How Can Meta Survive?

How Can Meta Survive?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How Can Meta Survive?”.
Why don’t we talk about the general Tech apocalypse? That’S going on! That’S not just at Twitter! This week at meta, 11 000 people were laid off. That was on Wednesday, which is 13 of the company’s Workforce. Um Zuckerberg apologized to staff for somehow thinking that the massive surge in online Commerce driven by kovid would not return to Prior Trends um. But insiders told wired that the layoffs were also compensating for many failed projects from the last five to ten years. Their Libra crypto thing uh their lasso Tick, Tock clone uh portal. Remember: portal uh, I’m I’m happy to say that we got some of that Facebook, Stupid Money, fire money from them before that whole thing, just yeah turned into nothing they’re like video, calling Appliance. Remember that thing: yeah vaguely, yeah, Instagram Facebook shopping plans, their podcast plans.

Hey. I uh I I got something I got some of that money too, so that was that was pretty cool thanks, uh thanks meta um, The Meta watch and more uh. Many analysts and investors are questioning a future in which meta goes all in on the metaverse. Instead of putting more resources into things that have a clearer path to profitability um, I would question that a little bit, I’m gon na I’m gon na throw some controversy in there sure hit me yeah.

I I don’t know that VR is necessarily it, but I don’t know what else could be it and I think Facebook is or meta is understanding that their current platforms are kind of across the board becoming untrendy and dying um anymore. Well, it’s not it’s not so much that it’s or it is that, but the the main thing is that you know okay, you’re always talking to me about this. What what’s the what’s the rule for how much easier something becomes in development or whatever amount of time? What were you talking about there? I, I am, I hope, I’m not misquoting it, but this is how I’ve been saying it for a while it’s every three years, everything gets three times easier. Okay, and it’s not you can’t. You can’t boil that down.

It has to be at least three years whatever blah blah yeah yeah. So basically, what it seems to me is that meta is understanding that the moat around their product is getting thinner yeah. So you can’t different, like you can’t just um say: oh yeah, we figured out, we figured out scalability of something like a you know, a feed that you can scroll through images or videos or whatever else.

How Can Meta Survive?

Someone else can build that now. So yeah there’s only source projects for it at this point exactly so, the only thing that differentiates them is the user base and the only thing that keeps a user base somewhere is trendiness, and this trendiness it feels like, comes and goes faster than ever, like the Rise of tick, tock still blows my mind how fast Tick Tock went from absolutely nothing to absolutely everywhere, wild right, so yeah, I think you’re, I think you’re absolutely right is they have to figure out something, and you know what I got ta be honest: what is What else is there so yeah AR VR XR, whatever you want to call? It might not be it. But what is your next Frontier of technical Innovation that is going to create a huge moat around you that keeps your competitors out yeah? So I I’m back. Hopefully this is working but yeah that was effectively my point um and he he could be right. He might just be currently far from the goal. I don’t know that he’s right um, but they need something right and they’re.

How Can Meta Survive?

Seeing Apple just consistently have wins, because they’re owning the hardware space, uh, they’re they’re, finding ways to make sure that they keep on getting more market share and because they own the device, they can do. Things like that. We’Re going to make it so that every like, when people install an open Facebook, it asks them if they want uh the advertising tracking or whatever, and that just completely screws Facebook over apple is able to control that because they own the platform, I think uh.

How Can Meta Survive?

I think what the heck is that, hopefully you guys heard that, because that was weird um. I think the Zuck saw that happen and was like. I need that.

I need to be able to own the platform. I need something that I can own the platform on. We tried the watch, we tried the portal, we tried to follow this other stuff. Remember the Facebook right working yeah vaguely yeah, but none of that worked so they need to be.

First. Basically, Apple was first to smartphone effectively. I know there were some other ones, but it was the first of that kind, um and and they’ve they’ve held dominance ever since so like yeah, I I the the general path. I totally understand.

I don’t know: if VR is it, I hope it is. It that’d. Be cool well, you’ve been rooting for VR. Basically, since the first time you heard about it, it’s just yeah. It’S going slow man, it’s going slow yeah and we knew the whole time that it was gon na go really slow. I feel like, if anything he he put all his chips in too early.

It’S like that. What is that? The the first um I almost said Need for Speed, not need for speed the first fast and the furious when he’s like too soon kid when he uses his nitrous or whatever I feel like he gets that situation like he probably sent it a little early um. I I think they should have kept doing like a decent amount of investment, but nothing as insane as they’re doing right now and then once it was a little bit more ready for them to actually hit it. Um that’s when to go, but this is. This is quite the YOLO um yeah all right, um, and I mean you know what the really the the really big Trend overall right now is tech companies cutting their staff. I mean Luke, and I just have this like um. I don’t know I don’t know how to describe it other than layoff porn, but we in our Discord, like half of half of what the two of us have been talking about, is just like posting articles to each other of companies that have laid off 10. 20. 30, I mean Twitter, it was 50 of their staff um. It’S it’s really. It’S really rough out there right now in other news, yeah, it’s it’s been wild.

If you feel like you, have a lot to contribute to a platform like flowplane or um to the LTT lab, then uh, you know and maybe get in touch uh we’re hiring yay, not not enough positions to make up for what’s going on right now, but we Are we are hiring .