What NOT to Buy for Your Kids

What NOT to Buy for Your Kids

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “What NOT to Buy for Your Kids”.
I think we get this question fairly often, but I am a long time fan since the ncx stays in a new dad. Do you have any Tech tips with regard for raising babies, toddlers, oh man, no General tips, only Tech tips, only Tech tips, um um um. I don’t know I mean this is not a quick bit, you don’t need a crazy fancy. Baby monitor there.

What NOT to Buy for Your Kids

That’S a tech tip. We had just like a cheap Audio, Only just basic baby monitor and it was. It was all we needed.

What NOT to Buy for Your Kids

It feels like they they’re trying to sell you like these super Advanced. It’S got. The video don’t get ones that come back to the internet, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, uh, well, okay. That goes both ways right, because if you’ve got the super basic kind, that is like not internet, it’s just like completely unencrypted uh RF, then that has its own issues with that. But at least the creepy person that comes through on your baby monitor will be someone close, so you can, like you, know, grab a baseball bat and go find them if you’re into that sort of thing. Nice yeah, so don’t get don’t get suckered into overspending on on crap.

What NOT to Buy for Your Kids

That they’re only going to use for like yeah 12 months tops. I support this message because they’re not going to remember any of it like for real, though it all they have to do is survive the first five years of their life. They will not remember literally any of it. So isn’t there a bunch of like formative things.

I don’t know anything, I you have to love them and you know talk at them and stuff. Yes, there’s a lot of language developed, but I mean like Tech yeah like like yeah, you know they’re, not gon na, be like you didn’t spurge for the video one. You didn’t buy me nice enough, buy me designer pants. You know like it’s just it’s ridiculous that everyone.

Why didn’t you get me the baby Yeezys? Every time I see a child wearing designer clothes, I die a little bit inside, like I don’t know much about Brands and clothes, but those appear to be like 150 200 pants um. Are you an idiot like I’m? Not sorry, I have no hot takes. No hot takes no bad luck, bad lines, bad Linus! Apparently there are baby. Yeezys, though, are they for children or women? Wait. What do you mean? Oh wait like sugar babies? Oh, I don’t know it’s a bad joke. Oh, these are, for you baby all right for a child. No, they look like they’re child Yeezys, uh, child Yeezys. Wonderful.

I can I come over to your screen. Uh. I don’t know if I’m there, yet I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m looking. We have. Nothing incriminating, though, right uh. No here we go um 350 infant shoes.

There’S there are a bunch that are sold out. I don’t care how much stock they had that shouldn’t be a thing. Those don’t even look good like this is black shoes and they’re. 225.

That’S a sandal, okay, it’s literally just a sandal. I mean this. One actually protects your foot less.

To be clear, I’m not saying you should buy the cheapest possible shoes for your kids. Um, actually like proper support matters, especially when their bone structure is not set. Yet.

Oh, that makes sense, but you don’t need to spend that much. That’S for sure. Oh man, that’s tough! That’S pretty! That’S pretty tough! All right, especially because, like like the infant shoes, they wear them for such a short period of time.

That’S another thing: you’re, better off! Buying more pairs of shoes that fit them properly, especially if you’re going to have more than one kid, because then you’re gon na get another kid cycle out of them anyway. So it doesn’t really matter that you bought a lot of them um and that’s another thing too, is like Fast fashion and and disposable. Clothing is a huge problem, but when it comes to like, like kids clothes, it’s way less of a problem because kids wear out their clothes like nobody’s business and they’re the kind of thing that there actually are poor people who actually do need it right like there Are families in need when it comes to Quality children’s clothes that actually lasts? So you know yeah like buying buying garbage that’s disposable, still sucks, but compared to adult clothes where you’re gon na wear them just like a couple of times and then literally, nobody else will ever want them again ever uh kids, clothes totally different like if you buy Too many pairs of kids shoes, there will be a kid in need who needs those shoes like don’t don’t worry as much about it, it’s more important to have shoes that actually fit. I remember that being a thing with like cleats and like different, like sports shoes for sure is like you’d go to uh, like sports replay or whatever yeah, I’m super into sports replays. This is awesome. It was sick, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, they’re, still open, that’s cool.

I actually didn’t know that yeah I went there recently. I picked up some stuff for my son likes uh, some I needed like ski poles and I’m sitting here, going what I’m gon na buy brand new like metal rods. What if I have idiot? Oh, the fancy ones are Hollow uh we used ones for hollow. We’Ve had Hollow rod technology. For decades you mean it’s not made out of wood um, but uh, but yeah. I remember things like cleats would be in relative short supply, especially when a new season would start or whatever um so yeah.

That’S, that’s all! That’S all good as well. I guess too, like this, isn’t things I would think about, but I, the tops of shoes probably take a lot more damage on an infant because of crawling and stuff 100, so yeah they’re gon na thrash through that stuff. Oh, oh for sure, uh Ry over on Twitch chat, says yeah, but they’re reinforced, slash, built with more quality yeah and that’s a degenerate thing to say: do you know how much a child weighs? How reinforced does a metal rod need to be? Okay, I’m just I’m just teasing, I’m just teasing. I think you were probably trolling um. Apparently, orphanages are like overrun with Baby Jordans uh. This is something that I have not actually looked into, but that sounds hilarious.

What why did Luke not know it was still open. Does he not buy things? No, I don’t. I still have my same pair of cleats from when I was in grade 11..

They still fit uh, there’s actually there’s actually something I own from almost that far back uh remember a couple seasons ago we went snowboarding the pants I was wearing the snowboard pants I was wearing. I got when I was 19. nice.

There you go and the jacket was not far behind. I have owned both of those first remember what I was using for a jacket. I’Ve been on this kick for a bit the windbreaker with a sweater under it, yeah yeah. That’S fine! That’S fine! That’S a good act.

That’S a good! I think. That’S actually like pretty smart. That’S a legit hack yeah. I don’t mind buying a pair of snowboard pants though just because they’ve got the waterproof seat and you end up.

You know, especially when you’re snowboarding, with kids or a wife uh my way, my wife my way. Um you end up sitting and waiting a lot. So you can you kind of need the waterproof butt, yeah snowboard pants are legit .