Can AMD’s Radeon RX 7000 Compete

Can AMD’s Radeon RX 7000 Compete

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Can AMD’s Radeon RX 7000 Compete”.
Amd has come out and confirmed that Radeon 7000 series, which is hilariously the second Radeon 7000 series yeah. This is this: is the rx7000 series not to be confused with the HD 7000 series, like really really you guys come on? I mean between AMD, okay release. It remember when they released the uh, the 470 and 480, when it wasn’t even that long after Nvidia had had a 470 and 480, then they, then they go and they change gears again. They’Re like no, let’s go back to numbers that we already used. This is hitting me a little bit because this is the third generation of Radeon 7000s.

Can AMD’s Radeon RX 7000 Compete

I I was talking wait. There was the original Radeon 7000.. Oh, my goodness yeah. I didn’t even think about that. There are three three King Radeon, 7 th.

Can AMD’s Radeon RX 7000 Compete

How am I supposed to Google information about these things? Cable mod is making a 90 degree adapter. I I also read that they’re making a 180, which is what I’m assuming just a double turn the other way: yeah yeah yeah, which is pretty sweet, yeah, left angle and right angle, yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s an actual term left angle yeah. It means the opposite of whatever the right angle.

Can AMD’s Radeon RX 7000 Compete

Version of that thing is yeah. I only became familiar with that uh as a product manager at NCIX. When I was I was skewing like um.

Oh, what was the card? I think it was in videos 400 series not to be confused with amd’s 400 series. Uh nvidia’s 400 series had that little wimpy mini HDMI. Do you remember the one yeah yeah, and so in order to use that, with some cases that didn’t have great clearance around the top of the PCI slot, you needed a little right angle, adapter, and so I was skewing up an alternate left angle, one for, like Inverted cases I I don’t remember why it needed to exist, but I was like skewing up these two items.

I was like. How do I differentiate these and one of the other product managers had to be like? Oh yeah yeah so right angles like that and then left angle. Is that way.

I’M like uh? Okay, I will remember that forever. Yeah – and I did to be clear left angle – is only like a terminology that we used to differentiate the right angled adapter from one that goes completely the opposite way and cable, mods, 90 degrees and 180 degrees. Honestly, better ish.

I mean it’s not really, even because 90 degrees, which way yeah 90 degrees down 90 degrees up. It is down it’s down. I honestly just assumed it was two bends. I never saw the example, so I assumed it was like oh it’ll bring it all the way around.

It would go the other way, so it would be a left angle, adapter, yeah yeah. That makes sense. I you were talking about 7000 series, Graphics, yeah. Let’S say the cables people are talking about those too. This is very similar to you. Oh hi Rod, so they go up. This is very similar to a conversation I was having with a float plane person uh earlier this week when they were talking about like how ancient some piece of Hardware that they had was, and we so we just had Christmas party 10th anniversary of the company, that Okay, we’ve been doing this for 10 years. Didn’T really hit me because time frames sometimes don’t hit that hard. He was talking about this ancient piece of technology that he was still running. That was one of the first processors that I reviewed when I started working here and I was like whoa, it has been a long time, wow, okay, yeah and the HD 7000 series was something we were mainlining on test benches yep relatively early on back in the Day, yeah yeah, it’s been a hilarious um, but yeah. This is a it’s a it’s a bit of a spicy, meatball yeah. I don’t think it’s a bad idea to skip.

I don’t think you’re in the wrong and I’m I don’t think, I’m huffing copium. I think I’m pretty excited for amd’s new releases. We shot a video actually in the moments before I came over here to sit down and do Wan show that is pretty much um. A re-examination of amd’s current cards in the context of a really cool tool that we’re going to be talking about that can help squeeze extra performance out of them with no cost of extra power. Consumption, cool, um, so kind of like what people are doing with undervolting. On the GeForce 40 series, or with the latest CPUs – and you know what they are in such good shape right now that if our dna3 is as much better as it looks like it might be yeah and if AMD manages to leverage any cost savings that they’re Gaining from their their multi-dye approach to be clear, I don’t think any of the gpu’s actual functional units are on that separate die. If I recall correctly, it’s like an i o die or something don’t don’t quote me on any of that, but but anything that they can do to reduce the size of the main dive from what we’ve seen with ryzen could result in very, very competitive costs, which, If they decide to be aggressive and if they decide to attack Nvidia hard could mean a return to actual competition with Intel being the also ran yeah be pretty sick. I’M excited man, I’m excited the the the 6700 XT is pretty competitive with the 3070 at over a hundred dollars Less on average and the 6800 XT is darn competitive with the 3080 at like 200 less it’s, it’s gon na be a pretty exciting time.

Yeah for real – and I yeah the most important thing that we took away from this video two of our writers, daily Gamers, took home Radeon cards. While I was in Hawaii, I was not informed. Um took home. Radio on cards were using them for a couple of weeks now, so it was actually a little bit before that.

