I DID NOT Like Thor Love & Thunder (SPOILERS)

I DID NOT Like Thor Love & Thunder (SPOILERS)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I DID NOT Like Thor Love & Thunder (SPOILERS)”.
Okay from Miguel, my first LTT purchase finally hopping on the almost full desk Mouse matte trend. Has there ever been any games, shows or movies. You finished lately that you really enjoyed or really disliked it’s on your Plex at the moment. Oh, I don’t know, that’s a good question is Star Wars lately, no, it doesn’t count as lately I don’t know uh. Maybe one of the shows Thor, love and thunder was trash.

I DID NOT Like Thor Love & Thunder (SPOILERS)

Uh was it oh, oh, my God, so bad. That’S the only Marvel movie in like many years that I was vaguely interested in seeing not spoiler, so never mind yeah, don’t it doesn’t matter because you’re not gon na watch it because it’s terrible but um at one point during the movie, which I did not feel Compelled to sit down for like the entire time at all, like I got up and like got snacks and came back, I was like yeah, I don’t bother pausing it uh. I watched it because, like I don’t know it’s just a it’s a thing Yvonne and I watched all like Marvel movies together. We do not bother with the shows. There is too much Marvel. Oh yeah, there’s too much Cinematic Universe at this point, but um at one point. When some, I forget something just utterly ridiculous, like laughable happened, not funny laughable, and I was like if, if if that was not actually Chris Hemsworth like if the, if this was not actually Hollywood a-listers, I would half expect the movie to devolve into a full like X-Rated sex scene, like like it, felt like like a pornographic parody wow like it was just so campy and not I don’t I don’t know, and it had some self-awareness of its campiness, except that, unlike 70s Batman, which embraced the camera all the way through yeah. There are moments of this where it has this extreme seriously: tonal shift yeah and it’s taking itself hyper seriously on matters of life and death and love, and it’s like what even is this also they committed one of the worst one of the worst movie sins.

I DID NOT Like Thor Love & Thunder (SPOILERS)

For me, which is that, instead of putting okay the whole the whole point, okay of Storytelling, is you take relatable characters with with flaws like this? Is it’s like the point of superheroes? Okay? Is that they are these relatable characters with real limitations and flaws, and you put them into these Supernatural situations that test their limits. If every time they hit a limit, they can pull a new MacGuffin or a new ability or a new, miraculous weapon out of their rectal cavity. Then it completely takes away any stakes and any engagement that I can possibly have with this story, and so there’s this there’s this scene at the okay.

I DID NOT Like Thor Love & Thunder (SPOILERS)

So I talked about this with Fantastic Beasts. There’S a scene in spoiler alert one of the Fantastic Beasts movies. I can’t even remember because the first one’s good atrocious, but there’s this scene in one of them – maybe it’s the second one where one of the like beasts gets out and he needs to get it back and he goes Akio that thing and it comes flying into His magic suitcase and they merely go on their way, which doesn’t sound like a huge problem, except that the entire first movie is that his monsters escaped and he was trying to get them back and they filmed there’s all these scenes where he struggles. So this is to capture them. This is the force healing problem, yes, yeah, where it completely in that one, like 10 second moment completely invalidated the entire existence of the first movie yeah.

There was no point in him doing any of that stuff because he could have just been like Akio, you Akio you, and when we watched the first movie we can. We can have suspension of disbelief right like it’s not like. I’M not willing to be transported into a magical Fantastical world. I love that world has to have laws that make it make sense that are consistent, yeah and so when in the first movie you could say all right. Well, maybe Accu doesn’t work on like super powerful, magical creatures, sure fine yeah, I I can come. I can go along with that. You can resist it or something, but then, when you show it working in the very next movie set a year later or whatever it’s just stupid, um, okay, so back to um, no okay dboss says welcome to Fantasy storytelling. It happens all the time yeah! It’S not new you’re right, but it’s lazy.

It’S it’s lazy and it’s bad. So let’s go back to Thor, love and thunder at the climax, spoiler alert. There’S a scene where he’s capturing these uh or he’s rescuing excuse me the captured children that were being held by the big Baddie to draw him out so that the big Baddie could get his MacGuffin that finds a different McGuffin that helps him achieve something perilous, okay, So he’s holding all these children hostage and Thor gets to the children and then he’s gon na go after the Baddie, but then the Baddie unleashes like an army of Shadow beasts or something like okay, fine, fair enough. So far. Thor’S solution to this problem is that he bestows the powers of Thor on all these children and it makes for a very cool scene where they all just like rip through these shadow beasts lightening them and like none of the children, get a scratch on them because, Obviously, a you wouldn’t want to like yeah do that yep in a movie and B, because they are all little mini, Thor’s and they’re using their teddy bears to like lightning Arc baddies into dust um. But it’s like here. We are 27 movies in or whatever do that you couldn’t make like a lightning infused Iron Man yeah like 20 movies ago, wouldn’t that have been inconvenience, yeah, [, Laughter, ] yeah. It was a super cool, visual spectacle, very cool scene, but it completely killed any investment that I can possibly have something that I’ve I’ve found that makes those types of things work for me in stories is, is what I would just I don’t know, but there’s probably A term for it, but I would call it like special realms, like the whole Jedi healing thing.

In my opinion, it would maybe be okay. Maybe if you were like in Jedi Temple Church the force is stronger there or something I don’t know whatever like you might be able to say in this one area. This thing is possible sure, but just I forget like if he’s in Asgard, maybe he can lightning charge the kids yeah. I forget what fantasy setting it is.

There’S one where uh, whatever uh Magic, you do, has an equal and opposite expense to you. So, if the, if there was some kind of but that’s never how the force worked, no, it was about just channeling. This mystical uh energy that binds the Galaxy together. Yeah like it would so.

I yeah just making up force abilities completely destroyed Star Wars. For me, in the same way that just making up superpowers for these characters takes all possible pretense that there could be for suspense ooh. What will happen? I don’t know they’re gon na make up something like that would be badass like if it honestly feels like when you’re in grade three yeah and you’re like wouldn’t it be cool, if, like she jumped off there and then it bounced up so hot, then yeah. That would be so cool, but then there’s no Stakes, there’s no rules yeah and yes, yes, that is cheap character, development by just giving them more abilities instead of having to use the limitations of their abilities that have been established to fight larger, more difficult problems.

It’S lazy s, storytelling! That’S the bottom line! .