Luke vs Google AI

Luke vs Google AI

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Luke vs Google AI”.
Right into our next topic here, one that you really want to talk about, even though I don’t see how this is a main topic: okay, there’s too much AI okay is the header for this topic, and this is this. This was spawned from having a little spat with Google over the updated version of the float plane app for Android yeah uh yeah. You managed to fight with Apple and Google, almost equally all the time yeah. But you say you should just be apple and now Google’s trying to catch up.

Luke vs Google AI

They really they’re unhappy that I’m Not In conflict with them. As much as I am well, I am now they were unhappy that I was not in conflict with them as much as Apple um. Actually, right now, I’m beefing with Google more than Apple, so the problem we tried to push a bug fix uh for for the Android app for floatplane and the the bug fix help with Chromecast, whatever the the conclusion of the story is that you should be receiving That soon, if you don’t have it already um, it was approved at 8am this morning, so it’s still propagating a little bit, but I I believe you could go manually, get it if it has an updated uh for you at this time, but they didn’t.

Luke vs Google AI

Let us do it for a long time because they kept on rejecting our privacy policy by saying that it wasn’t. There, we’ve had the same link to our privacy. I mean you can. If you want uh, we’ve had the same link to our privacy policy in the uh App Store thing.

Luke vs Google AI

This is it. This is the privacy policy. We have the same link to it since we had an app um, it’s never changed. It’S been the same thing. It’S been in the same spot like it just it’s just how it’s been.

They said we didn’t have one um, so I noticed that we had yeah there’s a lot there’s a lot of that word um. So I noticed that, like okay, we actually had a redirect in place sure because we we moved at one point, but we redirected it. So if anyone had the old link, it would still work. So I was like okay I’ll I’ll make it so that it has the the technically new links so that there isn’t a redirect. Maybe something on their side is unhappy with the redirect and I appealed – and I was like the policy has always been here.

Oh no! Okay, the first move was that I appealed immediately and was just like hello yeah like I, I I detailed a bunch of stuff. I was like this link has never changed. This is exactly how it is. I have checked it myself on multiple computers from multiple locations.

It works it’s there. Maybe there was a temporary outage that somehow we didn’t know about, I roof. You know not putting all blame on the other side. Maybe there’s someone else could have been a misunderstanding.

Yeah exactly. You know I’m here to play ball but, like I’m pretty sure it’s in your court um and then they immediately spat back and were like nope, not there. Okay, so I removed the redirect. So I just want to clarify the thing: that’s not there is this.

Yes, this is not there yep, that’s it! I’M just checking, and it looked like that. The whole time yeah so like this yep, so sorry, I just want to clarify you might want to highlight it. Yes, that is there yep that one okay, just checking uh so yeah, remove the redirect resubmitted, spat back out no dice, not there. Okay sounds good.

One of the members on the team. Uh had a had a very good idea, a brainstorm that maybe it’s because no one’s actually reading it. Maybe it’s because it’s an AI, That’s trying to scrape the page and maybe we’re doing something that could be a little weird that could interfere with that.

We tried a bunch of screen readers and other type of things to see if there was any problems, wasn’t really any problem. But the idea came up to do to do no background loading, which is something that we we do on a lot of different pages on the website. Let’S explain why uh, because loading those elements will make it so that when you go to that page, it loads faster, yeah, other Pages other than what you’re looking at yeah, so that just in case you click, though loads in the background, essentially um. So we don’t do any background loading and it’s ju. It’S technically just like it’s just text. It’S it’s just the most basic thing we could possibly do and then we send it back in and they’re like great, because no one ever looked at it. A person saw that, despite the appeals, despite whatever I pretty much guarantee you considering, nothing has ever actually changed with the content on the page, and it looks identical that no one ever actually saw you know what’s really mind-blowing to me about this, I mean other than That this is mind-blowing yeah, when, when I went to Creator Summit, YouTube made like a really big show of how appeals to things like uh content strikes are 100 manually reviewed yeah, not this one and I’m looking at it going okay, so you can afford to manually Review an entire whole video, but just clicking a page you know, hey would have been seconds. Yes, there is a privacy policy, no, no, the the revenue, the 30 cut, the 30 Revenue cut. You claim you need to run.

The Play Store is not enough to hire a handful: okay, probably a significant number of people, but but to hire a team of people to click through and go yeah. That appears to actually be there. The AI might have got it wrong. Hey.

We should probably flag this and make our AI even better, which you know might be a mission at Google to improve their ai’s performance. Really and you could. You could have an AI go through and check off what I’m going to assume is 80 to 90 or even higher percentage of cases, and when it rejects stuff, just have a human, just skim it you don’t even just have to see the link even just reject It sure, but when it gets, appealed yeah, maybe somebody should look at it and the text is like hey. It’S literally been there for years, you’ve been okay with it for years it hasn’t changed. Maybe I didn’t notice, it hasn’t changed, but it hasn’t changed. Maybe you should look again: they didn’t, they didn’t look yeah very frustrating, but then the other side of it in Brackets or not enough is the same thing because wow what a hunk of junk yeah so, on the one hand, yeah there’s there’s there’s too much AI, But, on the other hand, yeah not enough, how could this thing possibly not know that there’s a privacy policy on this page literally the page – does not look different now, no, it’s only like background loading stuff that the team changed and how it’s formatted.

This is what it looks like it’s just text. This isn’t an image or anything they don’t have to like parse an image in between. You could still read it with a screen reader before that was one of those absolutely uh. It has the word privacy all over it, and I mean without implicating ourselves too much. I think that we borrowed a lot of it from other privacy policies. I mean if someone else’s lawyer said it’s: okay, it’s probably okay, so did ours, so did ours. We actually did. We did have a lawyer, look at it, yes, but it’s one of those things where it’s like a lot of this verbiage, it’s probably identical to other privacy policies on the internet, because, as far as I can tell it from, I actually haven’t had time to unfold Them there’s a lot of just like oh yeah. This wording seems to work. Why would we? Why would we reinvent this wheel, uh yeah yeah, so you they probably see a lot of redundancy in these kinds of documents.

It can’t be just us. So how could they possibly possibly not compare it to something else? I mean this is kind of like what we were talking about last week, where I will say, like you know, call Jake into my phone and it’ll be like sorry, which one and you’re like tyvy, and it’s like sorry. I can’t find Jake tivy, I’m like okay call Jake TV calling Jake TV flick; no, but if it’s so close on the one hand you’re one of the leading companies in the world for AI and, on the other hand, you’re like yeah, it’s just it’s very. It’S very frustrating and the amount of time that this stopped a bug fix from the thing that frustrates me.

The most is, it seems like we get hit every time when it’s a bug fix, let the bug fix go through yeah. If I’m launching a new feature. Okay, you know more scrutiny, fine at least the feature gets delayed whatever, but it’s a bug fix. Let the people have the bug, fix, my goodness so frustrating but yeah. That’S it. .