This is when I finally felt like I “made it”

This is when I finally felt like I “made it”

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This is when I finally felt like I “made it””.
Has there been a specific moment when either of your feet felt you realized you’d made it big as YouTubers. I think there was two for me, one of them we went to hold on. I I like I like answering Luke’s questions for him uh. I forget.

This is when I finally felt like I “made it”

I forget what stupid event it was was it it was like. I think it was PAX East or something where it wasn’t like the attendees that kept like crowding around you. It was the other like Creator, influencers, oh twitch twitchcon. That was a that was a weird experience. Oh, that wasn’t one of the ones.

This is when I finally felt like I “made it”

You were thinking um, so it it this one specifically said you realized you made it so I I thought of really early things. Oh I see I see I see, there’s there’s. Definitely like big moments where I’m like. Okay, this is another like level.

This is when I finally felt like I “made it”

I remember you were talking about that. One like that one was very cool, but very weird, because okay, so uh events like Pax, it’s pretty common, I mean – maybe not these days. I haven’t been to a pack for a long time and I’m not on as much content. So people might not recognize me much, but back when I was hosting a lot of stuff. It was very common that it was like almost difficult to walk around, because so many people would come up and say hi, and that was a cool experience and and I’m happy to say, hi to everybody. I go to twitchcon different group of people. Nobody knows who he is: we’re not twitch people so much. We do Rancho, but we don’t do anything else.

So none of the attendees know who the heck I am, but there’s creators breaking their attendee lines to leave to come, say hi, because they know who I am because I mean they need streaming. Computers yeah, it was so cool like it was sweet and munition was like yeah. You like taught me how to build computers. I was like shut up. I actually ended up with uh with day 9. Mr Sean plot uh, someone who I’ve been a fan of for a long time and he was like God, your lies, Tech, dips, wow and I’m like that, hurts my brain. No part of my my brain was ready for him to like know who we are and also be like super impressed, so that was that was sweet. He’S super super nice, dude um on and off camera um, but yeah that was that was a bit of an eye-opener for sure. I think my my two like first moments um was, I remember the first packs that we went to. I was in the Indie Booth.

I’Ve told you this one a bunch of times that was the in the Indie booth, and I was doing my like quick sales pitch for why the guy should interview with me yeah um, and I say like how many subscribers we have and he’s like. Well, if you want a million, you should probably like interview with me because we weren’t at a million yet and I was pissed and I I’m pretty sure I just left. I don’t.

I don’t remember exactly what happened. Brandon might remember it, but I was like really mad wow um, because I wasn’t even trying to say energy. I wasn’t even trying to say, like you know, like we’re the best I was just like we’re a decently sized Channel we’re at the Indie Booth.

I can give you some coverage like do you want to jump on um and he’s like me, I was like what the heck. I was not a fan of that um and then we broke a million so like breaking that first million had that extra punch. For me, because I’m like screw that guy that’s hilarious, okay, uh and then the other one was when my my Twitter follower account surpassed the combined follower account for all of the hosts of the radio show that I listened to when I was growing up. Okay, yeah! That’S something I was like: okay, wow yeah very few radio hosts have managed to successfully make it over to social media.

I remember noticing that, back when I was listening to like Sports Talk, Radio a lot uh – maybe I guess a few years back – I just like I’d be like yeah. These guys are like huge they’re on the radio. They have all these people like calling in and I’d gone to on Twitter, and they have like 900 followers and stuff, like they’ve, been on the air for like 15 years. What is this, but just completely different audiences right, yeah, like you got your Boomer radio listeners, and then you got your Young Twitter users and a line between them a solid line, yeah um, I think for me there are, I mean, there’s a number of big ones That stand out, I mean I’d, say I’d, say getting our our first.

You know uh check that covered our monthly expenses as a company was a really big one. I would say that getting a YouTube rep representative was huge because not just me personally, but Tech as a category had been largely shoved to the side at that point, getting as an escalation point from that one getting invited to top Creator Summit was pretty cool. For me, um the biggest one, though, and I know that this is going to sound like a Cheesy answer, but it’s the truth and I’m pretty sure Luke will remember me saying it at the time. Um, probably the biggest one for me, because the goal has always been.

I want to be a real company right and being a real company is more than just building Fame and reputation and wealth. For yourself, it’s uh building it for the entire team, and so one of the biggest moments for me was when I forget who exactly it was. That was like the wow moment, but it was someone relatively peripheral on our team getting like recognized on the street. In my in my presence and someone being like whoa, I’m a huge fan um where I kind of went okay, that’s what I want like. I want to be the I want to be like, like you know, thinking like Warcraft 3 right like I want to be the hero that has like the aura that makes everyone around me a superstar, because that that is next level, so that was that was that’s. Always been something in my mind, um and I I felt that that was really really exciting.

Last weekend, when we were when we were kayaking, we went past those guys and one of them recognized you right like. I can’t go anywhere at this point. I’M not I’m honestly, I’m not trying to like be like literally on the ocean, I’m in a kayak in the water and someone paddles past and it’s like supplies. Yeah. Did you hear what happened after no him and his friends? Look at me and not super quietly, but not to me are like is that Luke and then they all just stare at me and no one says anything: [ Laughter, ], none of them even like tried they’re. Just like you.

Clearly you got that intimidation Aura. It’S so weird, I don’t know, oh man, I don’t know how to deal with it anymore, because I’ve been inside and also off camera so like at the at the screwdriver pop-up um someone interview, introduce their partner and they were like they’re so excited to see you You’Re, their favorite one or whatever, and my whole everything was just like dirt. I don’t know how to respond to this properly. I actually felt really bad afterwards, but hey I mean with all the Luke for CEO, uh friends on Reddit and stuff. Lately it seems like it seems like the Luke fandom is strong.

You know what I was. I was uh. I don’t know if you noticed when you were over but uh all the RGB is set up in the shelves in my streaming room and I have like a bunch of memorabilia that I’ve always just had boxed away. You saw it. I actually love that.

That’S there there I have a slick, Tech tips, mouse pad that was produced by wasn’t it one of the four monsters. It’S it’s a super old-school reference to an to one. I think it’s the first April fools that the Forum had where we changed the. I wasn’t.

Even the one that did it, but we we changed the whole Forum to Slick Tech tips as like an April Fool’s joke uh, and it went like really far. If I remember it went like into the ACP and everything like it was like yeah, probably more work than it was worth yeah. I think yeah yeah exactly .