These Colors Now Cost Money

These Colors Now Cost Money

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “These Colors Now Cost Money”.
In other news has jumped the shark um due to this is this: is amazing? Adobe users have been encountering pop-ups, informing them that Pantone colors in their files, okay, have been removed and replaced with black due to changes in pantone’s licensing with Adobe. Imagine how annoying that is. Excuse me, pardon files that they created already that used. Pantone colors are now black because of the licensing change now to be clear, I do not know that this is entirely pantone’s fault.

This could also be Adobe screwing up. I also wonder how much is this like? How did they even do that so is this? Is this? Is there like uh hold on there’s a bit more okay, yeah? Okay, the solution you have to install the Pantone connect plugin and pay an extra 15 a month for Pantone connect premium in order to use Pantone colors in your software that you already pay an absurd amount of money. For so is I’m outraged.

Does Creative Cloud have a like storage thing yeah, it does actually okay. So is that how they’re updating the files um? Well? No, it’s when you would open it with your new version of the software. Can you open it offline, uh? Okay? So there are ways that people have worked around it. I don’t think this is in here, but one of the ways that people have worked around it is by backing up or using someone else’s.

I forget what the extension is. The file extension file extensions are important by the way and they mean things I forget what the file extension is, but Adobe colors. I know right. Adobe color um, like codes, are, are stored in in a file extension that, if you just grab them all, then update, then dump them all back in you’ll still have them. Okay, but those file extensions are no longer part of the new versions of the Adobe suite. Unless you pay for Pantone connect premium, a hundred and eighty dollars a year minds, do you know how much we already pay you for the the physical verification of this color crap? Okay for the for the the the I laughed so hard, the calibration equipment for the monitors We already pay you in colors. Remember you got that color wheel of all those tiles, so they could do the Plastics colors or whatever yeah. If it comes with like a little card in the box three free months of of using these or they disintegrate like, like the the the colored cylinder literally lights on fire, why does everything have to be a subscription yeah, it’s kind of horrible future sucks geez.

This isn’t a complete shock to many creators, as Adobe announced it would be removing the Pantone color books from its software in December 2021. This was then rescheduled to happen on March 31st. 2022 then, was rescheduled to August 16th, then delayed to August 31st turns out what they meant to say was October 27th common mistake to make matters worse.

Some users are seeing colors rendered as black, even after paying for the subscription and installing the extension. Oh, my don’t pay for it. If you pay for it, they win stop.

Thankfully, there are a number of workarounds for those willing to explore abilities some consider to be unnatural. So, as I already mentioned, you can back up your Pantone libraries, then re-import after the app update, removes them or just copy the color metadata and use Pantone colors as just regular colors with RGB codes, yeah, which you can totally do. Yeah um yeah this. Just this.

Just makes me mad that sucks so stupid, like how can you possibly have a subscription to a color code, a digital color code? I mean okay, this that’s not even the most wild thing that I heard this week. Well, I was having a discussion with um with Nick and Bridget over at Creator warehouse and someone in the Creator. Warehouse team discussed doing um some like phrase on the front of a shirt and Bridget was like whoa hold on. We should make sure it’s not trademarked and they’re like how could that possibly be trademarked and she’s like at my old at my old place, um, we did a a shirt that said True, North strong and free.

How is that trademarked and another company that apparently owns the trademark came after them and they had to pull the shirt? True, North, strong and free is literally part of the Canadian national animal yeah that shouldn’t be trademarkable. It should not be possible to trademark that. That’S really stupid. That’S that’s actually really annoying! Oh, my goodness so yeah um, apparently Lewis Rossman made a video about New Jersey Banning heated seat. Subscriptions. That’S hilarious! That’S good! I love it. I love it um and to be clear guys. Floatplane has an ongoing cost.

Okay, Pantone is already making money in every other Link in that color management chain. They can deal with us having digital representations of how on Earth. Are we going to print the thing to compare against our Pantone thing without buying the pen? Oh, that’s how they get you no, but seriously like the the the color codes for them. I mean it’s a matter of time before someone just makes it so we can just make a directory well yeah. Someone could just make it directly that matches all the color codes with the Pantone colors like it’s yeah, it’s just annoying.

So so it’s just it’s just one more print, printout sheet that you have to have taken to the wall. Behind your monitor, like they’re, just yeah they’re, just making artificially difficult, creating busy work for people ridiculous, yeah yeah there was that whole thing with the Fine Brothers trying to trademark react. I do remember yeah that was super stupid.

These Colors Now Cost Money

Unfortunately, okay um, oh okay, uh the true north registered for Footwear, namely shoes, boots, slippers and sandals, strong and free register for t-shirts, sweaters and hats. I don’t know what user 4675 on flip planes talking about. I don’t know if that’s who it is yeah that doesn’t seem to be anything about that.

These Colors Now Cost Money

Apparently there are armed licensing issues. I didn’t even see that apparently there’s an online conversion tool already yeah. That’S awesome because it’s just a one-to-one thing like uh, yeah, okay, the whole thing is laser grape on Twitch says: Pantone is literally a company that shouldn’t exist.

What do they add to the world hex codes for colors GTFO? No, actually, that’s that’s not correct they. They should exist. Standards for colors are really important.

Taking colors from digital to print to physical Goods is really challenging, and especially when you’re working with people who are in another city or another country, or on another continent being able to have references that you can trust. 100 has a value, but that doesn’t mean that they need to squeeze blood from the stone right, like it’s a difference between like ethical capitalism and just your consumers, because you can right, which is to be fair, a lot of what’s happening in the world right now. Um, there’s all this stuff going around talking about the the like inflationary state that we’re in and how like questionably real, it actually even is with uh certain companies that are like, oh inflation.

That’S why we’re raising prices and then their profit uh profit. Take from last year to this year is like doubled year over year, um a little ridiculous. There were some uh uh like gas company that last year, their profit at this point in the year was, like I don’t know, four something billion, and this year it’s over 9 billion and they’re like oh, it’s just inflation.

These Colors Now Cost Money

It’S like! No, it’s not! No! It’S not! It’S greed, .