Talking cars at CES 2016 (in a Ferrari)

Talking cars at CES 2016 (in a Ferrari)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Talking cars at CES 2016 (in a Ferrari)”.
You look good hair is especially i’m a i’m feeling suave, but i think it’s the ferrari now with white hold on. I think it’s the fryer at myself, hey! This is chris from the verge. I’M here sitting the passenger seat to my pilot during Golson transportation reporter at The Verge yes and good to be here day: 7, no dey, 33 yeah of CES 2016, but we’re finishing it off on a high note, yes area for already California, tea with a price Of this model is 275 thousand dollars. Turner said Odin with a balance.

This particular one is brand new 345 miles. That’S like I mean if this car came from LA which is like it did somehow driving it. I have to drive in la tinh, not LA. I have to drive in vegas traffic yeah is less than fun last. What no, I think, we’ll be alright today. Normally we have to go anywhere, I’m so sorry, you have to drive a ferrari in vegas ground. I know it’s been rough.

I mean Mary, it’s not that bad could be worse. Basically in Vegas. That’S what you do you cruise! The strip Miami you cruise miami beach yeah here you cruise the strip so strep we’re really what else is there to do in Vegas, besides gamble and cruise the strip? So let’s talk about the highs and lows of the show: yes long had a boat. A lot of both and as we keep saying over and over again, this really is becoming an automotive show right, yes, car cars, electronics show car, and that was, I don’t think.

It’S been more true than this year crux yeah and of course it always revolves around three themes: there’s connected car, there’s, autonomous driving and there’s electrification, and we hit on all three of those. So we get here, faraday future hyped event. This is the mysterious car company. We didn’t know where they were getting their money.

Talking cars at CES 2016 (in a Ferrari)

Now we do now we do. That was the only news, so they brought us to this event that was remote from the rest of CES. Yes long way to unveil this car. That is nothing really i mean it’s. It’S a design exercises design it’s like. Could we put it’s like when a kid goes to automotive design school? They have a senior project, yes and that’s their senior project yep and apparently, when you are a world-famous designer after making gorgeous supercars, you continue making senior projects. The money is real, the car as far as we know, if not, is no well well, that from 01 is it anyway yeah. Maybe they have a real car somewhere yeah, so that happened and then the next day for had some announcements right. Yes, if Ford had their press conference in the morning right 730am prank you forward.

We appreciate that guys and they they announced they are tripling the size of their autonomous research fleet this year from 10 to 30 cars yeah. They claim it’ll make them the largest they’ll. Have the largest autonomous research fleet of any automaker? Yes, an automaker right, they never specifically said automaker, because Google has a few more cars than that.

I think people as 50 yeah, something like that between california and n texas right. Oh man out support for carplay and android, auto yeah, i’m lee and that’s good, took it well considering the history of Ford’s infotainment system. It was about time yeah via the Microsoft Sync was not the best effort. Yeah the puddle filled road to yes way and Android Ottawa, but we have moved on. We’Ve moved on, we’ve moved on to other, bigger and better, and now we’ve got car place. Ok, let’s go really go to that. You wrote about this they’re, adding or they’re experimenting with Amazon echo. Yes, they have ideas for the future of connected cars.

Talking cars at CES 2016 (in a Ferrari)

Yes, and they said they had things that they were working on, but they weren’t ready to release yet, and one of those was was connecting to amazon echo, and so you could do things like in your house. Tell your amazon echo to start your car. So if you want to get it warmed up in the wintertime right or tell me the range of my car, which is important for electric cars, you know how much charge does it have Ford did not announce something that was rumored forward and out did not announce. Yes, Ford did not announce that they would be building cars with Google, which had been heavily rumored and supposedly well sourced, and oh, my goodness this is coming. This is going to be the big news of CES Google and for going to build cars together and nothing not a word. Sofort happened, and then GM was the next day.

Talking cars at CES 2016 (in a Ferrari)

Yes, GM blew it out here, yeah star of the show yeah. That will the crazy thing about that is that we knew it was coming. We knew it was coming. We knew what they were going to launch.

We knew what they were gon na launch, so GM showed the sheva the production version of the chevy volt, which debuted as a gas car at the detroit auto show laughs here. Yes, so, nine months later, ten months later, whatever yeah load actually close to 12. At what it’s like to be one week, that’s true! Yes, so they they showed the production version of the bowl, which is, let me give you a rundown of the basics.

It’S a it’s! A small EV with a promise 200 plus mile range for around thirty thousand dollars after tax rates, yes federal tax for a federal tax breaks, your state may have more, your state may have more fun around 30 grams and the reason that’s a big deal is because The only high range, the eds that come within an approximate range of a gas car are really expensive. Yes and there’s really one. That’S there’s Tesla. So, yes, your car is lovely and yeah. So weird, it’s going to be very difficult to record a show. So people rubbing we’re the annoying guy in Fast and Furious. We are the annoying guy and Ferrari yeah, only we’re not going to race them because we have better gets the strip and where? Why are you gon na? Go I’m gon na get to the red light faster than you yeah now yeah in a drag racing on the strip going going full tokyo drift on the strip right now would be explored now for am baby for a maybe now now we’ll bring it back out. Uh anyway, so the bolt yes new is coming, we knew it was coming. I had a chance to drive it briefly on before before before was announced because you’re a baller, because i’m a baller yeah, that’s correct and you drove it and what did you think? I drove it and the way I put it in my article – and I believe this to be true – is that it is very unremarkable.

It doesn’t stand out in any way. It’S just and that’s it other than seeming like a solid car. It’S a solid car. It’S a practical car and that’s what the EV industry needs right now is a car that can say hey.

