We sponsored a BIG YouTuber…

We sponsored a BIG YouTuber...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We sponsored a BIG YouTuber…”.
He is sponsored okay, okay, to be clear. It’S not actually unheard of for us to sponsor other youtubers. We’Ve sponsored ufd, tft tech. I know about that yeah. He did that like cannonball run thing he’s done a few things. We sponsored that yeah yeah. We’Ve done.

I mean it’s usually when he’s doing something: that’s like you know, helping raise funds or like yeah yeah. So what we like to we like to chip into that kind of thing, brett’s been an amazing supporter for us uh over the years yeah. So we’re happy to happy to give something back.

We sponsored a BIG YouTuber...

Um. Of course, we’ve also worked with quinn from snazzy labs yep, but no offense to brett or quinn uh. This will be by far the biggest sponsorship that we have ever done. Okay, so i won’t give too many details, not gon. Na give too many details, i will say that we wrote a fairly substantial check, um more than we’ve ever written for our sponsorship before i will say that it is for the screwdriver, it’s logan paul. It’S a you’re gon na you’re gon na make a blonde cap. I guess i’m wrong.

We sponsored a BIG YouTuber...

I tried i shot my shot. Okay, okay! Keep going uh anyway! So it’s for the screwdriver which, as you guys probably know, we just launched in four variants, all black, including a black shaft, all black, with a silver shaft uh, black and orange, with a black shaft and black and orange with a silver shaft. All four variants are still available um, and that is pretty much all i’m going to say about it other than that we sponsored this person to build a pc with our screwdriver. Obviously, and i want to let people guess see it all um.

We sponsored a BIG YouTuber...

If i told you the theme, you know who it was okay here i can. I can i’ll tell you the theme i’ll tell you the thing. Actually, here’s what we’re gon na do, let’s play a little game. Okay, luke is going to guess. Five youtubers, like verbally yeah after each one that luke guesses i will give some kind of hint might be helpful – might be not that helpful, but i will respond in some way to help guide. Luke’S guesses, then we’re gon na put all five of luke’s guesses. In a poll so that you guys can say who you think it is, and this is a tech, a tech youtuber uh. Well, i don’t know you could you could guess someone and then maybe that would be something that i would tell you as a as a hint, okay, marquez, marquez or mkbhd.

More specifically he’s hiring on more people. I should refer to the brand, that’s actually yeah. That’S that’s a that’s a good way of thinking about it. Okay, let me come up with something that i could help to uh help to uh guide.

You some some way that i could guide you um. This person doesn’t normally build computers. Marquez doesn’t normally build computers. Um, okay yeah, but you can that does that does help, though? Yes exactly um, jerry rig everything: okay, uh i’ll i’ll, give you this there’s been some collaboration there before i’ll.

Give you something else. This person is male: okay, uh, okay, so you’re, okay, so you’re giving me something about that person. That is accurate, so i might be able to get a country confirmation, so i’m gon na say tom scott.

This was suggested by flow play chat, but i think it’s good tom scott yeah, okay uh. This person has been making videos for over five years: okay, okay, okay, darn it. I wanted the country good one though i respect it, um, ah darn um for those guessing mark rober uh.

No, but we are working with mark grober. So that’s going to be a fun one! That’S cool! That’S cool interesting! It could be i’m kind of like i’m like already out, but there’s there’s some good suggestions. Yeah yeah, there’s lots of different suggestions, so i think i’m gon na go with with one of them.

Uh where’d it go adam savage, adam savage he’s been making youtube. Okay, so based on his face, that was no wrong. No, no! No! No! No! I had already.

I had already read it in the chat, i’m just i’m just interacting, i’m being an active listener, yeah yeah uh. What i’m really trying to think of is like what i can say: yeah yeah um. This person, i would say, is pretty physically adept.

That brings me back to marquez um. No, it’s not dennis. I would never sponsor dennis i’m too angry with dennis.

