Mac users deserve a better keyboard

Mac users deserve a better keyboard

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Mac users deserve a better keyboard”.
Foreign, if you buy a Mac Studio or a Mac Mini you get nothing, no display no Magic Mouse and no keyboard as Steve Jobs. Put it it’s byodkm on one hand, it’s a little Annoying that your brand new computer isn’t usable out of the box. In the other, you, a Mac User, can now Venture beyond the magic keyboard and choose or make something much much better. What a dream! This should be easy meet, Nicholas plutfe he’s a writer from the orange Channel who loves keyboards.

I like how expressive they can be and how customizable they are. He loves keyboards. So much he’s the go-to guy for short circuit videos on the subject.

Mac users deserve a better keyboard

He loves keyboards so much. He set up a workstation in his home, devoted entirely to the making and modifying of them. Oh here it is it’s one of those things where you see a picture of something on someone’s desk and you’re like wow.

Mac users deserve a better keyboard

That looks really cool once you experience it and you feel the jump in quality that comes with a much nicer custom. Mechanical keyboard. It’S just like a rabbit hole. He loves keyboards. So much that’s what he streams about God watching.

That sounds like something. Second. Only to paint drying this is why he’s going to be helping me out in this journey to find the perfect keyboard, because there are a lot: hey you’re, the keyboard guy sure, and there are a couple of new Macs that don’t come with keyboards, that’s crazy! So I’m wondering if you can help show me the world of mechanical keyboards. What do you need on your keyboard? I want it to sound exactly like the keyboard from The Sims one.

That’S like really mechanical and funky, and it sounds like buckling spring like a model M or something like that. I don’t know if that’s possible. Okay, so where do we? How do we start keyboard from The Sims sounds like an Abomination? What do you mean? It doesn’t sound like an Abomination, yeah it does. It sounds amazing. No, I hate it, but the game was so good. Yeah.

The game was good. That doesn’t mean the keyboard sound as good. Oh, so, like these things, no don’t use. Those are there more? Yes, even Mac users are spoiled for Choice. Wait. What are you doing? I’M not done yet there’s a lot to consider if you’re looking to get into keyboards, the feel of a mechanical keyboard is largely driven by the switch you choose.

These are Browns. You don’t want these. What kind of switches do you like The Sim switches, We’re not gon na find those? I don’t like that Vulcan, I don’t like it. No there’s also a layout.

Mac users deserve a better keyboard

What about this layout, where they’re all aligned? That’S Ortho, linear, like Teeth the numb pads on the left side yeah. Why are there two space bars? Because if you want two spacebars, why not it’s just not Mac layout, but that’s kind of nifty looking and then there’s the endless variety of qualities like case material and color where’s, the white keyboards. This should be good right. No, this is full mechanical. Those feel like rubber Dome, the type of plate you want to use how it’s mounted.

I may put that on the bottom and even wait. That’S heavy. These are all things that help contribute to how the keyboard feels under your fingers. That’S it one of these drop boards, a drop board where’s the new fee. Well, he’s a mountain, a mountain yeah. This is a mountain. There you go and then we’ll do a tea kale, because maybe you like the tea kale, I picked the blues for you. Kale Blues because I like the clicky stuff, is that gon na sound like The Sims? No, what’s in that suitcase? Oh you want this, so you want the Cyber board. Okay, don’t drop this! It’S expensive, yeah, you’re, good, yeah cool! Where are we going? Oh my God? Ah, why is this lit up now before Nicholas, and I take a look through all of these.

Let me tell you about this: video’s sponsor War. Thunder! Yes, that’s right! War Thunder is a video game that has been offering solid gaming performance and graphical quality on Mac. Os since 2013. use your new mechanical keyboard to battle it out on over 100 major battlefields with more than 2 000 historically accurate aircraft, ships and tanks. All from the 20th century head to the link in the description below to start playing War Thunder for free today and you get a free premium vehicle just for signing up. This is the group of keyboards. Ploof has piled on me to take to the lab. It’S a diverse lot and as interesting as they look, I want to start off by getting his thoughts on Apple’s option to give ourselves something to compare to. Let’S start, oh with the magic keyboard, I think it’s 200. What 200 did you watch that episode of ncax? Oh yeah, the double hacking yeah, that’s not because Chiclet style, I hate the fingerprint reader stuff, it’s great, the clickiness of it for what it is, is actually pretty decent.

I think it’s perfectly fine being the keyboard person and considering all the keyboard options there are. Yes, would you suggest to a Mac User to skip this and go elsewhere? The only reason I would ever tell them to get this is if they want, like the ultimate importability take this out of here. I don’t want it out of my sight. I don’t want to look at it, you’re like so like nice about it, and now it’s fine, I’m just being elitist. This is the grand irony is that the PC people, particularly in keyboard circles, yeah, are elitist. So what I think most normal people are going to do is they’re going to go straight to their Logitech store and they’re going to get one of these yeah.

I don’t like Logitech keyboards for the most part, which is crazy, because I love Logitech mice and I love Logitech headsets as well. This is literally the MX for Mac Wow crazy. I should note that they just expanded the lineup of Mac, specific keyboards in mice, and it comes in a nice silver to go with your it’s, not space gray. I like the silver I like the silver and the like off-white.

I don’t like the typing experience, though. No, not at all it feels gross. It feels great what okay, what about the compared to the magic keyboard? I take the magic keyboard over this really yeah, thanks for those options, Jonathan, but I want to show you what a really nice keyboard looks sounds and feels like. So, how much is that one, this one’s about five or six hundred dollars, and this one’s also about five or six hundred dollars for this you’re, really paying a lot for the screen here and this one is kind of just pure quality.

