Death Dealer: James Arthur Ray’s ‘self-help’ killed three people. Now he’s back.

Death Dealer: James Arthur Ray's 'self-help' killed three people. Now he's back.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Death Dealer: James Arthur Ray’s ‘self-help’ killed three people. Now he’s back.”.
Where is your emergency? Do you ever notice two people breathing, yes, Arizona Resort, has become a crime scene. After two people died inside a crudely, constructed, sweat lodge and several more were sickened. Dozens had flocked to the Angel Valley retreat center for a spiritual event that promised to absolutely change your life. James Shaw reveal walking and Kirby Brown of New York died after participating in a cleansing ceremony inside this crudely build hut, the cause of death for the third person who died after attending the October ceremony was multi-system organ failure. The event was hosted by self hell. Thanks were James, ray and investigators are looking into whether criminal negligence played a role in the deaths. Ray has refused to speak with authorities and has left the state. The way I would describe Kirby always to people was that she was drunk on life that she loved life. She was always willing to meet and be open to accept somebody as they were.

She and her friends were enamored of the secret and they were also big followers of Oprah. It is the secret to creating the life. You truly want make more money, lose weight, fall in love, land, your dream job. My guests today believe that, once you discover the secret that you can immediately start creating the life you want, so when Oprah had James Ray on her show, I think Kirby felt very comfortable that this guy was had a lot to offer and a lot to say And a lot to teach your thoughts, your feelings and your actions all have to be firing and simultaneously in the same direction.

If you look at anybody who’s, not achieving what they desire and deserve in their life, you’ll notice that one of those three is missing. There may be thinking about your feelings reaction, that’s three for three! She went to the promo in October of 2008 in the Baja and at that promotional talk, she could sign up for the two-day seminar and get a two-for-one deal and she invited me to go with her on her free ticket. Some of you think wealth means money and I’ll guarantee you this.

Death Dealer: James Arthur Ray's 'self-help' killed three people. Now he's back.

You might go after the money get rich, it doesn’t mean you’ll be wealthy. There was a lot that was talked about that I thought was actually very helpful. I was impressed by Ray’s charismatic abilities and how he presented on the stage.

Death Dealer: James Arthur Ray's 'self-help' killed three people. Now he's back.

It was very uncharacteristic of me to write out a check right then, and there for George to attend harmonic wealth, San Diego, and it was at that event that Kirby signed up to go to Sedona a group of participants traveled to Sedona Arizona in October 2009 to Attend a spiritual retreat, James Ray had promised people that the event would be great and that they would have an altered state. What his program was designed to do was basically to break people down. They were told not to sleep.

Death Dealer: James Arthur Ray's 'self-help' killed three people. Now he's back.

They had to talk about very traumatic things in their past in a group setting and at the end of the week James Ray ran a sweat lodge James Ray explained to the participants that they were going to do a sweat lodge and that his sweat lodge was Hotter than any other that they needed to stay in the whole time, things of that nature, typically, a sweat lodge is of the size, 4, 10, 12, 15 people and typically they do four rounds, and in each round people can go out. The door opens and James did more rounds than four. I didn’t know exactly how many, but as it turns out, he did seven rounds and in 2009 he did actually eight rounds because he miscounted one.

So he did an extra one. James Ray’s version of the sweat lodge was a heat endurance test. It wasn’t a sweat lodge a typical, sweat lodge. Is they go in and they relax? And it’s not it’s not that difficult in James ray, sweat lodge.

They were told to stay in there as long as possible and as people were leaving James Ray, would try and encourage them to stay in during the ceremony. Several people came out and they were definitely not feeling well, one of our staff was there and she’s and she was extremely upset. She said, there’s people that said that some people passed out – and I heard him say we’ll look we’ll see through that after this round, people are starting to realize something’s, not right here. There’S people sick James, ray kind of disregarded that people were in distress. People started coming out and – and this took about 15 minutes for everybody to file out of the sweat lodge the woman who was fired, the fire keepers team.

She went back in to see to see whether every he was out and was not. There were three people still in there and they were unconscious. I just knew I just knew the it was so late.

