The coolest tech we saw in Japan

The coolest tech we saw in Japan

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The coolest tech we saw in Japan”.
What’S your most memorable tech experience from your visit to japan p.s, we still use fax machines daily in the office. Well, but are they internet connected fax machines running at 1.6 terabits per second? No, probably not the uh. The airport wi-fi was pretty crazy yeah. I i forgot about that completely the airport. Wi-Fi was mind-blowing actually nuts, and this was back when you know here in oops.

I think i bleeped in the wrong spot. Well, whatever north america um, our airport, wi-fi was like barely functional at that point in time, because i i was going through purging some pictures right like a week ago or something and i came across the airport wi-fi from when we were there, because i took a Picture of it because i was like this is insane at that point in time, not now, but back, then that was faster than some people’s internet that i knew personally, oh yeah at their house 100 like that was crazy, um. Sorry, everyone’s virgin ears. Oh my most memorable tech experience, i mean i’m going to cheat a little bit and i have to say the the omron factory tour it was it was.

It was such a moment for me uh, where all of a sudden, i was getting insight not just into you know that switch that logitech sponsored us to go. You know watch being made or um omron the company, but i i got far more insight than i was expecting into the japanese work, culture and quality culture yeah, it’s just it’s different from the germans who we had just visited at zf and um and cherry it’s. It’S it’s different, but it’s like it was these two completely different paths to exactly the same goal and uh you doing those two tours back to back. Roughly, not quite but you know what i mean was really cool yeah. It gave me it gave me a ton of respect for the the dedication to quality that culturally um, at least within within these companies. Right, like you know, obviously, you can’t just paint with broad strokes right yeah, you know. Oh, everyone in japan is x or everyone in germany is.

Why, like it, doesn’t work like that, obviously, but it was, it was very cool, just uh, seeing how proud they were of the redundancy they built into the switch. They said. Yes, it’s extremely precise and it’s very high quality and the best part there’s two of them might drop right. Yeah. We, i remember specifically, i don’t know if this ended up on camera or not, but i remember specifically having a conversation about like one approach is excessively high quality. Do it once the other approach is really high quality make it redundant? Yes, that was that was the the german approach versus the japanese approach. In a nutshell, having seen you know, the manufacture of precision mechanical switches in both countries, essentially .