I left my backpack on the train – Apple AirTags Review

I left my backpack on the train - Apple AirTags Review

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I left my backpack on the train – Apple AirTags Review”.
[ Announcer ] Your attention, please. (, upbeat music, ), I’d like to introduce you to Apple’s AirTag., It’s their latest foray into the world of Bluetooth trackers., And it’s something. We’Ve been waiting quite a while for now.. The idea is, it helps you find things. You’Ve lost whether it’s nearby or far away it’s put to the test.. I’M going to be leaving this backpack full of precious merch on this train. And we’re going to see how easy it is to get back in a couple of hours., ( upbeat music, ).

Now, before the panic sets in what you’re gon na want to do is put the AirTag in lost mode., You can do that by just opening up the Find My app and then tapping on the object and clicking enable lost mode.. Now what this lets you do is put your phone number with the AirTag so that, if somebody finds it, they can connect to the AirTag with NFC be taken to a webpage with the number and hopefully reconnect you with your lost object., I’m curious. If that’s what’s going to happen to us, today. All right., So in the meantime, what we’re going to do is we’re going to find a set of keys that I had a colleague hide somewhere in the city. And one of the great things with AirTags and the Find My app is that you can get directions straight to the place using Apple Maps., (, upbeat, music, ) ( starting car ). Now, while we’re on the way to this AirTag, I should probably explain how AirTags work.

I left my backpack on the train - Apple AirTags Review

Now they don’t have GPS built into them.. That would take too much electricity., So they use Bluetooth, low energy. And with Bluetooth low energy.

What an AirTag is doing is it’s looking for another phone to connect to to then send out its location.. The big leverage point for Apple is that they use their Find. My network, which is basically every iPhone that has it, turned on, which is upwards of a billion users now., And what that means is that the AirTag can connect with an encrypted connection to any iPhone. That’S nearby and tell you where it is., So you’re bound to get a more accurate reading more quickly with AirTags than you would with any other competitors. [ GPS ] In 250 meters.

I left my backpack on the train - Apple AirTags Review

The destination is on your left. [ GPS, ] Arrived.. Where are we All right? So we’ve arrived at where it says the keys are, and now I have to go and find them more precisely.. So let’s see how this goes. ( upbeat music, ) Okay.. So it says that the keys are here with me.. So we’re going to have to use is ultra wide band to get a precise location of where it is just by hitting find nearby. It’s going to try and connect. Oh six and a half meters away, try and connect to the AirTag and then point me in the direction of where it is. Now. Ultra wide band only works if you have an iPhone, 11 or 12.. Otherwise you can make it make a sound..

So it’s around here and I should put the sound on. ( ringing ). Is it on the ground Like in the garden ( ringing )? Is it on a- (, laughs, ) There it is.! Now, when you get really close to the object, your phone starts to vibrate.

Like it’s in a game of hot and cold, and here it is. In a bike. How clever. Could have been anywhere in this city.

I left my backpack on the train - Apple AirTags Review

( upbeat music, ). Well, now that I have an AirTag, we can now talk about the design of it.. It’S a curious little thing that really evokes the design of the old iPod.

You know with the glossy white plastic on the front and the shiny, glossy chrome on the back.. It’S also just as easily scratched and scuffed as those old devices were. Now annoyingly.

It doesn’t have any sort of hole or anything on it, so that you can attach a key ring or some sort of land yard.. So if you buy one of these things, you have to buy a holder. If you want to attach it to a key or a backpack., And this key ring from Apple costs $ 35.

On top of the already $ 30 you spent on the AirTag.. Now, I’m sure Amazon will come to the rescue with really cheap options., But I hope they’re good quality., ( upbeat music ). So whenever, when it comes to tracking people, which is probably something you don’t, want.

Apple has thought about that in the design of the AirTags.. They have a couple of protections which are interesting. For one. An AirTag, that’s separated from its owner will start chiming whenever it’s moved after three days.. So if you don’t even have an iPhone you’ll, probably know about it, then, but if you do have an iPhone and you’re running iOS, 14.5 or higher, you will get a notification saying that an AirTag, that’s not yours, is nearby..

We tested this with my cameraman, but he didn’t get the notification until he arrived at home.. So it’s not that instantaneous.. In fact, today I’ve had an AirTag on me all day that isn’t mine and I’m still not in the wiser. Alright.

So it’s been a couple of hours since we left the backpack on the train., And so I’m curious where it is at the moment.. Oh it’s at the sky, train station.! Well, actually, the Canada line station nearby here Marine drive, which, incidentally, is the train station, where I left the backpack on the train.. Now I have been monitoring it through the day and it did make a couple of links up and down the line, but it made it back to its home. ( upbeat, music ). It says it’s here, but it could be, you think, there’s an office below or something We should be near it.. According to the last update, which was eight minutes ago, I can’t get a signal.. I can’t even get a U1 signal and I can’t get it to play a sound. ( upbeat music ), With the ultra wide band chip.

The range isn’t that great. I’ve seen maybe 10 meters max., Which is about 30 feet 100 feet 200 feet, make things a lot easier, but I’m not getting a signal. ( upbeat music ). According to the map, it’s on the tracks. ( upbeat music ). I don’t see anything. Disappointed., Disappointed.

Okay., So it’s the next day. And I thought I’d have to end the piece.. You know thinking that the bag is gone and lost forever and that we really pushed what the AirTag can do.. But actually I took the app this morning and it’s moved. It’s in the maintenance building for the train line., So there’s hope.

( phone ringing, ) [, Canada Line ]. I forwarded your message onto my manager. And I’m sure he’ll be in contact with you.. When the train loss property gets your backpack., You can pick it up from them at Stadium, station.

Okay.. Well, I appreciate all the help. ( upbeat music, ). Now, Jonathan, you said you called when you were coming here, because it could still be here, but it could still be in quarantine, right now.. Why don’t you give me a description? I can go back there and look for it.. It’S just a blue and red backpack..

It should have a little thing dangling on the front of it. Little thing: dingling, Don’t worry, Jonathan. I’ll go have a look. Thanks..

It must be not out of quarantine, Jonathan., Okay. So.. So here’s our number. Okay. Give us a call and it should be out tomorrow.

Morning. I’m hoping. Right.

Cause. You said you tracked it right, here., Right Yeah. I can it’s literally right here., It’s right, here.! I could probably beep it.. I could make it beep.

Really. I just want to see if I can hear it. ( beep ). It isn’t in quarantine.

Wonderful.. Thank you for doing that., (, laughs, ), Very yeah, they’re, so handy. We got it back., (, laughs, ). I never thought that would have happened. All right..

So I guess what we showed is that the lost and found system does. In fact, work which is nice to know, but if I didn’t have this I’d, have to use TransLink, broken web form or call them and try and describe what the bag looks like and hope. It just turns up.. But this just made things so much easier, And now I have it back. For me Initially, I thought the AirTags would just be ideally suited for my wallet because I do lose it in the house on occasion..

But I don’t know after this there’s something to be said about attaching ones to your bag or to another object, you value., Should you ever really lose it? It really goes to show just how handy that Find My network is. Thanks for tracking this Mac address and make sure to like and subscribe. Now, I’m sure you’re curious.

What’S in this bag., So let’s take a look.. We got an adorable little CPU pillow from the LTT store, as well as a water bottle, still in its box., A fashion wireless keyboard and a bunch of t-shirts that are too big.. Where is the mock? Turtleneck .