This is Bad News for AMD…

This is Bad News for AMD...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This is Bad News for AMD…”.
Should we do AMD yeah, let’s do AMD, because they they they about to get done yeah after launching with a fairly strong showing with ryzen 7000 AMD, looked like they might be doing pretty. Okay, but intel was looming with 13th gen Raptor Lake CPUs and they may have cut the celebration short. Apparently it’s been a little rough launched yesterday. The new CPUs posted impressive numbers with the core 9 13 900k. These names are getting really long, uh. Apparently, it is manager plus five by the way so yeah six people, even cheaper than I thought. Okay, sorry carry on bring it again um, but yeah apparently they’re topping the charts over amd’s more expensive, 16 core ryzen 9 7950x in all, but the most heavily multi-threaded workloads, which does make sense. Can we talk about that for a moment? I feel like much there. Much Ado gets made of multi-threaded performance, but for the average consumer, what most people are doing um outside of, like maybe four four threads, four to eight threads, is anything you do actually having heavily multi-threaded like to be clear, we’re not going to stop talking about multi-threaded Performance in reviews, because it has been and continues to be, a very forward-looking way of measuring the performance of a CPU because, theoretically in the future, workloads will come, but for the average consumer who doesn’t spend all day, you know doing that.

Cpu, video encoding for Peak quality or um, you know red rendering out complex scenes in blender, I mean show of hands like Luke, want to throw up a poll in the float plane chat. How many of you actually use blender like other than to dink around with it once a quarter? You know how important is multi-threaded performance. Oh, this is a great comment in twitch chat was bound to happen eventually. Kelton says ecors are cinebench enhancers yeah! Oh, let’s get this poll going: do you actually use blender on a regular basis? 20.

This is Bad News for AMD...

We’Ve got 80 82 83 percent, saying no uh. We’Ve got a couple percent saying yes, and then we’ve also got like 15 Liars in there. I also yeah yeah. I was gon na say like I really wonder how many of the yeses are.

This is Bad News for AMD...

People just being like AMD is good. Okay, come on, I regret my threadripper every single day, no yeah yeah how’s that upgrade path going for you, Dan I you’re in for death. I spent so much money on that computer, so much money um and it’s it’s uh yeah multi-threaded. Well, this is sad. This is one of the reasons why uh future proofing is is something that we always kind of scoff at a little bit Yeah, because when, when people when people talk about like oh, I want to like really multi-thread capable CPU, because the future um it’s not really Happening it’s kind of hard to Dev software like that um. So people just don’t do it. Uh VT arcsellus in twitch chat, says every last furry is destined to learn blender for VR, there’s literally dozens of us. Yes, I I guess that makes sense.

I wanted to build myself a uh. I wanted to build myself. A model for uh beat Sameer saber streaming, and I realized that, even though there are kind of pre-done, no not a furry one necessarily.

This is Bad News for AMD...

But even though there are pre-done like uh starting points and there are guides, you have to really get into the weeds with modeling software to uh, to like draw it and rig it up, and I’m like uh. This is far beyond my skills. It would be.

I would be far better off just paying someone to do this, then I looked into how much it costs and I was like uh Ready Player now or whatever. It’S called that that service that, just like you, pick some generic attributes and assets and it just starts out a model for you, uh that’ll, do for me. It’S it’s totally free man, I so back when I was in high school. I’Ve talked about uh, my high school computers teacher a few times, and I mentioned a few – shows back that he he created this like 3D game programming course for us. We we had to do some basic 3D modeling in that class and we used this program called milk shape.

So it sounds like milkshake, but it’s milk shape yeah and I just Googled it to see if it was still a thing – and I don’t think so, but yeah I used to do some of that stuff. A long time ago, it’s kind of cool, anyways, um yeah. We should continue that also people are asking if merch messages are not a thing today. I don’t actually have the dashboard open are. Are they a thing yeah? They are um, I’ve only gotten eight.

Oh, maybe it’s because we didn’t talk about them guys. So if you want to send a message into the show, the way to do it is through merch messages, not twitch bits, not super chats. Nothing like that. You want to send a merch message: all you got to do is head over to and in the checkout you’re gon na see a field where you can enter your merch message and it’ll either be replied to by Dan it’ll show up on the bottom of The screen, if you just want to do like a shout out or something like that, uh or Luke, and I might address your comment or your question – live towards the end of the show uh the deal of the week is the Jerry rig knife is back In stock and if you pick up a 1200 by 700 desk pad and add a knife to your cart, the knife is free.

Also, oh, this is sick, Luke bring them up. We have shoelaces now there they are. They come with this adorable little power supply shaped box that has the shoelaces coming out like cables, and the reason that these are notable is if you have or want to get the RGB hoodie. These are actually the same laces, so you can get that drip going on or, however it is that you use that word Yeah by having your shoelaces match your hoodie drawstring, which um I thought was pretty cool.

But there’s like there’s a fan on this side of the power supply and there’s even like the Grille, the power switch and the plug on the back. It’S kind of cool. This is pretty. I’M not gon na claim, there’s anything special about the shoelaces other than that.

They match the hoodie drawstring they’ve got some like white stitching pattern on them. Yep, I don’t know yeah, they feel nice and scary. I wonder if we can do a close-up with a producer cam, let’s see so the 1200 by 700 desk pad then add a knife and the knife is free. It’S a sick deal that is a 15 US dollar value and you can use it to send in a merch message.