This is, I know, I love it. That’S my favorite right now. It’S eight pounds.

8.2 yeah. This is a similar like what are these Ivory? No, those are ceramic those you buy separately. You buy the keycaps separately, I’ve ruined it with my driving hands, pretty nice keyboard. Still it doesn’t sound like The Sims, though no no, no, no, this is a linear keyboard like this is also linear. So these are all linear, so these are probably all linear yeah. So what is linear? Linear is a type of key switch.

There are three types: linear tactile and clicky. If you’re looking at Cherry switches, the linears are going to be red, the Browns are going to be tactile and the blues are going to be clicky and this kind of works for other brands as well. The linear ones.

You can press down on the key and it moves smoothly to the end, they’re also good for typing I like typing on linear. Sometimes it’s good for people who don’t want anything getting in the way of their kills. I guess what could be getting in the way of their kills feel. There’S no bump to worry about with a tactile switch, there’s a detent that you can feel as you type. So. What does this mean for my Sims keyboard, like the closest thing we’re going to get is either a clicky or a very heavy tactile is my guess. The other ones are probably going to play better with your Mac, because they’re like specifically made to work with Apple products. So do you think I should just make my own keyboard? Well, let me tell you these days: it’s only intimidating because a lot of people fear taking apart or putting together small electronics, but since you’re putting it together yourself, you’ll know all the ins and outs of how it works and what’s inside of it, it’s just a Few extra screws, and maybe a ribbon cable or two – unless you want to go to the trouble of lubing switches, it should only take an hour or two to put together your own mechanical keyboard, easy peasy.

This one has Blue switches, so you might actually like it because it’s got clickies. Oh, this is a Mac layout, that’s great and they probably have a little switch on the side somewhere that lets you like turn it from Windows to Mac yeah. There you go so I mean you know: you have options whoa. What’S with all the colors, you get that sweet, sweet RGB! Oh, my goodness, can I change the color. If it’s not a function, then you can find software that’ll. Let you change the color. Is this linear? This is tactile, but it’s brown they’re annoying, because the bump is incredibly minor. It feels like it’s.

It feels like it’s broken, it’s linear! No! No! It’S not broken! It’S just a cherry Brown. I think I can safely say that I do not like brown switches. This is probably closest to your magic keyboard yeah, but it like has a cookie switch. It’S not the Sims one, the new fee, one of my favorites, the backlight on this just lights around the keys. It doesn’t actually tell me where the keys are yeah, so these are not double shot, so you can’t see through them, but it is nice to see this Mac layer and the colors are fun a bit. Google, though here’s the thing, okay Apple users, have a bit of history of good keyboards. There’S one keyboard. I want to show you there’s actually two keepers, there’s one keyword.

I want to start off with. Excuse me, you’re gon na be so amazed. You’Re gon na be like this is the best keyboard.

I’Ve ever tried foreign foreign. This is Apple’s equivalent of the IBM extended. How is it acceptable, extended keyboard too this keyboard uses the famed Alps switches feels gross.

I genuinely hate this. I would never type on this. In my life you like this, maybe you should just buy a memory keyboard also, why are the home row keys on my middle fingers? That’S gross these Alps keys are legendary in the Apple circles and that’s cool. I don’t like them yeah. The bump is so mushy and I don’t like the recessed caps lock. Why is this? So? Oh, it just sticks.

That’S old! That’S fine! That’S what they used to be like. Don’T you remember using these as a kid like I do remember using these, because I grew up using like apple twos and stuff because my school was broke, so you can’t get this keyboard anymore, okay, but there is a Canadian keyboard manufacturer that manufactures or else key Switches, maybe I like Alp switches that aren’t 30 years old, maybe they’re just old, maybe if they’re fresh they’re, not this mushy mati. This is a small outfit based in Canada. They have worked to keep the spirit of the Apple extended keyboard alive.

For instance, when the ELP switch was at risk of going out of production. They bought a million in switches to keep their keyboards alive and when production eventually did end, they loved the feel of the Alps switch so much that they design and manufacture their own. This is the Matthias tactile Pro wow and then the laptop Pro, which has the quiet click key switch. What makes it a laptop Pro? It’S small, it’s wireless, oh it’s wireless, and does it use lightning? No, no.

It uses micro b. What oh, my God! They told me it’s based off of simple Alps. I like these a lot more than I like these, because these are snappier and they don’t feel as mushy on the very bottom out. This is pretty close to the Sims.

Oh, my God, [ Applause ]. It is it’s like exactly the same. It’S all a lot in the space bar you get that Chunk in the space bar.

I am so amazed. I found it. I can’t believe it, but do you want to type on this all day? Yes, I have a choice. That’S the beauty. I always wanted to be a Sim. It really did this threshing it’ll whip out of snow yeah.

That’S pretty good! It’S silica for the Mac User, like what do you think is the best keyboard for them. So there’s no perfect answer everyone’s gon na have different needs. So really this is the sky’s the limit. It’S sky’s, the limit. It’S a giant rabbit hole that you can just Dive Right into and get lost completely.

The mechanical keyboard world is full of a dizzying array of choice. It can be quite overwhelming, but also very personal. It’S nice to be able to choose for yourself and if you know what you want, you can find the perfect one like this. I can’t believe it sounds like the Sims thanks for typing out this Mac address, if you like. The sound of this keyboard give this video a like, and if you would rebel against the magic keyboard and get any of the Alternatives you might as well subscribe now. In the comments I’m curious, what keyboard would you choose or is there one you really like that we didn’t try out pop it down below .