awful awful experience, but what would happen? I think they eventually figured it out was like somewhere along the line it kept getting flooded or something like that Rod. Rosenberg was like. I haven’t gotten my call from floatplane darn it well yeah, but doesn’t he just Auto renew yeah yeah yeah he’s already grandfathered in at the low rate anyway? This is my it’s like if you, if you want a comparison, it’s like two years from now. We release three new subscription plans on floatplane that are better and cheaper than the current ones that we have sure, but if you were subscribed to the old ones, we just leave you there yeah, which sucks, like that’s, obviously stupid and their whole excuse was like.

Oh, we had a bunch of people complaining about those calls. I strongly don’t believe that people were upset that they called once every two years and said: hey things are going to be cheaper and better see ya, yeah that that sounds very unlikely. Well, okay, actually, it’s possible it’s possible that people would just get angry about a call from their ISP because they just don’t want to hear from them, but the solution to that is just to put them on an old call list that actually works like I have That issue with our bank actually with our banks because personal and business um, they called me, probably each at least once a year to ask me if I’m interested in some new service or if I need any help with my account and every single time. I tell them, I don’t deal with that stuff, you need my wife, here’s her number, I don’t touch any of it. No, but really you don’t need to talk to the man or whatever or whatever it is going through your head. That makes you want to talk to me about this honestly drives me crazy, like contractors, man, my my girlfriend and I were well, she was buying a car right. Damn I told you this story no, but I already know where you’re going with it. I went with her yeah.

She did incredible research. She had literally like uh, she’s old school. She likes paper. She likes documents.

She likes writing things. She had like a binder full of research that she had done on all these different cars on all the different deals from all the different dealerships. All the different prices that people are getting yeah very, very organized very, very well informed, I’m coming along like no cars. Yeah, I yeah it’s I’m completely fine with my car, the person that was trying to sell her this car, the one that we test drove it isn’t the one that we bought.

I think this might be a small part of it, but it definitely wasn’t. The whole part would only talk to me about things. She would ask him a question and then he would look at me and answer the question and I’d be like I like. I do this. I’Ve talked to you about this before I do this body language stuff every once in a while.

So he would look to me and and start answering the question. I would just do this. I do the exact thing and he would just keep talking to me. I’M like brother. I did not ask you this question.

If that doesn’t work, I will even just go. It drives me crazy. It was so annoying. Are you such a bad experience so anyway, the the bank will call me or the banks uh will call me periodically and ask me about this stuff I’ll say put me on your.

Do not call list they’ll, say yeah, of course, sir and I’ll say no, but really put me on the Do Not Call List, and it is something that I have. I I’ve gotten kind of angry about because when I ask specifically not to be called, I wish to not be called so if they were calling people who had already explicitly said put me on an actually functional. Do not call list yeah, then yeah they’re going to get angry, no matter what you’re saying to them, because they said don’t call me so I can see their size but there’s an easy solution to that.

I don’t pull this yeah exactly and that’s fine, and if people want to pay way too much for a service, that’s worse, let them whatever. But I don’t think the majority of people are going to be like that. I don’t know it’s just frustrating like.

Maybe it’s not like an excuse, in my opinion, to rake a bunch of people for money because they had this system that, like I’m, definitely not the only person that figured out this pattern. I figured out this pattern over the course of like six years. They were doing this for a long time, yeah for sure.

So a bunch of people were in this Rhythm and then they stopped doing that. I guarantee you. I wasn’t the only one with hiked up bills, because the second the discount drops the bill goes up by a lot.

Yeah, oh tons, because a lot of the time it’s like free for some period six months a year, long way for you to forget everything off and stuff like that yeah and then yeah you don’t get the call! You don’t think about it, because you’re used to this Cadence pretty much. Everyone uses automatic billing now so so then some amount of months on, like basically everyone. They probably had these cranked more expensive bills, which is brutal. I don’t like that. Mystic man on Twitch asks what, if people want to keep a grandfather grade indefinitely, rather than get a temporary great deal that goes away after a year or two. It’S just that the thing about internet service is that, assuming that you know your ISP is making any kind of investments into their infrastructure and that they have any kind of competition.

Even a duopoly is better than nothing. Assuming that a couple of years down the line, your internet should be cheaper, even the great deal I mean remember back when okay, so I was in high school uh like like late high schools, you would have been like late elementary school. I guess I remember how you know the best time to get a cell phone was Christmas because they would always have deals with all these minutes, bundled and all this texting. You know we used to pay per text anyway, um that that was like the best time to get it, and you could really get a smoking hot deal on a cell phone plan around Christmas time, um that would legitimately be better than anything you could get for The next couple of years yeah, but after that couple of years there was almost always a better deal to be had and there’s there’s just the way it works. That’S technology baby, it’s the only thing that doesn’t freaking inflate. Let’S embrace it. Let’S love it. There’S two things I want to address too: how much does your TV cost per diagonal inch Luke? How does that compare to the 1950s, a crazy one that I looked into recently was just ssds, because I remember when we first started working together.

That was when we were crossing the dollar per gig threshold yep and now it’s like penny is the gig yeah. It’S incredible sorry, I didn’t mean to cut you off you’re good, so bubbly, Charizard and Philippine chat said. Why not have a reminder set uh to call or chat yeah? I do now yeah, but if you don’t you need to, then why would you ever set it up if they are just there was a precedence set over the course of many many many years and then the other one is someone someone the the question you were Addressing what, if you just want this grandfathered plan? That was my main counter argument on the phone, which was that the current plans not discounted so I’m paying before I do. This call I’m paying a not discounted plan.

So I’m looking at a new plan, but not the discounted rate. The website wants to show you the discounted rate, but you can find the non-discounted rate. So I’m not looking at the discounted rate. It is faster and better in every single way and cheaper.

There is legitimately zero reason whatsoever why you would want to be on your old plan. It is only better to be on the new plan, even if you’re not locked in as we were talking about the next topic, the vase amount thing. Multiple people in float, plane, chat and that’s like that’s a subset of a subset right. Multiple people in flow plane chat mentioned that they had the same problem with Telus.

So it’s not just me, got him gee .