Are Console Exclusives Fair or No?

Are Console Exclusives Fair or No?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Are Console Exclusives Fair or No?”.
Yeah, let’s talk about consoles our console, exclusives, fair or no Sony is beefing with Microsoft over the Activision Blizzard acquisition. That is a lot of big games and there’s some quotes that I’m going to reference that a lot of big games thing uh to to compare with. In a moment, Microsoft also sorry that would have been Microsoft is toting benefits for gamers Indie developers and Industry professionals. How who knows uh Microsoft, also plans to bring Call of Duty and other Activision Blizzard games to Game, Pass the discussion centers around Call of Duty because of the series yeah because of the series, continued financial success and yearly release schedule with court which corporate people just Love they did it to Assassin’s Creed 2 and they ruined the whole series. It was awesome. Uh Sony complains to the. I was talking about this on the pre-show. Okay, it’s it’s the the wounds, a little raw right now, Sony complained to the competition and markets Authority. In the UK, Sony believes that some Call of Duty players are likely to switch to Xbox due to in-game differences that could emerge between the PlayStation and Xbox versions of what is supposed to be the same game.

There’S also other issues: Phil Spencer, the head of Xbox, has said that they are committed to Bringing Call of Duty to PlayStation for several more years, apparently behind the scenes that has been communicated as exactly three years to PlayStation, which they say is inadequate on many levels And fails to take into account the impact on our Gamers, also known as customers, also known as sources us yeah sources of money. I, like that yeah, that’s good thanks, Philip, our source of money, hey not much money! It’S a mystery water bottle! That’S the discounted water bottle, you can get mystery t-shirts, mystery water bottles and mystery cable ties if you don’t care what color and style and it’s a good way to save a few bucks. The some of the counter arguments is that PlayStation currently has a larger share of the console gaming Market than Xbox, but the CMA uh or the competition Market Authority, considers that Call of Duty is sufficiently important that losing access to it or losing access on competitive terms. The differences between platforms, things could significantly impact Sony’s revenues and user base.

Absofreaking lutely yeah, there’s a quote from Microsoft, chairman and CEO Sate Nadella, who responded by saying the number one player in gaming. In this case, Sony um wait hold on the number one player in this case Sony. I think in this period.

Are Console Exclusives Fair or No?

Oh, I think in this period has acquired three companies, so this is about competition. Let us have competition. I don’t think that’s fair.

Are Console Exclusives Fair or No?

I think that’s ridiculous. My reason for that is Activision Blizzard is huge. Yeah acquiring Activision Blizzard is not necessarily comparable to the Acquisitions that Sony was yes um pulling off and it’s not like you haven’t, made other Acquisitions as well Microsoft.

I think that is an extremely misleading quote and speaking of misleading things that are trying to sway people, they also made a website about specifically just this um, a pro merger website. Are you kidding me Activision Dash blizzard-acquisition, our vision for gaming, more choice and more games for people everywhere, except that’s, definitely not true benefits of Activision, Plus or sorry, Xbox plus Activision Blizzard benefits for players, benefits for game creators, more ways to get games in front Of more players through support investment and better access to gamers schwat um, it’s Satya not saute, my bad sorry, Satya Nadella right after I said it, I was like I’m pretty sure I screwed that up greater competition in traditional gaming, where Sony and Nintendo Remain the biggest. So that’s their argument that they are not being anti-competitive, that they are not a traditional gaming company they’ve been trying to fight this argument.

Since Xbox is here yeah? When did the first Xbox launch, I mean: how long do you have to have been in this space to be traditional, yeah Xbox launch? First, no, I think the argument there is that their console is not like it’s not we’re, not a normal console. 2001 Media Station stuff and whatnot they’ve been in the market over 20 years. You can’t just be like oh yeah, we’re, like the the you know, we’re just the the not traditional gaming company.

Okay, someone someone in full page chat, said three years on top of an already in place contract. So that’s six to seven years in total. All it is, is kicking the can down the road, whereas I understandably Sony wants to keep the can yeah they they.

