LTT en Español

LTT en Español

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “LTT en Español”.
Ltt on espanol yeah yeah, let me see if I can find this here so Luke uh. Should we should we play it for them now, or should we play it for them a little bit later, I feel like we should maybe a little later play it for them and then talk about it because it’s cool and it’s not it’s not like it’s happening Now it has happened, it’s live, you know, and if people do it, if people don’t want to watch it through the stream, I’m going to play it through the Stream. So if you want to watch it through the stream you can, you can just do that, but you can also bring it up on your own end like it’s, it’s live and it functions now something that I didn’t know until I sat down and we went over This is that uh, you don’t have to make a new channel for it anymore, so this is just on the actual main channel uh. This is a really cool feature, so we can see what you’re doing uh it’s so cool.

LTT en Español

That’S not what I meant. I’Ve had a lot of people commenting too whether it’s on the is that you don’t have to make a new channel for it anymore. So this is just on the actual main channel uh. This is a really cool technical difficulties. Right we’ll get there anyways.

Let’S turn off that screen sharing right away. I think it’s causing Echo whether it’s on the is that all right. Well, I can. I can.

I can walk you through the the visual experience without an actual visible indicator, so you guys all know what I’m talking about. If you’re on YouTube in the bottom right hand corner of a video there’s the settings Cog wheel, we all know it we’ll love it. You click on it, there’s the audio track section now so, instead of just like playback speed, annotations quality, the things you’re used to have got it, we should um it’s worth mentioning a lot of people during the 4K premium. Controversy commented criticizing.

You know YouTube for not innovating like what is there to even do um and there you know again, I don’t want to Bootleg a trillion dollar Corporation or whatever, but like this is all scaling scaling. The way YouTube scales is really really hard and building new features. At scale is really hard and they absolutely do build new features, and this one is one of the coolest ones. I’Ve seen in a very very long time. Okay Luke is showing it to us now so down in the Cog. You can have multiple audio tracks on a video now, and it appears to be something that you can actually do, um that you can actually add in post, like after the fact to existing uploads. So what we’ve done with this particular video is using Google aloud. We have uh created a transcript, a Spanish translation, transcript of the videos and then we have used um.

I forget exactly what tool we’re using to turn that into like an AI voice, and then we’ve done our own uh conversion from our own voices to an AI voice to kind of fill in the gaps in the translation. So the idea is not to do a perfect job of localization. Actually here, let’s let’s play it first yeah play it first and then we’ll talk soon. I haven’t heard this.

So, let’s go since foreign, I’m seeing I’m seeing a lot of people um, I’m seeing a lot of people going either way on this. You know growth doesn’t sound human or wow. It’S surprisingly good, almost nothing in between which is really interesting to me. Um – and I want to clarify that the point of aloud this is Google’s translation quote unquote.

LTT en Español

Startup is to increase accessibility. It’S not about perfection, but 80 of the world does not speak English. While the majority of video content online is in English, so bilingual users might be likely to notice issues with pacing tone and minor translation errors, because they can compare against the native English version.

LTT en Español

But what Google has found is that non-english speakers are more often just impressed that they can access the content at all uh. So if we think about it from an accessibility standpoint, as opposed to a perfection standpoint, um ferna, 182 and float plane chat, says native Spanish speaker sounds like a dub show on TV, a few mistakes here and there, but overall way better than last time. That’S good that was uh.

That was our goal: yeah uh yeah, pretty much across the board. People are saying not the most accurate, but it’s okay and yes, I know you know if we hired uh like a translation company and a bunch of voice actors. You know, Mr Beast style that might work, but, okay, you got to think about the scale of what Mr Beast is doing. If he’s getting 30 to 50 million views on an English video and he can assume maybe 25 as much on an alternate language Channel um. You know if we only got 25 as many views on one to two million views, all of a sudden that would pretty much eat up whatever money we could have made on on that video like it’s. Not it doesn’t make good business sense, but if it’s something that we can do relatively easily right like if it’s something that we can do using Ai and then just doing spot Corrections um, that’s that’s the way for us to tackle it, because we we upload so Much I mean he uploads one video every like two weeks these days right, we’re uploading daily, so the just the scale of the cost is enormous. I mean we’ve run into issues with our um, with our Chinese translation, where it’s not even a matter of not being willing to pay for it. We just upload so freaking much that it’s hard to find enough people who want to work on it, yeah yeah yeah.

