Hands-on with Amazon’s new Fire HD tablets

Hands-on with Amazon’s new Fire HD tablets

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Hands-on with Amazon’s new Fire HD tablets”.
It’S been said that Amazon is scaling back its efforts and its consumer hardware division, but based on today’s product releases, we’re seeing it’s clear, they’re, still putting some effort behind low-cost tablets, we’re looking at four new tablets. First, there’s the new Fire HD 8 inch, a Fire HD 10 inch, a very inexpensive 7 inch tablet and another tablet: that’s designed for kids. Let’S look at the new fire HDS. First, they have a new industrial design. Some people may like the colors that they come in, but I can say that this plastic bag feels a little cheap right off.

Hands-on with Amazon’s new Fire HD tablets

The bat they’re super thin they’re, 7.7 millimeters, thin and Amazon is calling this its lightest tablet. Ever one interesting note about these tablets. Is they have a 16 by 10 aspect ratio we’ve seen more and more tablet makers go to a four by three aspect: ratio, because four by three is better for more everyday stuff, like reading 16 by 10 is generally better for a cinematic experience. You can see that Amazon is really pushing its prime video here. It has a 1.5 gigahertz quad-core processor.

Hands-on with Amazon’s new Fire HD tablets

The 8 inch starts with 8 gigabytes of internal storage. The 10 inch with 16 gigabytes of internal storage both have a microSD slot to expand. Both tablets are running on the latest version of iOS. It’S fire OS, 5 and they’re, starting out with Android lollipop. The new 10 inch Fire HD tablet costs 230 dollars. The 8 inch costs a hundred and fifty dollars. That is indeed a low cost tablet, but Amazon is going even lower than that. It’S also putting out a new seven-inch tablet. That’S going to cost just fifty dollars.

Hands-on with Amazon’s new Fire HD tablets

This one doesn’t have quite as nice of a display, it’s a 1024 by 600 display. It does have IPs, it starts with 8 gigabytes of storage and has the same microSD slot for expandable storage. It has a 1.3 gigahertz processor, 1 gigabyte of RAM and once again is running on the latest version of iOS, which is fire OS 5. The craziest thing is that Amazon thinks that this is going to be your next great party favor. Instead of showing up with a six-pack of beer, maybe you’ll show up with a 6-pack of tablets because they’re actually bundling them as a six-pack, and if you buy five, you get the six one for free. So once again, these are not your top-of-the-line best tablets ever based on the specs and base to build a little bit, but amazon thinks that it has struck a chord with more of a low-cost approach to tablets and that’s clearly what we’re seeing here today.
