Gaming Memories Worth Passing On

Gaming Memories Worth Passing On

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Gaming Memories Worth Passing On”.
This one’s from Ian uh good evening, guys love the channel and all you do my wife and I are expecting our first can’t wait to play Space kids in dosbox with a little one in my lap, just like my dad did with me what gaming memories do You have and want to share recreate with your own kids. You know what I actually went through this pretty recently there’s this um. I think it’s called PC emu PCN, it’s a PC emulator and it allows you to actually emulate like a Windows. 95 Windows, 98. Older era CPU on a modern computer and it’s one of the only ways to play Old, like point-and-click adventure games from that time, and one of the games that my kids actually had a blast playing is called mixed up. Mother, Goose and game experiences like that. Simply do not exist anymore. I think they’re just kind of considered too low five for today and it was a it was a really uh. It was really cool, seeing them play and enjoy the exact games that you know I was playing back in like 1990.

You know three or whatever back back when that came out, um there’s actually a lot of those kinds of games. That was how at least two of my siblings learned to read. Was these interactive computer like books that George shrinks was one of the ones that we had and there’s a paper copy of it? Obviously, but we we also had the digital one. That would read it to you and you could kind of interact with the illustrations on the pages. Um yeah. I think that’s uh, that’s one that I was able to successfully share and recreate, but I think that you know in line with what we were talking about earlier on the show that may not be an option for kids that are growing up today. Their gaming experiences might be not irretrievable yeah, I mean what gaming memories do you have something that I really deeply enjoyed was Morrowind. I talked about Morrowind a lot.

I know. Uh Morrowind was a game that my dad my dad and I played a lot. No one else, like my brother, didn’t really care. He wasn’t that into it, but my dad and I played a bunch and I’ve told the story before, but I didn’t realize that I had never actually started the main quest until we were like it.

Gaming Memories Worth Passing On

Never bought a player’s guide before um, but the internet was in its infancy. Still these guys were expensive man and they were expensive. I never bought one and it’s still the only game. I’Ve ever bought one for um, but at I don’t know what really compelled this to do it. But at one point we were just like there’s clearly a lot to this game. We’Re clearly missing a ton, let’s check out a player’s guide and we did and we got one uh and then immediately figured out that there was a main quest and we just had no idea. It existed because you could sell the item that started the main quest. So I’ll just sell it every time I don’t need this thing um and that turned into my dad and I like playing Morrowind Co-op style, where one of us would be piloting the character and we’d trade back and forth all the time it wasn’t like.

Gaming Memories Worth Passing On

Just me all the time or anything um, one of us would be piloting the character and the other one would be reading from the player’s guide and figuring out like what should we go do next and the player’s guide was written in a really really cool way. Um like it, it was genuinely really well written where they would keep spoilers out of things, and they would keep context and information at the end of what they were talking about um and they they communicated that to you at the beginning of the player’s guide. So they made it very clear that, like there’s gon na, if, if, if you’re looking at like, you can use it in a way that if you see some cave or or if you read through the player’s guide – and it’s like. Oh there’s a cave here and you didn’t know that was there or something you could use it to get you there and then you could explore it on your own and then you could check with the player’s guide to make sure you got everything.

Gaming Memories Worth Passing On

So it made it tried to make it so that you were still exploring the world on your own, but you could use the player’s guide to make sure that you weren’t missing entire whole experiences like the whole main quest um and my dad and I playing Morrowind – Is is probably one of, if not genuinely my favorite memory of gaming, but that’s I’m not going to share that. If I had a child, I’m not gon na share that with my child. It’S it’s not going to be the same way um.

So I don’t know. I have no idea: .