I I mean I being not able to understand it at all, because I I can’t speak a single word of Spanish. I I think the tech is really cool um, our implementation completely regardless having it so that you can switch audio tracks like that and having it support, uh languages for, for the the use case of that feature is sweet, and I I think we should all be Pretty happy that that exists on YouTube because of like what Linus is saying the the accessibility stuff um. Maybe it could be better. Maybe it could be worse um.

I just think it’s a really cool feature and I’m I’m stoked. I like it when sites like YouTube, innovate because there’s so much that can be done when you have an audience that is like as close to the entire planet, as you could basically get um so yeah. I think it’s really cool and I like that, we’re using it, because why not and from like you know not everything is going to get translated, but this could be a great tool for people looking to learn English as well being able to listen to it. In Spanish and then listen to it in English, I know that’s how I sleep all the way around too.

If people want to learn Spanish well, I wouldn’t learn Spanish from an AI. That’S fair! It’S the only reason I didn’t bring that right. Yeah, never mind yeah! Yeah, no yeah you’re gon na walk around sounding like a bad translation, all the time, which is actually oh man, that actually would make for like a good comedy short or something like that.

So someone who learned from Bad translations how to speak a language yeah pretty funny, thank you and just like I actually, I could even see it being a show like back in the 80s or 90s, like a Mr Bean style, like you have a character whose entire Sort of stick is that they, they learned, you know the language from from poor translations, so they just are constantly using idioms that make no sense, and I I yeah that could be that could be interesting. Um did you brat? We already uh have a translation service in China and we have almost a million subscribers on Billy Billy, but thank you for the suggestion. Yeah yeah already a thing yeah.

I wonder if I get another gold play button, I got such a kick out of getting a Chinese knockoff of a silver. You know the silver one right, yeah yeah, yeah yeah. I saw the silver one years ago. Yeah, I don’t know.

If there’s a gold play button on Billy Billy, but I’d be super super down, especially at the moment or is Spanish just the one you went with for the test. Uh Spanish is the one that probably has the the greatest overlap of people who want to watch. Ltt and who don’t speak English so like we could have gone for German, for example, but from my time in Germany I would say that that was probably going to be a big fat waste of time, because practically everyone I met. There spoke better English than half the people I went to high school with, like their English.

Schooling is outstanding. It’S always interesting when you talk to someone and they’re like. Oh, my English is really bad and it’s like. Oh it’s fine, it’s fine! It’S fine! Then they that you actually start having conversations with them – and you start kind of wondering like is their English – might be better than mine.

Exactly exactly uh, apparently Monty Python did a bit with a dodgy translation book like way back in the day so yeah there you go yeah, it’s been done, it’s been done. Uh people are talking about Indian uh yeah. One of the benefits of Spanish for us is. We happen to have someone on staff who who speaks native uh Spanish, so that helps a lot uh.

One of the challenges with Spanish, though, is that there are a lot of regionalisms that make Spanish localization really tricky. Oh wait. She doesn’t speak Spanish, oh whoa hold on Ed’s Ed’s messaging me in real time. Here, Hindi is apparently coming soon.

Do we have someone on staff who speaks Hindi? Who can like check that? Well, I don’t know all right there you go, I’m I’m finding out I’m finding out new things. That’S real time here, uh anyway um. So it’s really tricky because for Spanish different countries and even regions have their own vocabulary, accents and idioms. That can make it really really challenging to translate, but I think it’s going to be one of those things where you just have to kind of settle on something and it’s at least better than nothing. You know yeah .