Subscribe…or Die?!

Subscribe...or Die?!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Subscribe…or Die?!”.
There’S even more bad subscription news. Let’S go, I don’t know if it had this name the last time we talked about it, but we have sort of talked about. I think it did uh yeah, so Intel now has officially revealed their Intel, on-demand branding, which will allow owners of 4th gen Xeon scalable. I like that uh, this fourth gen scalable Sapphire Rapids processors, to either pay a one-time fee not as bad or a recurring, subscription horrible uh to unlock. This includes software guard extensions, Dynamic load, balancer, Intel data, streaming, accelerator, Intel, in-memory, analytics accelerator, Intel, in-memory, analytics accelerator again or Intel quick Assist Technology, that’s quite a few things um and some things that are actually pretty legit, the it having an option 401 time. In my opinion, does make it better that helps a lot that helps a ton. The fact that Mercedes doesn’t have an option for a one-time purchase does make it significantly worse now. Do I think Intel is going to make these processors cheaper to make it so that the full fat price would be all of the one-time purchases plus the purchase of the processor? No and that’s where a little bit of the problem comes in um and yeah, we’ll also have to see what the one-time cost versus the subscription cost is. It doesn’t say how much the one-time fee is.

Do you get a discount if you buy all them at once? I don’t know lots of unknowns, but yeah extremely frustrating um. I don’t mind subscriptions as much when they are commercial products. It offends me, and – and I I’m coming at this from my pers from my dual perspectives – one as a consumer and two as a business owner, because the reality of it is that anything that you are buying as a business should be used to theoretically generate Revenue. Yeah and well then it just becomes it’s an entirely different calculus right, because if it’s a hundred dollars a month, but I can make a thousand dollars a month, then it’s a lot easier to justify. Whereas I think that Pat going past business past prosumer all the way to Consumer grade devices, you have it’s a it’s, it’s less of a calculation of how much money can I make with this? In fact, it almost never is how much money can I make with this and it’s more about? How does this improve my quality of life, and that answer has to be. It improves my quality of life, a lot it shouldn’t be, how much would not paying this yeah diminish your quality of life, because that’s when it becomes not a subscription to a service? That’S when it becomes a ransom for some kind of quality of life Improvement. That is being held hostage from you and it’s it’s it’s very.

Subscribe...or Die?!

It’S very frustrating. There’S another dystopian product paywall that in this situation, maybe kind of how does this make sense? Um, it’s the Klim, ai1 airbag vest. So it’s a it’s a motorcycle vest, I believe, there’s actually some there’s some features of it that are like connected.

Subscribe...or Die?!

If I recall correctly, there’s one of these airbag vest style products. That definitely did work like that. I don’t know if it’s this one um, so it won’t work unless you pay to activate its sensor platform, it’s 400 for permanent activation. Okay, thank you for having me. I have that 100 120 for a one year subscription or sixty dollars for six months. It’S actually cheaper on Black Friday, apparently um.

Subscribe...or Die?!

The positive argument in this case is that many people ride motorbikes seasonally, so this allows them to pause their subscription when they don’t ride. So you buy a six-month package. However, it is not discounted on the one year version. However, it is absolutely dystopian, oh yeah, to have subscriptions tied to basically every bloody thing you own and no. I don’t think this one is one that has like a phone home. There was definitely one that I saw at some point, or maybe I’m imagining it.

I don’t know, but that had like a home phone, a phone home feature so that it would actually call someone if you crashed – oh okay, and that was part of the justification for the uh for the subscription fee. I remember forever ago we talked about this helmet that would deploy it wasn’t like a motorcycle helmet. It was a like a a pedal biking, sure fixed gear, helmet, um, and it would it would deploy over your head. You ward around your neck and it would deploy over your head when you were falling, but it wouldn’t do it if you weren’t subscribed.

This was like a long time ago. Um was not a fan of that, but yeah. You guys will have to tell me if this one actually fires off a. Why do we understand yeah, so you have to activate its sensor platform. So is it sending data out and then it’s getting processed remotely all the time that I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t trust that yeah. I wouldn’t trust that either .