Are smart fitness rings worth it?

Are smart fitness rings worth it?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Are smart fitness rings worth it?”.
I was thinking about getting an aura ring, but i don’t like the price and subscription system of the third gen. I was thinking about getting a used. Gen 2. i’d like to ask what your battery life was like and how you feel about using it over the last few years. Uh my battery life was really good on the gen 2.. I am also not a fan of the subscription service, but i got to tell you i don’t think getting a gen 2 helps. You avoid the subscription service, at least that’s my understanding. I could be wrong. It could be that the gen 3 is subscription only unless you are grandfathered in because you were an existing gen 2 owner who bought a gen 3.. That’S what i did.

That’S how i ended up grandfathered and you can say, i’m actually not wearing mine. The biggest problem i have with the gen 3 is that they stopped doing half sizes, so i’m an eight and a half and nine is too big. It comes on and off very easily and eight is so difficult to get on and off that.

Are smart fitness rings worth it?

I find myself just not bothering to charge it um, so if the sizing works perfectly for you honestly, i was. I was really happy with the thing um it’s by far the best health and fitness tracker experience. I’Ve had.

Are smart fitness rings worth it?

I can’t say that i know it was the most accurate. Have you ever used whoop? No, i haven’t used woop, okay, okay, so it’s the it’s the best one that i’ve had uh. I was actually just like wondering. I’M not like you haven’t tried this one miles ahead of my experience with the apple watch, i’d be like driving home after badminton and it’d, be like keep it up. What are you talking about? The ur ring would never make those kinds of mistakes, or i would be, i would be actively playing i’d, be on the court and it’d be like you need to stand up and move around a bit. Meanwhile, the uber ring’s like you’re, going hard dude like yes, i’m like drenched in sweat and my apple watch is like hey potato guy. Maybe you should touch some grass yeah exactly right, ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous! I oh man, yeah! It’S! It’S tough! I was really happy with my experience with it when it fit properly uh, but the subscription model for it, i think, is a is a tougher sell, but i also in their case, do you understand why they’re doing it, they have done a lot of development on The software in the time that i’ve been using the product and something’s got to pay for that. So there it’s nuanced uh! Oh i should you know what just in the interest of full disclosure ubra has reached out about sponsoring us. The the first ring i got. I got a gen one that they sent because they were gon na, do some kind of sponsor or was it a gen two i don’t know i got one ring comped uh. Maybe it was a gen two and then they were like gon na.

Do a sponsorship or something but then they just didn’t, but then i was just using it and liked it, and then they contacted me as a gen two yeah it was. It must have been a gen two as a gen ii owner and said: uh hey. If you upgrade to the gen 3, you get grandfathered in for the lifetime subscription uh, but you have to do it now before the gen 3 launches and i was like ugh it shouldn’t pre-order, but i actually really like this thing. So i bought a gen 3, which unfortunately, now that they don’t do half sizes has been actually less useful to me in a certain certain way of thinking, um and then now they have come back and they’re saying they’re interested in sponsoring us again.

So the relationship with them is a little complicated is all i’m trying to say so. You can take everything i said about them with that in mind there, so i have bought one. Meanwhile, my comment on whoop was not a recommendation. Their onboarding process, as someone pointed out in flow plane, i agree, is like a little wacky. You know i don’t like it, you don’t see a lot of charts until you’ve had it for 30 days and the return window is 30 days long.

Also, the subscription is like really expensive. I don’t know how expensive the aura ring is, but the whoop is really expensive. Yeah rohanology me falling asleep after an exercise routine. My apple watch ending up recording a two-hour nap as exercise time happened regularly, yeah exactly that’s what i’m talking about.
