Would LMG Acquire More Content Creators

Would LMG Acquire More Content Creators

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Would LMG Acquire More Content Creators”.
Another one from Anonymous would lmg ever consider absorbing a content creator, assuming it was a mutually beneficial. The brand didn’t tread on existing content that sort of thing um we sort of have really with horse right. No, no, he was working for like um. He was doing like local, like Community video for a big company. I guess he’s not yeah it wasn’t his channel yeah! No, no! Well! He is now it wasn’t. Yeah yeah uh. What do you think? What should we do? Should we go on a big like acquisition spree? I think in a lot of Channel situations, it isn’t the right move, um.

I think if it was the right move that we would do it. I know we’ve technically tried in the past um and then it was decided mutually that it wasn’t the right move. Yeah I mean it can be the right move. I ran into both mythical and Smosh down at Creator Summit and they they’ll seem. Okay, you have to be doing great. Yeah sounds good, but I think those situations will be rare.

They found one which is fantastic um, but yeah situations are rare, Never Say Never, but I I mean I don’t um a big part of what makes a YouTube channel work is the team that has made it work, and so I I feel like unless you’re acquiring The talent um, you better, have a really solid plan for how you’re going to maintain the soul of that media property because it isn’t just a media property. But then there are exceptions now that the business is uh is maturing you’re, seeing some channels that really were started just as business Endeavors and are structured more like traditional media companies and so yeah. There could be situations where it might make sense with that said, I think our expertise is building YouTube channels and Brands. So in there will always be the question every time of. Could we just build it ourselves and if we could, then should we do that instead and if we can’t, then is this such a unicorn that we can like? Can we even afford something? That’S so amazing that we couldn’t have done it and so the answer to those ques the answer. The answer to the questions have to be: yes, I can afford it and no, we couldn’t build it. That seems like a a small overlapping Venn diagram Circle. You know.

Would LMG Acquire More Content Creators

Okay, we got a special message here from Jeff um. We wanted to give a happy birthday to his wife, Sarah Blankenship um she’s, one of the rare and amazing human females that love ldt, the entire crew, including myself, apparently uh and uh yeah, just wondered if you guys could wish her a happy birthday. Yeah happy birthday. Sarah .

Would LMG Acquire More Content Creators