We also just generally have the knives in stock. So if you don’t need a desk pad, you can always just like pick up a Jerry rig. Everything knife, I think, there’s probably a conversation to be had around, should we just carry more influencer merch like is there any reason not to just have other people’s merch on our store? I don’t think so. Why not? Maybe we should yeah honestly, why not yeah all right? Let’S continue the AMD discussion, especially if there’s something that isn’t just like a shirt yeah.

You know I try to have a bunch of shirts uh yeah continued AMD discussion. So all of this, all of this AMD crushing power, does come at oh, a currently trendy cost, which is kind of surprising to me that this is currently trendy, but the power consumption is monstrous. Apparently, our testing saw a peak of 350 Watts, but other outlets measured power, draw up to 400 watts and Beyond with the limiters removed and with throttling on 360 millimeter AIO coolers wow. So you basically need chilled water, yeah, sub ambient and and uh Anthony has a note saying this means it’s possible to approach a kilowatt of sustained draw for a personal home computer.

I added that little bit in between CPU and GPU alone, with a 4090 test rig wow, that’s crazy, especially when, like so many other things are trending in the other direction and going down in power draw. We have the the top end of performance on on personal computers, just cranking power draw as far as I can tell pretty much as hard as they can. You know what we’ve actually got a video coming, where we run uh an RTX 4090 and a ryzen 9 7 900 x on a 550 watt power supply, and we play cyberpunk sustained on a 550 watt power supply so end, and this is giving up like less Than five percent performance, one of the cool things about uh, the new ryzen 7000 series – we haven’t tested it with 13th gen, yet it’s possible others have I just I haven’t looked yet but um with ryzen 7000 and with the RTX 4090, is that they actually undervolt Extremely well and you can achieve Rising, wasn’t undervolting. I thought it was lowering the power Target. Well, it’s a combination, so you lower your power Target until you find a point where it starts to behave kind of weird and then you, you set your uh. You set your turbo Target to kind of whatever megahertz you’re running at at that point, then you adjust your voltage current anyway. We show it in the video okay, it’s a it’s a process though, but basically we managed to get it running. Stably.

On a 550 watt power supply without actually giving up a ton of performance to be clear that wasn’t with me running two power viruses at once. That was with me running an actual game, but in in real world usage I think it would probably be stable, which isn’t to say you should ever do that. No, no! No! I’M just saying that you can lower the power consumptions of these new of these new um components.

It just might take a little bit of work, but the thing is that we’ve reached the point where the mark might be worth it. Man like it used to be that we would put all this work into tuning for more performance right with overclocking, but now with Energy prices going the way they are particularly in Europe right, it could actually save you hundreds of dollars over the lifespan of this computer, To under volt it yeah yeah, someone said uh. Let me see if I can find it again with someone in I’m. A flanker in Philippine chat says uh. With current UK pricing for electric that’s 34 P an hour for gaming wow, that’s gon na add up yeah.

It’S gon na add up a lot. Actually, that’s uh. I mean man, that’s a question. That’S like that’s like what it cost at the arcade.

You know when we were young right like if you, if you had to put a coin right, if you had to put a quarter in the machine every hour, would you gain as much as you do, or is it just the fact that you’re not really thinking About it, because it’s coming in on a monthly billing cycle, if I had to put a quarter in every hour, I probably wouldn’t I I think I would genuinely play less games right, like that’s a that’s a pretty high, friction transaction actually yeah and to be clear, I still, I still believe that gaming remains one of the best bang for the buck. Entertainment mediums right, like you, can there’s, especially with free to play, games that you really do not have to put money into. You know games like League of Legends, for example um. You know like there’s, there’s nothing that comes even close.

You know you look at it compared to like a movie going to the movies or going paintballing or whatever else it is like gaming is, is an unbelievable bang for the buck, assuming you actually do it enough to offset the The Upfront cost, but man that starts To eat into it a little bit 25 cents every hour, my goodness, and it’s a lot more than that – that’s closer to 50 cents. So if you had to put you had to pop a quarter into your desk every half hour, I do not see you doing that, sir yeah. No that’s yeah, sometimes sure, but not not. I, I would probably reduce yeah um to that’s wild.

I want to figure out exactly how much it is. What is so that’s sense, right, P Pence. Is it yeah yeah, zero, zero point, three, three: four yeah you’re right: 52 cents? That’S a lot! Yep! That’S actually like a ton yeah. My solar panels are starting to look like a pretty smart investment.

Yeah yeah. I remember when solar panels up here were were not um. Obviously, they’ve gotten a lot more stuff.

They’Ve gone a lot more efficient since then. Um they’re still stupid here, sir, because our power is still cheap. I didn’t want to rub it in for everything falling water, but you know the whole falling water might not keep happening.

Thing is coming yeah, so we did a um. We did a little work field trip to Banff a number of years ago. Uh Luke didn’t come.

He didn’t technically work for Linus Media Group at that time, long story anyway. The point is, we went to see this Glacier and they had all these markings on the ground for where the glacier used to be where it is now and where it like used to used to be and where it’s going to be and sort of just tracking. This receding giant, Glacier and um.

They were like yeah, so you know 30 to 50 years. This thing will be gone and guess what that means for hydroelectric power, and I was like uh like I could live to see the end of cheap energy in western Canada, which is sort of mind-blowing. What are we going to do? We talked about it. Yeah yeah yeah and because, like everyone that I know just kind of shrugs at at power that lives here to be clear, uh because we’ve always been like it’s falling water. It’S fine, um, and I mean it is for now foreign a lot of people asking why? I’M in two Dimensions: uh budget cuts. Sorry yeah.

I have to afford my new more expensive YouTube premium. Somehow yeah, it’s true yeah yeah! We are, we got to spread the spread, the burden out. You know, .