I need help. I will be fighting dennis literally. When is that happening by the way? I don’t know, oh i’m, not sure i’ll, be ready, no matter what, though i want to like showcase it, i’m not even worried um, oh guys, i think earlier he let it he let it slip that it was a tech. It was someone in tech. Oh, that could be it. That’S interesting.

Is he, though i don’t know, i don’t watch a lot of oh come on luke hacksmith, all right, that’s your five yeah! So let’s go ahead. I put those in the dock. I don’t know how the polling system works. Do you mind throwing that? Oh, you want those interfaces yep, so we’re gon na.

Let you guys we’re gon na. Let you guys guess really easy, but it’s like. Okay. Do we want to do? We want to add any more because there are some that people suggested a lot sure.

Okay, i saw unbox therapy in there a lot of times, yep um. I saw electricity who’s, the boss, mr who’s, the boss, okay, so we’ll we’ll add a few more for you guys, we’ll add a few more for you guys that actually do meet the criteria, like obviously gamers nexus, like not gon na, not gon na, be it like. They do build computers, yeah sort of actually do those computers, not really they build test benches anyway. That’S a computer, yeah sure sure that’s a computer um all right, yeah sure, let’s uh, let’s go with.

Let’S go with that: no diy perks builds computers. All the time come on guys come on guys, that’s like diy perks. This thing is building weird computers.

I every single time i watch a video by him. I’M like this is this has got to be the end, there’s no way he thinks of something. I know more crazy than this and then every single time he releases another video and i’m like how do you do this? He released one on a lens recently.

That is just amazing yep, like he made his own. Oh man, just what a wild guy’s wild, what a wild guy okay! So let’s go. Let’S go with that list! Here’S what i’ll say the correct answer is in the list or not in the list. Can you do that? Oh should i should i not? Let’S see, don’t don’t like, let’s have, let’s have, let’s have some fun with you guys, don’t don’t like you know? Oh here’s! Actually! Oh here’s a good one! Okay! Now that i have this particular list, i think i’m comfortable saying actually i’m going to add this. Okay, there you got all of those. Are we able to do a poll with that many options? I mean it’s currently letting me so. Okay, hold on one more okay, okay, i saw the one suggested too yeah yep, okay, we’ve got, we’ve got, i think, the main ones that people were suggesting yeah, and i think i oh wait. No, no one more. Let’S put this in there. Oh, very cool. Okay, the correct answer is in the list. Okay, i will say i will say that yeah so guys the polls going up.

Are you ready to post the poll yep? So i want to know who you guys think we sponsored to do a build with the ltt screwdriver just wanted to make sure we got the spelling or something right, but we did it’s posting now. Okay, here it comes, the options are in no particular order. Uh. Let’S go with the order that um no particular order, jerry rig everything, adam savage, i justine slomo, guys smarter, everyday henry cavill mkbhd tom scott hacksmith unbox therapy. So let’s have a look at the results. I can’t see them.

Oh all, right leading the pack. It’S actually surprisingly, flashy. No one has more than 15 percent and it’s henry cavill kevin cavill, cavill, 14, okay, henry cavill at 14, but like adam savage, is one percent behind j rig. Everything is one percent behind him, tied with smarter every day like it’s, it’s it’s very close.

I guess what you guys are trying to say is that there’s a lot of potential collabs out there that you think make a lot of sense. Luke. Do you want to guess which one you think it is i’m not gon na i’m not gon na, say it publicly. I’M gon na wait for you guys to find out.

It was on the list. But do you want to guess um? You can just point your mouse pointer at it and i’ll say yes or no. Originally it was this yeah. That was my first one by the end of it. I was thinking this before chat voted before i voted. Okay, it’s neither yeah.

I won’t react. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, so that’ll be that’ll, be interesting, yeah that yeah i have. I have things to say about that regarding my guest, but i will say nothing for now. Wait till after show yeah yeah. There are definitely um things that you might say: yeah, okay, .