The next thing we heard was someone knocking on the door and about 8 o’clock in the morning on Friday morning, on Friday, more knocked over 9th to ask: did we know her state trooper asking us? If we knew Kirby brown, then he he told us that she had passed at a certain point. We knew what happened in the sweat lodge. There’S no question from talking to everybody involved. We know exactly what happened in the sweat lodge it got too hot and James ray encouraged people to stay inside, even though they were wanting to leave.

But we didn’t know if that’s a crime when we began hearing his lack of attention to their need for help. I was like this man murdered these people. We did some research to look into James Ray’s credentials. Where did he learn how to do a sweat lodge, and we didn’t find anything that that showed us where James really learned how to do these different events? I’Ve had blessed opportunity to study with many indigenous traditions and in the Andes, Mountains and the jungles of the Amazon and and if the principle is all the same, he claimed to have had extensive training to do a sweat lodge, not true. He claimed to be trained in holotropic breathing by Groth, not true everything he did that week that he claimed to have training in and experience and knowledge was untrue. Nearly four months after his controversial sweat lodge ceremony, self-help guru, James Arthur Ray, has been arrested on three counts of manslaughter and Arizona jury heard opening arguments Tuesday in the trial of a self-help guru who swept lodged ceremony in 2009, turned deadly for three of the participants. A self-help author is now headed for jail tonight, and it comes after a lot of backlash in court over his deadly Sedona, sweat lodge ceremony. The judge is a notoriously light sentencer and instead of giving him three counts consecutively, he let them run concurrent, so he he could have been given six years, but he was given two we’re here today, because Kirby isn’t James Ray is expected to get out of prison.

Today, after her death in the following months, it took us a number of discussions to get a little bit clearer about exactly what we wanted to do and what kind of action we wanted to take. There’S a lot of people in this industry that, like James Ray, operate, unethically and unsafely, and we wanted to try to figure out some way to change that. So we’ve put together the seek safely promise, which is really both for the providers of self-help and also for their consumers to understand that this is what they’re entitled to, and this is what they deserve and we were asking the providers of self-help to sign on to Just some very basic values as someone who’s going to an event, this is what you’re entitled to this is like your Bill of Rights. These are your rights and, and you you need to ask for this – this industry has to change. It has to become infused with ethical standards and accountability. Large group awareness training is an unregulated in industry. It has been for a long time.

There are a number of companies that sell this training. They have a history of problems. There is not a month that goes by that. I don’t receive complaints about these weekend, retreats that break people down to make them over again and change them. Anyone can be hurt by them and there doesn’t seem to be any real responsibility or accountability.

So I think, though, legislation may be a real difficult thing to accomplish due diligence is something that can be done and should be done before entering into any program, and people should realize that these large group awareness training programs, even though they see Oprah pitching them. They are controversial and they have a history of problems. Many times in my work, people will say to me: you know what kind of person gets involved in this stuff as if there’s a particular type of person that has a stamp on their forehead. That says this person is vulnerable if you think that you’re, somehow invulnerable think again, all the people that we talked to that associate with James Ray Awards seem like regular normal people, and I didn’t see that coming.

I thought that this was going to be some kind of cult, but no, these are just regular people. That’S what makes James Ray so good and then also so dangerous is because these aren’t mental midgets that he’s targeting these are mainstream. Doctors, lawyers, normal people that become followers we’re taking a big step here this morning, because as parents we find this tremendously hard James Ray gets out of prison. Today he is now free. We want to make sure that seekers are free to seek safely we’re going to issue him the promise we hope he’ll sign it.

We hope he’ll follow it. We hope that he will not hurt anyone else in the future. I have no intentions whatsoever of of certainly ever doing another sweat lodge and you do any kind of self-help.

I don’t know you know piers, oh hey, you could be in an even better position now to help people who’ve been through a nightmarish experience. I I hope so you know he he put himself out there as being omnipotent, but in the face of crisis he was impotent. He was unable to act. He did nothing to help the people that had placed their trust in him.

He did nothing to help them and then he walked away. He abandoned all of them. She gave him everything she had everything there was hardly anything left in her bank account all of her money, all of her trust and ultimately her life. He took it all you, you .