How we’ve stayed friends after working together for so long

How we've stayed friends after working together for so long

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How we’ve stayed friends after working together for so long”.
How do the both of you maintain a healthy relationship? All these years? Working together I mean the L word. I guess [ Laughter ] like the important one, Linus yeah yeah yeah. That’S all me yeah yeah yeah. I mean no, I mean Luke and I have been once you’ve been through this much together. You just strongly the same way yeah, I I I don’t know if this is a controversial, take or not. I think, in my opinion, a lot of things in life need Challenge and difficulty to become strong.

Almost whatever that thing is yeah. We went through a ton of crap, especially early on yeah, and when you do that, and you get through the other side and we’ve been imperfect to each other at many times totally you’re gon na, be it’s gon na happen. If you do that, and you get through the other side, I feel like you’re, either gon na be like linked together or completely apart forever yeah one of the two.

Let me figure it out, yeah, I I think that’s just I don’t know. Maybe we had times when we were both so dependent on each other, that we didn’t really have a choice, and then I I guess you just you – know you’re you’re forged in that um in that fire yeah I uh. I I just I I just don’t think. There’S I I have a hard time, imagining anything that could come between us at this point.

That would be. That would be enough to to Really break things down. It’S been particularly funny watching some of the speculation about how uncomfortable you are around me or how you’re afraid to tell me what you think, or whatever else, uh some some expert body language analysis of two on the win show there’s been some interesting stuff. You do you um. Bravo, it’s entertaining reading, but it’s like the Forbes article, it’s reading, so I was talking to you about that. Wasn’T it reading the Luke science was, it was entertaining. I was like oh wow. I didn’t know that that’s cool there was also. There was one there was a bunch of people pointing out one specific scene where they’re like. Oh he rolled his eyes here so hard. I didn’t roll my eyes, oh really I mean I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be surprised if you did so. I I have yeah and I’ve done it before.

How we've stayed friends after working together for so long

I mean, if he’s afraid to like to offend me, then rolling His Eyes on Camera. When I’m gon na be able to see him, do it probably a bad Strat, yeah yeah, I I have a problem right now. I’Ve talked about it on windshield before or I looked down too much. I my angle gets a little brutal because the desk for me is a little low and the laptops are pretty short.

So I end up looking like this and I’m supposed to be close to the mic, so I end up looking like this all the time yeah and you can’t really see my eyes so I’ve been trying to work on that. I think this show was a little bit better, but it’s still a problem. I’M often interacting with flow plane chat. So I have a bit of an excuse um, but I was looking down and then I wanted to quickly think about a response. That would be really good yeah.

So I looked up and then I looked at you. I didn’t actually my eyes didn’t do the point they went. There are other parts of that video where I rolled my eyes.

How we've stayed friends after working together for so long

Oh, I believe it, but that the one that people pointed out wasn’t even it if he was Gon na Roll his eyes, he would do it to my face yeah. I think that might be part of it as well. Actually, we’ve both always been pretty open and blunt about stuff yeah. So we always know where each other’s stand. Yeah and that’s been good yeah. I think it may be uncomfortable at times yeah, maybe people haven’t.

How we've stayed friends after working together for so long

Maybe people haven’t seen it in a bit because I think we’ve also kind of mind melded a little over the years we used to disagree a lot more yeah, and now we, I think, there’s there’s a long period of land show where we would basically just be Like yeah bro good pick bro, we played too much bro Force yeah. Maybe they just haven’t seen us like disagree hard, it’s been a while or something let me and Daddy are fighting. I don’t know how to deal with this.