They want to make sure that their platform is going to have support um for Call of Duty like indefinitely right of given what a cash cowet is. I can totally understand why they would want to do that. With that said, I don’t think Sony has um been. I don’t think Sony’s hands are particularly clean when it comes to delivering an even gaming experience on Alternate platforms for their first party titles. You know that picture of the the Spiderman pointing at each other. That’S the situation, yeah, so um.

You know. I think that, on the one hand, I look at it and I go is Microsoft’s Behavior. Anti-Competitive, absolutely! Is this website a giant load of horse? Uh absolutely is Sony’s Behavior, equally anti-competitive, if not more so absofreakinlutely and is Nintendo worse than either of them. Yes, it’s an extremely toxic space, gamers from the corporate side to the the individuals.

Are Console Exclusives Fair or No?

It’S just it’s just kind of bad can’t we all just get along one thing. That really surprises me about the Microsoft’s plan to acquire Activision Blizzard. Is that blizzard and act whatever Activision Blizzard is such a gross company there? I’M surprised this isn’t in here, but there’s another lawsuit on literally another one for the same stuff like. Is it fresh or is it from the same area which to be clear, I am not bringing up because it excuses it in any way I am bringing up, because what I want to know is: have there been any reforms recently under Microsoft, yeah? It is equally abhorrent whether it happened a year ago, 10 years ago or 100 years ago. One day ago, Activision Blizzard is once again being sued for sexual harassment. This isn’t in the dock. I don’t have a lot of immediate notes on this. I just saw it come up again um.

This is my level of impress right now, but yeah, it’s it’s happening again and I’m actually really some ABK yeah, but not everyone knows what ABK means. I know what ABK means, but I don’t know what APK means active illusion, blizzard King. So this is my. This is my point.

Not everyone knows what APK means um so Activision, Blizzard and King. If you care about like Candy, Crush yeah, oh yeah, who cares yeah exactly yeah Activision Blizzard bought them, they bought them out like it’s not like. It was a merger of equals.

Yeah um. I don’t know: I’m just surprised that Microsoft wants to touch this because it’s so gross well, they own it now do they actually already activation blizzard. I thought so. I know it was like a greed on, but I don’t think the oh wait. No yeah! Okay! No! No yeah you’re right, you’re right yeah, it hasn’t it hasn’t entirely gone through.

I don’t. Maybe they think they can clean house. I don’t know. I hope the clean house really intensely when they do it because, like this is crazy. Apparently it was from the past.

Hr did fire that person, but only after years of complaints, okay, okay! Well I mean at least there’s not new stuff happening. As far as we know, I mean yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised. If there is, I mean if it takes years of complaints for anything to come of it, then maybe apparently, oh yeah, there was 700 reported incidents of um rampant sexism, harassment and discrimination under CEO, uh Bobby Cottage yeah, your favorite person, oh yeah, he’s a big fan. Just a wonderful human being yeah he’s a big fan of Bobby codic. That was a big slash ass.

Can we just? Can I just clarify yeah for y’all, but yeah, it’s this honestly. Ever since the beginning, I’ve been really surprised that Microsoft was was doing this just because of the major yeah and Bobby’s. Still there yeah he’s such a resilient little nope I’ll I’ll, stay it but he’s very resilient. That’S what I’ll say: he’d probably survive a nuclear blast. Um so you’re saying he’s a cockroach yeah there we go. I just somehow he’s able to dodge all of these bullets.

That was just a way for you to call him a cockroach. Wasn’T it yep? Okay, I see what you did there yeah yeah um, but yeah. I don’t, I don’t understand how like very clearly he’s been a part of these things, but everyone’s just like it’s fine. He could stay yeah everyone else after the merger. He still stays CEO of activities, somehow stays around yeah and – and I I feel like it shouldn’t be a surprise that, while all this crazy stuff is going on, it came out that he was having meetings with Microsoft to like, sell everything.

But then he wants to still stay around because he’s like well I’ll just have someone else take these shots. I have no idea how he’s able to stay around get rid of him get rid of them. .