We can be your primary car like this is a livable. Yet, to make a comparison, it’s it’s like corolla s and it’s boringness yeah, which is fine, because Toyota selves a boatload of Corollas right and they’re a great car. And so that’s pretty high praise. I think right and we’ll see if it arrives as as prey as claimed.

That’S right, but I think I think they’re doing pretty good. I drove it as well, and I agree it’s. You know it’s. It’S perfectly adequate perfectly that’s a good weekend, and you know if it goes 200 miles for a lot of people.

That’S going to be way better than 85 miles. You get in the leaf. I thinkI think yeah any of the Denny of those cars and fine and the infotainment system is is unique to the bowl.

Yes, it’s made by LG they’re, very proud of it on behalf of GM, and I think it’s really good. I think it’s better than any entertainment system GM’s ever made. That’S not saying a lot, but it’s pretty good and it supports car cleaning. I found the classic rock road trip: playlist, oh, no! No, no! So dr. GM! I think we have BMW Toby.

Also, i’ve had a busy CES BMW had a busy CES, BMW really like CES. They they’ve been coming out here for years. They’D run some wacky stuff. Here they did the self drifting car a couple years ago.

I’M so disappointed that I missed that. Oh, it was so much fun they last year they did the self-parking i3 and the collision avoidance. I three and then this year you had a chance to demo it yeah. They had what they called the eyes vision, future interaction concept, which is an i8 spyder yeah. It’S hard that doesn’t exist by the way you can’t buy one. They took a nice fighter and and did a bunch of producing stuff in there.

Yes, they did so it. The last couple years of CES and really of car shows in general have been car companies. Talking about how autonomous cars are going to be here real soon now, and it seems that this is actually true now, and so what car companies are doing is thinking about rather than the technology to make the car drive itself. It’S now focused on the driver. What you’re going to do while the car is ferrying you down the highway right? Okay, so as the thing called air touch, which is sort of like a, how would I just it’s an iPad, but instead of touching the screen, you just sort of wave your hand around, like you are touching an ipad 4 10 there’s an iPad and you can Swipe swipe back and forth, you can sort of move up and down and then there’s a button on the steering wheel that you press to make selections. So it’s their vision for what you might do and it’s a concept they may or may not make it.

But it’s pretty neat and it’s nice to see them thinking outside the box and what I’m most excited about about. The this feature is that it means that autonomous cars really are close, and so did the system feel like natural to you. Is it easy to use yeah so there were, there were two ways to use it: one. There was a line of cameras, tiny tiny cameras running around the edge of the dash, and you could wave your hand in front of it and they would see you and you could do that or down in the center console, where the eye dr, would be on A standard BMW, you could wave your hand magically over the leather armrest and there were sensors in it and it would notice that your hand was moving around and you could swipe back and forth with that and I suspect that’s the one that will make it to The production car when the air touch it’s cool, but it’s a little gimmicky and I’m not a huge fan of holding your hand up in the air and doing things right.

But if you keep it down there and use it, that’s a little bit more natural and probably where they’re going to end up, and I should point out that last year, BMW also previewed the gesture control system that ended up in the seventh series that they launched Later in 2015 – yes, so later this year, I believe we’re supposed to be getting a new five series – 5 series. So maybe you see something like that. Yeah, I think, coming together definitely got a little loose there. How to do that at least once it is in in sport mode, which I’m sure has some great name in Italian, and then it’s somewhere around that point in the week it all became a blur.

Yes, because we were getting for know, you know we have what we still have is Vito. Oh vida, we got v-dub, we didn’t talk about v-dub. We got me dub with the hoodie yeah. Will you Chris? Will you be my buddy? Oh, I see your buddy know what won’t be my buddy.

I’M sorry is the buddy its. I like the look, but it’s a little too kia soul for me, oh and the interior, the interior ulta money. I understand it’s a concept yeah, but doesn’t it doesn’t? Do it there kind of is no interior. It’S like it’s very concept. They’Ve got a big screen thing which okay, fine, I’m sure. That’S the future big screens and cars, as Tesla has proven yeah, big screens and cars of the future, but he I don’t know I don’t know about that car. They sure made a big deal out of it.

They made a very big deal out of it and you know what and the press responded the presser, so you know it had cool stuff. From my vantage point, when i was doing our v-dub live blog, I can see the front of the car which has LED lights on it and they made it. Look like a slot machine yeah, which was pretty cool yeah. That’S definitely a feature that should never come to a production vehicle. Definitely not a Department of Transportation recruit.

No, I don’t think so and definitely completely distracting. Yeah is cool as a concept. It was great yep but uh yeah, don’t so the back right, buddy’s cool. Let’S talk background about yeah it, it was teased before CES as being a new electric long-range concept for Volkswagen. Yes, there were rumors flying that it was a microbus throwback and indeed it is time ever it’s inspired by inspired by the microbus, and I would argue that it likee – I you know, I’m not a MicroBot bus like fanatic personally, so I can’t speak to it that Much but I just think a lot of microphones, five from it. No it’s it’s the microbus, the whole point of microphones. You could live in yeah. You could pop the top and camp and have your grill and have your you know: hippie girls in bikinis hanging out by the beach or the lake or wherever, and this one doesn’t have that this is a as they call it. The social car, if which is basically sexy, yeah, it’s your buddy. It’S basically an excuse to use some buzz words right, so i don’t know i don’t i’m not sure what they were doing there, but that’s! Okay! Thanks for watching that’s been our CES. 2016, wrap up live from the Ferrari California T on the Las Vegas Strip, I’m talking also i’m chris sigler and to get more on CES visit the burg com or subscribe to us for more awesome. Videos like this at slash the life of TV. This is basically what the jeremy clarkson deals with all day. I can see why he punched his user. I wouldn’t punch any of those guys except max they’re kicking some thick .