Sony QX10 and QX100 smartphone lenses hands-on

Sony QX10 and QX100 smartphone lenses hands-on

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Sony QX10 and QX100 smartphone lenses hands-on”.
Well, hey guys, this is David with The Verge and we’re looking at Sony’s, two new lens cameras, the QX 100 and the QX 10. So here on my iPhone 5, I just paired this minute ago. I have connected the QX 100. This is the bigger of the two models: it’s $ 499 and it’s as you can see, kind of big. In fact, the whole camera is inside this lens itself.

There’S a zoom button and a shutter button on the side. There’S a sensor in here everything you don’t actually need to connect it to your phone. All that this is is just a detachable mount that you can attach to almost any phone. It’S really easy to snap on and it’s totally irrelevant to the actual mechanism of shooting it.

Sony QX10 and QX100 smartphone lenses hands-on

It uses Wi-Fi to connect between the two and let your phone act just as a viewfinder. This is Sony’s PlayMemories app, which is not my favorite camera app. But it’s fine and you can just take pictures and it’s a little slow, there’s a little lag and it pulls a smaller version of the picture from your camera or from the lens to your phone, and you can share a picture as soon as you take it Or you can just go back and keep shooting pictures, it stores the full res images on the lens itself or you can set it to bring them over, but that’ll take a while because they’re, obviously just bigger files. So the one of the biggest things about this is obviously other than just a bigger sensor.

Sony QX10 and QX100 smartphone lenses hands-on

You get actual honest-to-god optical zoom, which is nice. You get 10x on the smaller qx10 and this because it has a bigger sensor. You only get 3.6, but the pictures here also look a lot better and you get some real camera features. It’S basically like having an rx100 just strapped to the back of your phone, which is pretty cool again.

Sony QX10 and QX100 smartphone lenses hands-on

The Wi-Fi is a little slow and laggy. I think it’ll get better our connections not great here, and you have to use this app to take all the pictures you want, but for the most part, it’s a pretty solid option for using your phone and still having a pretty good camera. It’S big and clunky and $ 500 here, but that’s pretty much what you get so that’s the QX 100 and the QX 10, which works just exactly the same. Is this guy it’s much smaller, obviously, and has much more digital zoom.

It’S also 250 dollars. Instead of $ 4.99, but it’s a much smaller sensor, it’s like a cyber shot from Sony instead of the rx100, which takes incredible pictures. So those are the 2 new lens cameras. They work for just about any phone.

They work pretty well so far. It’S kind of a weird idea that I wasn’t sure was ever gon na work, but it seems to work pretty well and the pictures we’ve taken so far looked really great. So that’s the QX 100 and the Q 10.

The lens cameras from Sony .