I guess, and the idea behind it was that they would just game as normal, and at least one of them had had just awful experiences. Gaming with AMD cards in the past, everything from crashes to poor performance, which was totally a thing for like a long time, visual, artifacts um and the idea was okay, just just want to use it, they just live with it and it was Alex. Actually, who said truthfully, he replaced his 3080, which he got as part of Intel. Extreme Tech uh upgrade and then completely forgot.

He was doing the challenge. That’S good, didn’t even readjust any in-game settings when launching a new game. Nothing like that just forgot until he came into work today, because up until yesterday he was working on that Choose Your Own Adventure random build. So he wasn’t really like thinking about this.

Sat down looked at the script and went oh crap like one of the cards is like in my computer at home. Like I just forgot about it, that’s cool, that’s good! That is such a good thing. Yeah! That’S amazing! That’S awesome and like it’s one of those things for you got ta. Forgive me right. Okay AMD said earlier this year that they did a significant rewrite of their DirectX 11 drivers, better performance, better stability, better everything I have heard it so many times. I mean remember what was it remember: Crimson drivers yeah when oh yeah Crimson drivers AMD when was that? Okay, I wan na.

Remember the the news: what was the? What? What were the Crimson drivers? No? No! No! No! No! No! That’S a different date uh here. Let me radio and software suite I’ll put news in the thing uh. Maybe they do, they still call them Crimson. I don’t even remember the number of times. Okay, that AMD has tried to pull me onto a conference, call or do a presentation about how no really our drivers are like better this time. I I just I just don’t care anymore.

I just tune it out because it was not relevant 2016. Someone’S saying is, that is that right, I think that lines up, because we still had so many problems. Do you remember when I think you were in the middle of like? Was it like scrapyard Wars or like a review of a CPU or something – and I basically came in this – was at the old house? And I like came into the bench den, and I was like – do not put another AMD card on a test bench because it had like it had delayed that day’s shoot. For the umpteenth time. To the point where, like someone was gon na, have to stay three hours late after work, because we were getting like weird crashing or odd behavior and we were so committed like we couldn’t just rip it out and retest everything, so we had to power through it. I was just so tired of it.

I have. I have some vague memory of this. Someone said Crimson released November 2015.. Yeah Crimson was definitely one of them yeah and you know what maybe it was a step forward. I don’t care, it was not even enough close to good enough yeah, not even close, and they had this whole presentation that they sent me about how much better it was this time and all the QA they were doing. I don’t so you’ll have to forgive me when I’ve heard something enough times and it’s been untrue every single time I stopped believing it so I stopped believing it and you know it’s part of my job is to be open-minded, so I should have been more open-minded.

This time around giving it a shot – and you know what maybe, after we’re done the arc challenge. Maybe we should do an AMD just roll right into AMD challenge, yeah, I’m down, because, like honestly, that was what inspired Alex to do this The Arc challenge. It was when we did the stream testing random games that the viewers suggested to us on Arc and what he, what he found as part of both the review, and that challenge was that every test that Intel failed AMD was fine and so he’s like prepping. For this video he’s like hold on a minute, this is not how I remember this going yeah what is happening here and it’s funny, because, with this update, I feel like they’re actually being quieter about it than they have with things like crimson yeah, because they had Nothing to talk about back, then that’s I mean want to buy our third effort rebadging this card.

Again the drivers are cool. We swear so like yeah, maybe that’s it but like I, I’m I’m not hearing a lot about it. Maybe maybe they’re waiting for the launch of the new gpus and then they’re gon na hit it harder but yeah. If I wouldn’t be surprised to see that they’ve got some exciting new features that they’re gon na go, live with and part of amd’s brand has been to go a little harder on backwards.

Compatibility compared to Nvidia Nvidia has been pretty. What would the word be? Unabashed about just saying: hey, yeah: no, you have to buy the newest feature. If you want to use this, you know whether it’s the the noise suppression, mic suppression, background noise, thing or uh, whether it’s dlss3 and to be clear, I get it sometimes. Nvidia has gone good guy launched the feature with the new cards, where, obviously the majority of the software development was focused and then rolled it out to previous generations.

Over time I get it. Software development takes time. Thank you. I I feel very known right now. I get it, I get it um, but I AMD has generally tried to to take a more um backwards, compatible approach. I feel it’s new features, sometimes to their detriment.

Where, like it, just isn’t very good yeah, it doesn’t work very well, and maybe it could have been better and worked better if it stayed a little more focused. But that’s that’s neither here nor there uh. The bottom line is that the news is looking pretty good for the upcoming RX 7000 launch not to be confused with the HD 7000 or Radeon 7000..

Do we wait to do the AMD? I switch challenge thing for yeah. Seven thousand yeah well we’ll have to because I believe the announcement is coming like soonish .