Walt Mossberg reviews the iPhone 6S

Walt Mossberg reviews the iPhone 6S

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Walt Mossberg reviews the iPhone 6S”.
This is Walt Mossberg. He’S kind of a big deal he’s been reviewing consumer tech products for 24 years. You know how there are tech reviews on the internet meant for actual humans yeah. He basically invented that, and now he’s here with us at the verge, reviewing the iPhone 6s. It is this fast.

I got ta tell you hi. This is what Mossberg columnist for The Verge and this week, I want to tell you about the best version of the best smartphone on the market: new iPhone 6s. The principal new feature in this phone is that they have built the screen in such a way that it now recognizes the pressure of your touch. It actually can figure out that you’re pressing and how hard you’re pressing and it can do different things. For instance, we ran a list of emails here.

If I press hard enough, you can see that I get a peek at the email. I press a little harder. The whole email opens and that Apple calls that a pop point is: I can quickly, go and get a better sense of my email without the tedium of opening. It then going back to the list and then going to the next one and so forth, while the iPhone was already, I think the best smartphone camera around they’ve actually improved the camera significantly. This time they’ve gone from 8 megapixels to 12 megapixels and that by itself doesn’t always mean you get better pictures, but they’ve taken some steps in the sensor and the optics to give you better pictures pictures on this unbelievable. The front camera is going to 5 megapixels. You see you get better. Selfies 4 videos get an even better feature, which is you get 4k video and you can see the difference. They also have a new kind of still photo alive photos. The phone takes one-and-a-half seconds of video on either side of the still picture and the picture actually moves and you can even get sound overall. The phone is significantly faster without sacrificing battery life. It had about the same battery life as the phone last year, but there must be some downsides to it and there are a couple number one budget.

You don’t have 650 bucks for the base model of this. You don’t buy it. The carriers and now Apple itself.

Walt Mossberg reviews the iPhone 6S

Will sell you this on an installment plan with no interest, but it is a $ 650 thing and that’s just for starters. Secondly, memory. It’S time Apple to not make your base model have only 16 gigabytes of storage. It should be at least 32 gigabytes and it shouldn’t cost more for the base model than it does now, but all in all, I don’t have any big complaints about this, and I think this is a terrific .