10 Ads before a YouTube video?!

10 Ads before a YouTube video?!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “10 Ads before a YouTube video?!”.
Youtube, why not have five ads at the beginning of a video? Why not seems cool to me because I’m already putting five ads in the video that’s gon na make it 10.. I mean you asked the question they did so they did say a YouTube. Rep noted this may happen with bumper ads that don’t exceed six seconds uh – and I mentioned earlier in this article – something about pushing until people protest and then pushing again later uh, but anyways people are seeing ads already. Apparently, that are longer than 10 seconds. So that’s cool.

10 Ads before a YouTube video?!

I’Ve also seen a screenshot of 10 ads. I don’t know. Maybe that was doctored. I don’t know. Um YouTube told PC mag that this was part of a small experiment that showed users a bunch of ads at the beginning of a longer video, rather than spacing them out um.

10 Ads before a YouTube video?!

The spokesperson said: the experiment is now concluded. Okay, you know what the really funny thing is. One of the reactions in float plane chat was man.

10 Ads before a YouTube video?!

Now I’m gon na have to get premium. Oh yeah, okay, apparently it’s not five! That’S how you let them win it’s five to ten five to ten yeah. That is absolutely Wild.

Apparently someone got ads on premium. That honestly straight up sounds like a bug. So tell me this.

If I watch six ads before the video starts, do I not have to sit through any mid-rolls? I think that’s what they were saying. It’S a small there’s, a it’s a small experiment that shows a bunch of ads at the beginning of the video, rather than spacing them out. Okay, because again, there’s that whole thing where you push a little bit and you can push more later on so like yeah, we stack them all at the beginning, because it’s a long, video and maybe if the Creator wants they can enable throwing a big one in The middle too or something, and then we keep going from there. Apparently someone had 10 unskippable ads on their video earlier today. That’S a little much I actually man. I forgot how much uh ads on YouTube drive me crazy, because I I allowed my credit card information to lapse in my Google account.

I did the same thing recently about a week ago, yeah and I I didn’t even know that in YouTube music it you can’t like play a specific song In Your Song in your playlist like. If you don’t have a paid account, it will go to it eventually. Yeah, yes, but it starts with other stuff yeah and then there’s ads between each song yeah. Oh my I’ve just stopped listening to music entirely.

I turned on the radio I didn’t realize. I had let it lapse and then I was on a drive and it started playing ads and I was like what the heck and I forgot what’s going on, and I like looked at my Dash really oddly and like slowly pressed the like turn on FM radio Button and I was like what wow it’s it’s been a long time, do you still works Airwaves? Are you out there Airways? Is this transmission still going on? Apparently it was so that was cool. It was legitimately better than listening to Google Play music with ads. So sounds good, fantastic yeah, um, discussion question. Is this the death of YouTube and what happens if it is? No? It’S not because Google will keep pushing to the brink. I mean that’s their game right um.

There already are five six ads on some videos, particularly like you know, 15. 20, 30 minute videos. If creators enable, if creators enable just algorithmically placed mid-rolls YouTube, will serve you an ad as often as they think you’ll tolerate. So one of the things I’ve noticed is that, on my personal account I actually get served fewer ads than I do on some of our corporate accounts. Oh, do you abandon because I will just abandon. I will I will close the app when I get an ad um and not because it’s like I’m, it’s like some form of Silent protest, but because I just honestly was done pooping anyway.

It wasn’t worth it yeah and so I’ll just leave. So my my ad tolerance is extremely low and they know they know that, so they will serve based on what your tolerance is. Yikes yeah, but it’s not the end of YouTube. No chance. It’S even close, there’s just there’s nothing else like it. They also experiment and push and pull back and try different things like they’re, so huge that they can absorb a little bit of a downturn and then figure their stuff out absolutely and it’s not like they rolled this out on mass. So I I’m not panicking yet, but I uh, I don’t personally think that YouTube needs more ads than they currently have uh the ones that drive me. I don’t mind the one skippable one, even if it’s like a longer cooldown, but when, when I have to interact with it multiple times like when I get too too um, is it two skip one and skippable? No one unskippable is better than two skippable.

I don’t know whatever I don’t have to interact with. I guess is what I’m trying to say, because I can just I can kind of just blank out and have no idea what I just looked at, which is, I guess, as a life skill. But if I have to interact with it, then it is a hassle for me.

I do wonder if they track like uh ads blocked. Somehow, oh I’m sure they it’s like. I wonder if this experiment could show an increase in that, if that makes sense, uh probably like, I would think I would think that would prompt some more people. I don’t.

I don’t just mean volume because, yes, obviously you’re serving more as the volume’s gon na go up. I mean percentage of users, which is what you were saying, but I’m just making sure people understood yeah, it’s tough, because it really depends on how the user is blocking, whether they’re using pie hole whether they’re using a browser extension. I I suspect they have the tools to it’s: Google. They can probably figure it out, yeah to figure it out one way or another, but there’d be there’d, be some noise in that signal. .